But You're Worth It


When Frank finally got home, he was ready to burst into tears.

After the locker-incidence in school, Frank had tried to ask Gerard if they could be friends or something and tried to stalk him behind lockers and doors and people.
Somehow Gerard always saw him, which lead to Gerard giving Frank a dirty look, or the finger. In some cases he just walked away rolling his eyes.
The last time Frank tried to contact Gerard that day, was when he saw Gerard's Iron Maiden-badge on the floor.
He ran after Gerard all the way to his class-room where Gerard slammed the door shut almost hitting Frank in the nose. That's when Frank decided to give up and keep the badge.

So when he had shut the door, he was blinking like crazy to keep the tears in, but it didn't help anything, Frank is a very sensitive person.
First a few tear-drops ran down his silky cheek, but after a moment he was pouring water like a water-fall.
His mom came to the hall where Frank was standing, shoes and everything still on, holding onto the strap of his messenger-bag.
"Aaww, baby!" His mother cooed and folded him in her arms and stroked his back in soothing circles as she let him cry against her shoulder.

Later that day, Frank could be found in his room, on his bed, eating (surprise, surprise!) skittles. Too much of 'em.
He was lying there, staring at the ceiling, which was full of those stars that shine in the dark.

He had a cute, childish pout on his face and he was angry at just everything.

His dogs had gone elsewhere, 'cause they knew Frank wouldn't be paying any attention to them while he was like that.

Frank was mad at the guy who was bullying him in school.
He was mad at the teachers that weren't in the corridor then.
He was mad at the stupid school for putting the lunch there, so just everyone could go and beat up any little Frank they ever wanted without anyone noticing.
He was mad at the bus for not having more seats.
He was mad at his mother for not understanding.
But most of all, he was mad at Gerard.
For existing.
For sitting next to Frank.
For saving Frank. Twice!
And then, for ignoring Frank.

He didn't like Gerard, and then again he did. The guy fascinated him, as we already know from what he told Gerard in the bus.
Gerard was beautiful, for say the least. He was mysterious, he was kinda like Frank. He didn't have friends. At least not in school.. He had a little brother, which was the first difference in him and Frank. His little brother had lots of friends.
But Gerard's little brother was only a junior, just like Frank.

As Frank thought longer about it, he noticed Gerard and him were totally different. Gerard was a senior, beautiful, tall (well, taller than Frank), mean, annoying, stupid, not liked by Frank and the rest is censored..