End Of The Sentence



"Aye?" I yelled back to Doc from across the bar.

"When are your brothers gettin' out?" He asked as he wiped the bar down with a rag.

"The 13th!"

"So today?" He asked and I frowned.

"No, Friday," I said and heard Troy snicker. "Wha' ?"

"Today's friday, hun," He said and I felt my eyes widen.

"No it's not!" I challenged, looking over at the calender Doc had haning up behind the bar and saw that it was, in fact, Friday.

"Told you," He smiled, seeing the look on my face.

"Shit!" I yelled, standing up from the table we were sitting at. "And ye can jus' shut th' fuck up!"

"Are you supposed to pick 'em up or somethin'?" Doc asked as I rushed over to grab my jacket from the rack by the door.

"Yeah, an' I 'ave t' get the apartment ready for 'em," I said as I made my way to the door. "Jus' put m' drinks on m' tab!"

"Alright! That tab is gettin' pretty high, ya know!"

"Okay!" I yelled as I ran out the door and down the street, cursing to myself in my head. "How th' fuck did I not realize t'day was fuckin' Friday?"


"Wha' th' fuck are we still doin' here?" Connor moaned, burying his face into his stiff pillow.

"She prob'bly forgot 'bout us," Murphy said, a small smile on his lips.

"Jesus Christ, I know she's forget sometimes, but th' fuckin' day we get outta jail?!" He exclaimed and Murphy just laughed, knowing that she would eventually remember.

"Don' worry 'bout it me brotha', it'll be fine." Murphy sat on his brothers back and messed up his hair. " 'sides, I quite like th' accomidations we 'ave 'ere!"

"Yer high, aren't ye? Tis a shithole!" Connor exclaimed, his voice slightly muffeled by the pillow his face was still buried in.

"Eh, I dunno, th' bed's quite comfy!" Murphy grinned as he started bouncing up and down on his brother.

"Get th' fuck offa me!"

"Aye, tis real nice," Murphy said to himself, as if he were shopping for a new bed. Connor tried to hit him, but when he threw his arm back, he missed by a mile.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ," He muttered into the pillow.

"Wha' ye talkin' t' him for, dear brother?" Murphy asked, getting knocked to the floor right as he finished his sentence. "Jesus Christ!"

"Same reason ye are. Yer a fat, clumsy bastard." Murphy forged an expression of shock and hurt onto his face.

"An' t' think, me own brother," He huffed and walked over to the bars separating him from the outside world. "Where th' fuck is she?"


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I muttered repeatidly as I rushed around the apartment. I had to make it at least somewhat presentable for their return, even though I knew they would fuck it up in a matter of an hour. I also had to make brownies for them. Dumb thought, I know, but every time I bailed them out or picked them up from jail, I had brownies waiting. It had become a tradition, ever since we were in Ireland.

"Ye've got t' be fuckin' kiddin' me! 30 minutes?!" I yelled at the box in my hand. I looked up at the ceiling, quickly doing the math in my head. It takes me seven minutes exactally to walk to the police station, which I had to do, seeing as my car was in the shop. So seven minutes each way is fourteen minutes. I still needed sixteen minutes for the fucking brownies to bake, because knowing my brothers, they wouldn't want to wait and would be bitching the whole time until they got their God damned treats.

"Well, it's gotta take some time t' fill out th' paperwork, right?" I asked myself. I shook my head. What if the paperwork took longer than usual and the fucking things burned? Yelled out in frusteration as I dumped the mix into a pan and shoved it in the oven, setting the timer to 30 minutes as I slipped my jacket back on and ran out of the apartment. If I ran, I could make it there in maybe 4 minutes. Then they would either be slightly uncooked, or perfect. Let's just hope they don't burn.


"Ye know wha' I could go fer righ' now?" Connor asked slowly as he sat up on his bed, gazing over at his brother.

"Wha's tha'?" Murphy asked, already knowing the answer, because he was feeling the same way.

"A brownie," Connor said, grinning at his twin with a lopsided smile.

"Aye, me too. Jus' wonder if she remembered t' make 'em, seein' as she seems t' have forgotten 'bout us," Murphy said with a chuckle.

"Wait a sec, ye hear that?" Connor asked, a concentrated look coming to his face.

"Wha'?" Murphy asked, straining to heard what his brother heard. When he heard it, a grin broke onto his face. Someone was coming down the hall, whistling the Irish Drinking Song.

"SHE'S FINALLY 'ERE!!!" They both yelled happily at each other and heard their beloved sister laugh as she approached their cell. Murphy looked down the hall and saw her skipping along side one of the cops they had met a few times.

" 'ello boys. How we doin' t'day?" She asked, grinning brightly at her brothers. She knew she had missed them a lot this time, but hadn't realized it until she saw their excited, happy faces.

"A whole fuckin' lot bet'er now!" Murphy exclaimed, running at her once the cop opened the door to the cell. He enveloped her in a huge hug once he got to her, only followed by Connor two seconds later.

"Aye, I can understan' tha'. Bu' I need t' fuckin' breath my dear brothers!" Connor and Murphy laughed as they released her.

"All the paperwork is done, and she had your things. You can leave now, unless you'd like to stay a bit longer," The cop joked and the brothers eyes went wide. They each linked their arms with their sisters and walked out of the containment hallway before walking out the door, into the crisp spring air.

"So, how are ye two?" Amy asked, looking from one brother to the other.

"Quite good now," Murphy said. "There's jus' one thing we need."

"Oh, there is, aye?"

"Aye!" Connor said smiling brightly. "Brownies?"

"I knew tha' was coming. We 'ave t' walk a bit faster if ye want em, th' paperwork took longer than I anticipated this time, so if we go slow, they'll probably burn." As she finished saying that, the twins let go of her arms and started running in the direction of their apartment, leaving Amy to walk by herself.

"Thank ye fer bein' so nice t' pick us up from th' joint Amy. Thank ye so much fer takin' care of the place while we was gone Amy. Thank ye fer makin' sure there's food in th' apartment when we get home Amy. Thank ye fer bein' a great sister in general Amy," Amy muttered to herself as she watched her brother race against each other. She rolled her eyes at them before a grin broke onto her face and she started running as fast as possible to catch up with her older brothers.
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