Status: Completed.

We Get On


“Edward,” she whispered hoarsely.

“I love you Willow and if you ever wanted that, I would give you it. I won’t deny you anything but you must know, you must understand that to be with me for all of eternity you will have to give up everything. Your family, your friends, which is why I won’t take this dream so seriously but I will allow it to give me hope that one day you will be with me and that you will walk beside me for all of eternity.”

His lips inched towards hers and just as they were about to brush against one another a knock came at the door, Willow heard her mothers voice ask if she could come in.

She looked at Edward who smiled at her and asked, “Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet?”

“Not at all.”

He kissed her temple and gracefully made his way to the closet and Willow shouted for her mother to come in.

Her mother walked in with a look of concern on her face and made her way over to her. She sat down at the edge of the bed next to Willow and brushed the hair out of her little girls face.

Willow grew worried when she heard her mother sigh and asked her if she was alright to which she responded by saying, “I’m fine my precious Willow, but you are not.”

“Of course I’m fine.”

“Your body is fine but not your heart.”


“I know what you’re feeling Willow I’ve always been able to sense bonds between people, you always say it’s because I smoke too much but it’s not that, it’s a gift. The day that Edward showed up to pick you up I felt the vibrations radiating off the two of you, I felt the love and you can deny it but I know you love him, more than anything.”


“I know and that’s why you’re not alright because the day I walked into the hospital and I saw him at your side I knew that he loved you. Jacob loves you more than anything in the world! These two handsome, well behaved and kind young men love you Willow and I know that your heart aches for them both. I just wanted to tell you my dearest Willow that I love you more than life itself and I will be here for you threw all the good and the bad. My dearest child life will be hard for you, much harder than it will ever be on your brother but your happiness will be incandescent.”


“My darling Willow.”

Mrs. Morrison leant over and kissed her daughters temple, she smiled at her and walked away. Edward walked out of the closer when he heard the door click and made his way over to Willow whose mind was racing with a million different thoughts.

He held her hand in his and kissed it ever so softly and began to hum a song that he had written for her. Willow thoughts began to slow until she was swept away to the land of dreams.

He kissed her hand one last time and looked at her sleeping face as he whispered, “Sleep my dearest Willow; dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. Therefore it shall always be yours; sleep my only love.”

The next morning Willow awoke bright and early and went off for a short jog, running usually helped her make decisions but today it just wasn’t doing the trick.

When she got home her legs felt like jelly and she made her way up the stairs slowly so that she could shower and get ready for Jacob to pick her up.

Noah sat downstairs smoking a blunt as he watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, he passed his blunt to Willow and noticed that she was dressed to go out and not stay inside all day.

He raised his eyebrow at her and asked her where she was going, “Jacob’s picking me up.”

“Where are you guys going?”

“I have no clue.”

“Alright then at least I’ll know you’ll be safe, wolf boy won’t ever hurt you.”

“I bet that gives you piece of mind.”

“Hell yeah it does, do you know how worried I used to be when you were in Venice with Syd? That mother fucker was a user, an abuser, and a dealer so much shit could’ve happened to you Willow and I was constantly worried if he was on his dealers good side or if shit was gonna go down and you were gonna get hurt.”

“I never knew you felt this way.”

“Of course you wouldn’t. I supported you in your decision but I never agreed with it and the day you called saying it was over I felt relieved Willow; so relieved and I know that no matter who you end up with you’re gonna be happy.”

“Fuck has mom told you her theory already?”

“Mom didn’t have to tell me, I could see it in your eyes Willow; I could see it in theirs.”

“You can’t tell Leah.”

“I haven’t and I won’t. I know you’re confused and I know it’s hard but you need to make a choice Willow because your heart isn’t the only one on the line.”

“I know.”

“I have a question though Willow.”

“What is it?”

“What are you to Edward, because it’s obvious that his love is as strong as that of the imprinting process so what does he call it, what does he call you?”

“He says I’m his singer.”


“Yeah, apparently my blood sing to him it draws him to me more than any other blood in the entire world. Apparently that’s how vampires find their soul mates.”


“I know right?”

“Only you could be the soul mate of two mythical beings.”

“I wish it was only one.”

“Yeah, but if it was just one it wouldn’t really be very Willow of you.”

“It wouldn’t but I hate having so much fucking drama in my life! Don’t I get to have some peace and tranquility?”

