Status: Completed.

We Get On

It Ain't Me

Willow looked him in the eyes, trying to search for some insincerity in his words but there was none. Edwards’s words dripped with honesty, with love, and with longing; his words are the kind of words that Willow had dream about since she had gotten on friendly terms with him.

Edward caressed the side of Willow’s face admiring and treating her like a priceless work of art, she was more beautiful to him than Aphrodite could ever be.

He ran his other hand through her bronze hair and smiled when he felt Willow wrap her warm arms around his waist, closing whatever gap there had been between them.

Edward wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his nose in her hair, taking in her sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon.

“Why do you have to be so fucking charming,” she muttered into his chest.

“Is that your way of complimenting me,” he whispered into her ear.

Willow bit her lip nervously as a blush began to make its way onto her cheeks he moved his head towards Willow and was taken aback when Willow moved her face so that he would kiss her cheek instead of her lips.

“This is wrong Edward,” she stated.

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is. I’m with Jacob and you’re with Bella.”

“I don’t love Bella,” he shot back.

Willow smiled at him and responded, “But I love Jacob.”

“You love me too,” he replied with confidence.

She smirked and shook her head as she said, “I never said I love you.”

“You don’t have too.”

His lips captured Willow’s off guard, but the kiss was not a forceful or sensual one. Instead it was very innocent, their lips gently brushing against one another as Edward ran his hand through her hair.

His lips left hers and he kissed her temple, her cheek, her jaw and finally her neck. Edward paid special attention to her neck.

He let his fangs drag along the top of the skin causing Willow to shudder in pleasure and once he had satisfied Willow enough he kissed her neck gently and kissed her on the lips one last time before walking towards the window.

He swung one of his legs out the window sill and turned back to look at Willow and with a tender look upon his face he said, “Look after my heart; I’ve left it with you.”

Willow stood there frozen against the wall trying to understand everything that had just happened. She walked over to her bed and opened her nightstand taking out a blunt, she grabbed her lighter and began taking some hits.

Once her nerves had been sufficiently calm she laid back on her bed and started thinking but it wasn’t making any sense.

How the hell could she, Willow Hendrix Morrison, the girl that cursed like a sailor, dressed in thrift shop clothes, and smoked pot like there was no tomorrow; be Jacob Black’s imprint and Edward Cullen’s singer?

Sure Willow was a rad girl, and she knows that she’s really pretty and that people like being with her but how the fuck does she end up being the soul mate of two mythical creatures?

“This should be interesting,” Willow whispered to herself.

Edward knew he had to end it with Bella if he wanted a fighting chance at getting Willow. He had spent the day rehearsing the lines he would use and he was going to this, Bella would no longer be a roadblock on his path to happiness.

Bella knew something was up the moment that Edward walked in through her window; his face showed that his reason for being in her room was not a happy one. She rushed over to his side and attempted to hug her but Edward held out his arm in protest and she simply stood before him.

“What’s wrong Edward,” she inquired.

Edward sighed and bluntly stated, “We need to talk Bella.”

“What,” she said her eyes widening afraid of what he would say next.

“We need to talk.”

“Don’t say that Edward,” she implored him, her eyes watering with tears.

“Bella please.”

“I promise I’ll stop asking you to turn me! I’ll grow old like a human and we can be together like that! You’ll always see me blushing.”

“It’s not about that Bella!”

“Then what is about?!”

“Just calm down first.”

“No I won’t calm down! I already know what you’re going to say because anytime someone says we need to talk it only means one thing! You said you’d love me forever! You said that I was the one so what CHANGED!? PLEASE TELL ME WHAT CHANGED?!”

“We changed alright! We’re two different people Bella.”

“No we’re not don’t you see Edward we belong together, I’m your singer Edward. You were made to protect and love me and be my prince charming.”

“That ain’t me Bella.”

“Edward! Don’t do this, please don’t do this.”

“Someone’s going to come along that’s going to love you Bella and treat you good.”

“You already love me and treat me good! I promise I won’t be mad and we can just forget about all this foolishness!”

“This isn’t foolishness Bella I’m trying to be serious here, I’m trying to end this on friendly terms but you’re just not letting me!”

“But we don’t have to end Edward! I know you’re only doing this because you’re afraid of hurting me but I know that you’re not going to hurt me you could never hurt me! I love you.”

“No you don’t!”

“Yes I do! I love you more than anything in the world!”

“Bella please, I beg of you calm down.”

“How can I be calm? How can you ask that of me when you’re breaking up with me?”

“Because it’s best for you; for me. Goodbye Bella.”


Bella ran and clung to Edward’s leg like a child throwing a tantrum. She sobbed violently and her salty tears soaked his pants.

Edward looked at her with pity, but he knew that this was the right thing to do they had no future together and he did not love her.

“Please Bella, please.”

“I just want to know why Edward. Don’t I deserve that much?”


“Then tell me.”

“Because I’m in love with someone else.”

Bella didn’t have to ask him who it was, she knew, oh did she know. Ever since she had first set eyes on Willow she knew that that girl was going to bring nothing but trouble and
heartache to her life.

She had watched as the Cullen’s succumbed to her charm one by one, she had even seen Jake fall for her but she had always hoped that Edward would not; that she would get to keep him.

“She won’t love you Edward.”

“You’re just bitter.”

“No, I heard what you did to her from Seth. I know that you almost killed her.”

“Bella, just be quiet.”

“No, you need to hear it Edward! She doesn’t love you like I do! She won’t stand by and let you stomp all over her heart with your mood swings; she won’t STAND FOR IT like I DO! She can never love you as much as I do! Why can’t you see that?”

“I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. I’ve told you what I needed to say and now I must take my leave.”



Bella watched as Edward jumped out of her window and began to disappear from sight. As soon as she could no longer see him she began destroying her room, throwing books against the walls and shattering photo frames that held pictures of the two of them together.

Bella reached down and grabbed a frame that held a picture of a smiling Edward. She looked down at their smiling faces and anger boiled up within her, she was going to get Edward Cullen back; no matter what.