Status: Temporary Hiatus, sorry guys :/

Studying the Dead

Chapter Two - Caitlin


The corridors were packed with people, bodies writhing to the beat, all crammed together in the small space. Back to back, front to front, with absolutely no room to squeeze through.

Drunken and overly excited guys made mad dashes through the people, trailing toilet paper and laughing hysterically as they went.

Couples made out and danced in any space they could, people stood around with beers in their hands and talked in exaggerated voices; this party was just any of the others I’d been to, celebrating the end of the week was pretty popular in Burton.

Somewhere in the craziness I’d lost Frankie and Louise, but had found myself in the arms of that guy who sat three rows in front of me in one of my classes. I didn’t really know him, I didn’t really like him and I didn’t really want to be anywhere near him but somehow I still found myself dancing with him and laughing at his lame dancing.

Every time I tried to walk away from him he’d follow me anyway, so what was the point in trying to escape.

Friday was just like any other day for me, I’d woken up at exactly 7.05am, showered and then gone through to the kitchen to find my two other flat mates fighting over the cereal – again.

Even though Frankie doesn’t even like Cocoa Puffs, she still has to fight with Louise over them, it’s just the way it goes in our household.

I’d gone to my morning class and sat in the same seat as I always did, beside Louise and two seats behind Trent; just close enough that I could see him but just far enough out of hearing range, just incase there was something about him I had to tell to Louise.

We’d come home and relaxed for the next few hours, enjoying that fact that we didn’t have any afternoon classes and reveling in the relief that the week was finally over, before heading back down to campus for the party.

It was a pretty typical Friday for me.

I’d finally had enough of dancing with the guy I didn’t really know and once I’d managed to get away from him long enough I made a run for the door to get some fresh air.

The night was calm and just a little bit cold; I pulled my jacket around me a bit tighter and hunched my shoulders slightly as I walked. I didn’t really know where I was going but far enough away so that guy couldn’t find me was good enough. There was a weird buzzing in the air, like a mosquito stuck in a net.

Other people walked past me talking in agitated voices and whispering to each other in weird tones.

I followed them around the corner and came across a huddle of people. It was only then that I realized the weird whining sound was sirens, sirens that came from an ambulance and few police cars near the huddle.

I walked over and pushed my way through the crowd.

My day had just taken an unexpected swerve. This was nothing like any other day in my whole entire boring, cookie-cut life.

I stared at the body splayed on the concrete, the rich red liquid pooling around him like a halo. Once glance was all I needed. The vomit rose in my throat and then suddenly the world went black and the noises all faded into oblivion.

One word lingered on my lips.