Willow’s eyes began to well and Noah wrapped his arms around her shoulders, he smiled at her and wiped away the tears before he said, “Awe come on don’t be sad darlin’ put a smile on that pretty little face, you don’t want the big bad wolf to see you like this do ya?”

“Big bad wolf?”

“Yeah, that’s what he is Leah’s the hot wolf.”

“How is it that you always make me feel better no matter what?”

“Because I’m you’re fucking twin and even when you can’t see shit clearly I’ll be there shining a light on you and trying to help you no matter what.”

“I love you Noah and I’m really glad you’re my twin and not some douche like Mike Newton.”

“I don’t think Mike could ever be your twin he’s not rad enough to be a Morrison.”


Willow kissed her brother’s cheek and ran towards the door when she heard Jacob scream her name out; she beamed when she saw him holding a dozen sunflowers, her absolute favorite flowers.

He handed her the flowers and she pecked his lips before she buried her nose in the intoxicating scent of sunflowers.

“I never told you Sunflowers were my favorite! How’d you know?”

“I always saw how your eyes lit up when we go pass a field of them so I figured you loved them.”

“I love you so much Jacob.”

His eyes lit up in delight when she said that sentence and he scooped her off the ground before twirling her around and grinning like a child.

Willow giggled when Jacob picked her up and twirled her, it made her feel like she was flying like a bird and seeing that childish grin on Jacob’s face always lit up her day.

He finally set her down on the ground and wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck and they lost themselves in a kiss.

“So where are you taking me today?”

“Somewhere really important to me.”

Willow climbed into the rabbit and saw that the backseat was filled with beautiful flowers. She sat quietly holding Jacob’s hand and tracing designs with her thumb as they drove towards the reservation.

They drove pass the main part of the city until they reached a cemetery, Willow looked at Jacob quizzically and followed him out of the car when he nodded that this was where they were headed.

Jacob grabbed all the flowers in one hand and held Willow’s with the other as they walked into the cemetery.

They walked for a good ten minutes until Jacob stopped, Willow stared down at the gravestone before them and saw that it was his mother, Sarah Black.

She looked over at Jacob who had knelt down in front of the grave and was wiping the tombstone with a wet cloth, when he was done he smiled and began talking to his mother

“Hey mom, remember how I told you that if I ever met someone special I was gonna bring her to meet you? Well I found someone and her names Willow she is the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life and I know that if you were you would absolutely adore her. I love her mom, and I’m gonna marry her one day.”

Willow stared at Jacob and when he turned around with tears swimming in his chocolate brown eyes she knelt down and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly against her body.

Jacob continued crying into Willow’s hair and breathed her scent in deeply, he smiled when he heard her sing to him and he pulled as he said, “I love you Willow and I want you to meet my mom, I want you to know everything about me. I don’t want us to have secrets between each other, I’m yours Willow. I’m yours. You’ve taken my first kiss, you’ve taken my virginity, take my soul my heart. TAKE EVERYTHING I HAVE! I’m yours Willow, YOURS!”

“Oh Jacob.”

His lips pressed against hers tenderly and Willow was happy that she didn’t have to make any promises to Mrs. Black at the moment, but to tell you the truth Willow had never been more touched in all her life.

Jacob Black possessed charisma, sweetness, innocence, laughter, and he could be serious what more could Willow possibly want when all the characteristics that she wants in a man are standing before her?

How can you walk away from an angel, its simple; you can’t.

Edward waited by Willow’s locker that Monday morning he had a gift that he wanted to give her, something that she could carry around always.

He smiled when he saw her walking into the school in a pair of skinny jeans and a v-neck shirt. She smiled at him and grabbed the books from her locker and they began walking to government but before they arrived Edward pulled Willow off to the side and took out a black box.

“I want you to have something that means a lot to me Willow.”

“You’re not proposing are you?”

“Of course not.”

“Okay, alright. Sorry, continue please.”

“You are so strange.”

“I am, yeah if you were proposing I’m sorry for fucking it up.”

“It’s alright I’m not but I want you to have my mothers locket, it’s one of the few things of hers
that I have and I want you to wear it.”

Isabella Swan watched as Edward put the locket around Willow’s neck and her blood began to boil. When the bell announced that school was over Bella was the first to leave the parking lot, she sped to her house and once inside she grabbed the phone and began dialing Jacob’s number.

“Hey is Jacob there?”


“Yeah it’s me.”

“What’s going on you never call.”

“I have to tell you something.”

“About what?”
