Status: Slowly but surely

Lady Adiena


[Timaron's POV]
The sun beat down on the white sands of the arena. My twin smiled up at me, one of her rare radiant smiles before turning back to the Mazicore before her.
It struck at her with a giant clawed arm slipping towards her trying to cut her in half with its sharp claws.
My sister closed her eyes, shutting their violet brilliance away from the world, a small smile on her lips as she flipped away from the monster spinning then tucking into herself and rolling.
She flipped and dodged her way around the creature confusing it. Manuvering by smell and sound alone till she was atop the monster at the place where the head joined the neck.
Adiena unsheathed a dagger as long as my forearm and wicked sharp if the way if bit deep into the creature’s neck was any judge.
The creature shuddered under her and collapsed. She grinned up at me again; her eyes open now, put her butted feet on either side of the knife and gave a sharp tug wrenching the blade free of the body.
My sister. Sigh. She is the dearest thing to me in this world, this very close minded world and I did not know what I could do to help her.
She is the greatest fighter of our generation though she had to learn by trickery and what nature gave her as her birth given talent, she could never be accepted as such because she was female. A very different sort of female at that, she did not follow any of the rules that allow the people of Contu to classify her as female except that her body was female even if it was toned like the men’s'.
She was different from the other women She was light and slender her movements feline in their grace, Shewalks and when she does it is not the waddle of a 400 pound woman but the graceful walk of a young lady that can support her own weight without help. Personally, but then I may be biased, I feel that it would be nice to completely surround someone in my arms instead of needing three of me to do it.
Adiena walked upthe tiers of the stadium to me, we where the only ones there. It was deserted. I looked up at her smiling my own smile that was so like her own thatwe had been able to both follow our desires (even if I had to wear a skirt to achieve mine) I sent to her
"Traitor, your not even breathing hard. Id be dyeing if I just did that!"
She just laughed sending back, "Dont be Jealous!"

I shrugged "Can’t help it"

She began cleaning the blood off her blade till it shined with our identical reflections, well almost identical. I allowed in my head.
Our hair was different lengths and our cloths where as different as two articles of clothing could be. Mine where loose robes that allowed my free movement but where very bright and embroidered (I had attended a party earlier that morning, being introduced to possible future wives. Ugghhhh.)
Hers a shirt hugging her curves displaying that she was indeed a girl, she had shorts that came down to mid thigh and below then leg sheathes where her double knives lay resting along her thighs, when she replaced the other dagger, she wore boots made of the leather of a Tazul. She had a brightly colored tattoo curving around her upper arm in floral patterns trailing down to her wrist then interlacing with her long pale fingers.
"Father is looking for you"

I told her through our connection. She groaned.
"What NOW?!?"

I thought about weather or not I should tell her.
I shook my head.
"I’m keeping out of this, this time, you go sort it out with him"

She muttered something under her breath, probably a curse, glaring at me she trudged of reluctantly.
I sat there knowing what would happen and dreading her reaction she was not going to be happy to say the least.