But You're Worth It


"I bet you already know it's detention for you boy!" Was what Frank heard when the elevator doors opened.
Frank sighed and stepped out to receive his detention order on paper.
"It's Iero, right?" the chancellor asked and Frank nodded.
He took the paper and ran down the stairs to his class. He was already late, but it wouldn't make any difference anyway, he was already going to detention.. and missing his bus..


Frank walked to the front and silently slipped the paper on the teacher's table, then went back to the first row to sit down. He was first today.
Frank just looked around the room and hummed an oh so familiar, but still so foreign rhythm under his breath and tapped his fingers on the desk.
He heard steps closer the door and two boys came in. They were just.. normal guys. Then just after them, in stepped a girl. The girl was in the same art class as Frankie, though she was a class higher than him.
Then people just started to flow in, some just boring, normal people, some ugly jocks and even one cheerleader.

Frank turned his attention back to the front of the class, 'cause he was getting not-so-nice glances from the jocks in the back row and he didn't need any more trouble.

Frank's head turned again when he heard some familiar Dr. Martins squeak against the floor of the corridor. He stared at the door as Gerard stepped in and dumped his bag at the back of the class, then walked to the teacher's desk and back to the back again.

Frank watched Gerard's hand move delicately as he moved the pencil on the paper.
Then he watched as a paper-ball hit his head.
He was watching the scene go on and saw how much angrier Gerard got by the second. He was almost throwing the jock with an eraser, but Gerard stood up and hit the guy with his sketchpad and Frank was almost glad, though he is not a friend of violence.

His head snapped to the teacher when she ordered Frank to switch places with the idiot who had insulted Gerard.
Frank smiled a little and took his bag.
He sat down next to Gerard and without even realizing, started staring again.

Gerard jumped a little, probably from fright, when he looked at Frank.
Anyone would be scared if someone like Frank was staring at them. For the whole fucking hour.

The end of the detention was filled with.. nothing. 'Cause Frank had two hours, one from using the elevator, the second from being late from class.
And Gerard had just one, 'cause he only got caught from being late.
So Frank had to sit there the other hour without nothing to do (stare).

When he finally got outta the room, he dragged his feet through the corridors to his locker.
The sight he was met with, surprised him.

"Hi." the boy leaning against his locker said.