Status: Ongoing


He says you're pretty

Gwen hauled Francesca into Mellon Arena after many complaints from the brunette. This was not how Francesca wanted to spend her Monday night. No, she wanted to spend it studying and finishing all her homework, not watching a bunch of men beat each other up. And especially brothers.

"Tell me why again am I here?" Francesca asked as she followed Gwen inside like a lost puppy.

Gwen sighed and let got of her best friend's wrist. "We're here to support the boys," she replied and fixed her Tyler Kennedy jersey. "Besides, Jordan asked you to come," she continued. "I'm sure he wants you to meet Marc. He is such a babe," Gwen gushed.

Groaning, Francesca slapped her forehead. "Great, another Jordan."

Gwen laughed as they made there way to the seats beside the Penguin's bench. "Na, Marc's a sweetheart. I've met the Staals and Marc's by far my favourite. Nothing like, a womanizing Jordan," she informed Francesca.

Francesca just nodded her head sceptically, not really wanting to argue with Gwen. She fished for her book in her bag and smiled satisfyingly when she pulled it out. Francesca figured she might as well finish her book for her English Lit class while they waited for the game to start.

Being dragged and forced to wear Jordan's jersey, was not Francesca's idea of fun. In fact, it was not fun at all knowing that the jersey she wore was Jordan's game worn one. It made her wonder what Jordan was trying to pull. It's not like they were dating or anything, sure in Ryan's eyes but everyone else knew they weren't.

Unnerved by Jordan's sudden display of affection for Francesca, it only gave Gwen more ammo and drive to set them up. She'd been desperate to help Francesca get over Ryan; she had spent most of her free time thinking of ways for Jordan and Francesca to get together.

Looking around, she noticed many teenaged girls, not much younger than she was probably some even older, donning Jordan Staal jerseys. The realization suddenly hit her that she was pretending to date a famous hockey player that was the fantasy of many teen girls. She was starting to wonder what he was really doing with her.

Jordan could have any girl that he wanted, hell he acted like he could have any girl. She was aware that he often used his fame in Pittsburgh and the hockey community to get any girl he wanted. She knew that, so know she was left wondering what the hell she had gotten herself into.

"Are you seriously going to read? Do you know how lucky you are sitting this close to the ice? People would kill to be sitting here," Gwen scolded Francesca and took the book from her.

"… I'm sorry… do you want me to move?" she asked completely confused. Francesca had never really gotten a feel of how intense hockey was to its fans as she was only a football fan.

Shaking her head, Gwen just sighed and handed Francesca back her book. "You are such a nerd," she commented and stood up when the anthem went on.


Jordan Staal smiled happily in the locker room as he got changed and waited for Francesca and Gwen to enter. The game had gone the way he wanted, winning against the Rangers and his brother and contributing to that with an assist and a goal. He was satisfied with his game; of course he was more ostentatious with his game once he learned that, from Gwen, that it was Francesca's first game.

When he first heard that going to his game would be the first time Francesca has ever seen a game live he couldn't believe it. Especially the way Gwen describes her family as a football crazy family, going to the Super Bowl every single year. She said that Francesca always stayed behind whenever they went to games and that, even though a fan, she always chose to stay at home.

He was determined to introduce her to the wonderful game of hockey, but was quickly disappointed because whenever he looked to their seats she was busy reading her book. He began to wonder if she even followed the game or looked up even once from her book.

Sighing, Jordan took off his armour and took out his phone to text Marc. They planned on meeting after the game and just catch up. He also planned on introducing Francesca as his girlfriend so that his family could get off his back for being such a womanizer.

"Jordan, are you okay?" he heard someone ask him and put a hand on his arm.

Turning around, he saw Adrienne, Kris' girlfriend, look at Jordan worriedly. He nodded his head and smiled at her.

"Are you sure? You look a little down, especially after just winning," she commented, her French accent seeping through every single word she uttered. Her smile never faltered.

Jordan nodded again. "I'm fine. Just some girl troubles," he muttered a confession, making sure that she was the only one that heard him.

Adrienne let out a light laugh. "You're so cute. If you need any advice, I'm here," she reassured him and gave him a hug.

Adrienne was a great girl. She was quiet but when she had something to say it was meaningful and sincere. Everyone on the team loved Adrienne and was always going to her whenever they had problems with girls. In a way she filled the motherly void that the team needed.

He nodded and returned her hug. "Give my love to Lucas," he muttered and thought about her son, Lucas.

She nodded and made her way to Kris' stall. He watched her and then turned his eyes to the entrance of the locker room where Gwen and Francesca entered. Gwen had a smile on her face while Francesca entered the room timidly.

"Frankie!" Jordan said loudly, making the rest of the team look at him as he made his way over to the girls.

Gwen frowned. "What, no love for me? I see how it is Jordan Staal," she said and walked passed him to Tyler's stall.

Jordan tilted his head and wondered what he had done to piss off the blonde and Francesca just chuckled at her best friend.

"She's just on her period," she explained. "Great game, I saw you score," she congratulated him.

Jordan's smile widened upon hearing that Francesca saw him score a goal. A sense of pride sprung into his chest.

"Alright, stop hogging Frankie," Max said, who was walking around shirtless, and wrapped his arms around Francesca's shoulders, making Francesca blush. "Frankie, you should meet Vero and Adrienne!" he said loudly and moved her to where two pretty girls were conversing quietly in Frnech. Max didn't bother to say anything else to Jordan and just led Francesca away from him.

They both looked up when they noticed Max and smiled warmly at Francesca. Francesca grew nervous; she really had no reason to be here. She wasn't anyone on the team's girlfriend or wife; she was just Gwen's friend.

"Ladies, I want you to meet Frankie. She's Gwen's extremely smart friend. Jordy has a crush on her," he joked making Francesca blush.

The two girls laughed and said there hellos to Francesca. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Vero, Marc's girlfriend," the brunette said and stood up and hugged Francesca.

"I'm Adrienne," the girl with dirty blonde hair said and hugged Francesca as well. "Kris told me about you. He said something about a phone and a zoo."

Francesca blushed a deeper shade of red, instantly knowing what Adrienne was talking about. Gwen had informed her that Max had been showing the pictures of her and Jordan kissing all around the locker room earlier. He had also been relentlessly poking jabs at Jordan for it.

Chuckling, Max pulled out his cell phone. "Yeah, Sid, Gwen and I were playing spy in the zoo and look what we caught!" he said happily and took his arm off of Francesca to show Vero and Adrienne the pictures he took on his cell phone.

Adrienne just laughed and shook her head, while Vero frowned and punched Max in the arm. "You idiot! Poor Jordan, leave them alone," she scolded him. "Come one, leave the poor girl alone and let her spend some time with Jordan," Vero ushered Max and Adrienne to where Marc-Andre and Kris was.

Biting her lip, Francesca looked around, unable to spot Gwen anywhere; she started to feel out of place. Feeling a pair of hands snake their way to Francesca's waist, she jumped up and accidentally hit someone in the chin with her head.

"Ow!" she moaned and caressed her head while she saw Jordan also moaning in pain, but caressing his chin. "What the hell is wrong with you? You can't just do that to someone."

Jordan closed his eyes and then reopened them. "What the hell is your head made out of? Stones? I think you broke my chin," he informed her.

Francesca glared at Jordan and crossed her arms over her chest. "Serves you right for trying to scare me. Now what do you want?" she asked him.

"I need a favour."
♠ ♠ ♠
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