But You're Worth It


At the end of the day, Gerard was really pissed he had to go to detention, while everyone, who weren't late for their classes, got to go home.
He had planned on driving out of the town tonight, but just for the hour of detention, he had to change his plans.

When he walked in the room his day got even worse than already.
He was there, staring at him from the front row. Frank.
Gerard looked around the room, looking for a free seat as far from Frank as possible and after spotting it, putting his bag on the desk.
He then walked up to the teacher in the front and informed his presence.

When Gerard got back, he settled in the seat, feet on the desk and his sketchpad in his lap, he watched up, looking for inspiration. But what he got, was Frank still staring at him.
It was starting to creep Gerard out, and he turned to look somewhere else, but found nothing interesting.
So Gerard just started doodling in the corners of the paper.
The thing started to look a little like a vampire when Gerard's attention was ripped off of the picture by a paper-ball hitting his head.
He looked to his left to see some ugly, pizza-faced jock smirking at him.
Gerard opened the paper and sighed at the second-hand sentence it contained.
'What's up fag?'
Gerard threw the ball back at the guy and continued on his 'work'.
Soon he got another ball on his head and he was getting annoyed.
He opened the paper again.
'I know u luv it.'
Gerard scribbled a 'yeah, u 2' under it and squeezing it to a ball. Then he threw it back to the jock, hitting him just under the eye and flipped the finger.
After a minute, the ball was back at Gerard.
'I knew u'd warm up 2 me.
5 bucks, the locker room, after the detention, k?
Now Gerard was angry. It was okay to call him gay, fag or queer, but treating him like a whore was too much for him.
"GO FUCKING FUCK YOURSELF, FUCKING CUNT!" Gerard barked and whacked the guy in the head with his (quite thick) sketchpad.
The whole class turned to them as the guy attacked Gerard back.
He hit Gerard in the jaw, not very hard, but Gerard's lip split in between his own teeth and the other guy's knuckles.
Gerard licked his injured lip and whimpered lightly when it stung.

The teacher was already there to separate them and she commanded the ugly jock to switch places with someone from the front row. Gerard didn't pay attention to anything but his bleeding lip, as it just bled and bled. He ran to the sink in the corner, he wet a paper and tenderly pushed it to the wound.
He took a few papers with him and got back to his seat. He assured the teacher he didn't need to go to the nurse and sat down, sighing.
He looked to his left, at the guy who was switched there, and almost fell of his chair.