Status: Slowly but surely

Lady Adiena


We landed and another limo was waiting for us it drove us to the boarding school. The gates where iron that curled and wrapped around itself forming the words,


I was shocked and I glanced at the letters again just to be sure. Then I gave my cousin an accusatory stare. Which he answered with a shrug, He looked like a boy caught playing a trick on someone.

“Your father entrusted me with helping you find a husband, your safety, and your education where better for you to get it all then at my own academy?”

I still gave him a blank stare. I wanted to talk more about this with him but the limo stopped and the driver held the door open for us to get out. I felt so cheated of my chance to bombard Derevan (I refuse to call him Evan if he has a school named after him as Derevan) with questions as he pointed me to the front office, told me to ask the receptionist for directions to the headmasters, then gave me a quick fatherly kiss on the cheek, and got back in the limo.

The driver had placed all my new belongings in front of the school and a man wearing the uniform of a door man came and got them.

“Miss you must be the new ‘girl’ you’d best go and see Diane for instructions.” He told me putting emphasis on the word girl before walking away with my stuff. I would have stopped him if my ‘knowledge’ hadn’t told me that it was his job.

I walked (all movement still seeming to fast) to the front office and stopped before the pretty receptionist, Diane.

She took one look at me and smiled it was a lovely smile and said.

“You must be Adiena Derevan?”

I nodded.

“Here you are then, this is your room key, a map, and your schedule your things should already be there your in room 304 building 3 on the fifth floor but you need to go see the headmaster before you go unpack. He just down that hall fourth door on your right.”

She told me handing me the papers and my key before pointing down the hall.

I waved to her when she called out a fair well and then continued on down the hall she had indicated stopping before the forth door that had a sign above it that read ‘Tomas Walton Headmaster’.

I sighed and rapped on the door quickly three times before I heard a call for me to enter. I stood there a little scared to go in and had the sudden urge to talk to my twin.

Hmmmm I wonder, I thought to myself before opening my mind and searching for him. Nada, damn it! I knew that was what was going to happen but I still couldn’t help but feel disappointed before I had to gather my courage and step into the headmaster’s office.