Status: Completed.

We Get On


Willow was suspended from school for a week for having beaten Bella up. The principal was furious with Willow but did not take legal action against Willow because an agreement was reached between her and Willow’s parents for a very large donation given to Forks High School; needless to say it was enough to build two new computer labs and fill them with top of the line equipment.

Mrs. Morrison was not upset with Willow, that woman could never be upset with anyone her heart is much too large to ever hate or hold any sort of anger.

Mr. Morrison has Willow’s exact temperament, he is a very calm and relaxed man but when upset he becomes a different person.

It’s for this reason that he did not punish Willow for her actions, because he knew that Bella had to have done something completely and utterly unforgivable for Willow to stain her hands with her blood.

Willow lay on her bed reading Into the Wild for the billionth time, she didn’t feel like doing her school work, she knew that she’d be able to bullshit it the night before and was just going to kickback in the meantime.

She heard her parents shout that they were going to go into town because her father was getting interviewed about his organization. Willow told them to be safe and to bring her home some junk food.

Jacob Black stood outside Willow’s window watching her walk around her room. He had received a text from Noah informing him about what had gone down at the school and it allowed him to hope that maybe Willow had forgiven him and that he could get her back because life without his little wild child Willow is no life at all.

Willow jumped to the window when she heard rocks being thrown at it; she looked out the window and saw Jacob Black standing there, his hair a mess and a v neck shirt with a pair of jeans adorning his frame.

Seeing him there made her heart flutter and without thinking she opened the window and jumped out. Jacob ran when he saw Willow jump out the window and barely managed to catch her in his arms.

A serious look adorned his face and in a scolding tone he said, “Why the hell did you just jump out of that window?”

“Because I knew you’d catch me,” she said with a playful smile on her face.

The strict look on Jacob’s face softened and he whispered, “I’ll always catch you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you I guess I just I was looking for a way to not have to deal with the problem at hand.”

“I’m a problem?”

“NO! God yeah you are, you both are.”

“I don’t want to be a problem for you Willow. I want to be something that makes you happy.”

“You are! YOU DO! You have no clue how happy you make me, I love you Jake.”

He crashed his lips upon hers hungrily and Willow just kept her arms around his neck, she felt like a newlywed bride kissing her husband as he carried her over the threshold.

They pulled apart minutes after and he looked deep into her eyes and said, “Choose me, please. Be my girlfriend Willow.”

“Don’t do this right now, I just I don’t need this right now, isn’t just being with me enough?”

“No, it’s not. I want all of you Willow, I don’t want to be in my house wondering if you’re sucking face with that leach or not I don’t want that.”

“I know you don’t and I don’t want to put you through that but guess what I’m not ready to say fuck you Edward I never want to be with you when I don’t even really know who he is! I love you Jacob but I love him too and it’s a fucked situation that I’m in but I want to make my choice later on, not right now.”

“I know.”

“Awe baby don’t be blue I’m with you right now aren’t I? Do you really want to spend the time we have together sad?”

“Of course not.”

“Then take me somewhere.”

Jacob beamed and carried Willow over to his motorcycle, he got the his leather jacket from the holder and put it on Willow, he then secured the helmet on her head and kissed her lips lightly before jumping on the bike.

His body went wild when he felt Willow wrap her arms around his waist and placing her head against his back. With that they were off.

Willow loved riding on the back of Jacob’s bike with him, she felt so free and all her worries always seemed to disappear while they are out on the open road.

They drove away from Forks and onto the reservation until they reached the beach. Willow jumped off the back of his bike and quickly took off the helmet, jacket, and her shoes. She ran to the beach and began twirling around on it.

Jacob smiled as he watched her prance around on the sand; she was like a beautiful princess swaying to the songs of the ocean.

He took off his own shoes and placed them near hers and let out a little growl causing Willow to giggle lightly as he ran towards her and grabbed her by the waist, knocking them both onto the soft sand.

Jacob was mesmerized by Willow’s beauty in the setting sun and gently caressed the side of her face Willow turned her face slightly so that she could kiss him palm.

He smiled and softly began singing, “I wanna love you and treat you right; I wanna love you every day and every night: we’ll be together with a roof right over our heads; we’ll share the shelter of my single bed.”

Willow couldn’t help but grin as Jacob sang, Is this Love by Bob Marley to her, she kissed his lips softly and said, “I can’t believe you just sang Bob Marley to me.”

“Want to know something even cooler?”


“If we ever have a daughter I want to name her Jayda Marley Black.”

Willow was taken aback by that comment, of course she knew that Jacob was crazy about her but she didn’t know that he loved her so much that he wanted to have kids with her one day.

His having a name for a daughter was the single sweetest thing she’d ever heard in all her life. Willow smiled at him and said, “If we ever have a daughter we’ll name her that.”

“I hope that if comes true.”

A little while afterwards Jacob dropped Willow off at her house, and sped down the highway back to La Push.

Willow ran into the house and kissed her parents cheeks before going up to her bedroom to shower, after a nice long shower she slipped on an oversized muscle shirt from Venice Beach’s muscle beach with Arnold on it flexing and wandered down to the kitchen to grab some goodies for the movies she was about to watch.

Edward stared at Willow from outside her window wondering what was making her pay such close attention.

Finally he decided to knock on her window, she looked over and smiled when she saw him standing there and made her way over to open the window.

“Good evening.”


“I’m sorry to just barge in on you but I could not help myself. I needed to see you. I did not get a chance to speak with you at school for you were dragged off by security.”

“That was pretty badass wasn’t it?”

“Yes, but so foolish!”

“Bitch deserved it; she made me think some fucked up shit.”

“Yes, she did. What is it that you watch?”

“Becoming Jane.”

“Isn’t that about Jane Austen the author?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“I did not expect you to be a fan of hers.”

“Just because I go around smoking and cursing that doesn’t mean that I don’t like romance.”

“So you like romance?”

“Love it. Want to watch it with me?”

“Yes. I love the shirt by the way.”

Willow smiled and flexed slightly as she asked Edward if he had bought tickets to the gun show. He simply smiled and watched as she burrowed underneath her blankets. He made his way over to the bed and sat on a chair beside it

“I’ve showered.”


“Get in bed! You’re not watching this movie from that chair and take off your shoes socks included!”

Edward did as he was told and nervously climbed into her bed, he had often imagined what it would be like to lie beside her in her bed and now it was finally becoming a reality.

Willow saw how tensed Edward was and decided to fuck with his mind a little bit and snuggled against him, resting her head on his chest.

Edward breathed in deeply and wrapped his arm around her waist and looked down at her beautiful face that was no longer focused on the film but on his face.

He read all the thoughts going through her mind and whispered, “Do you ever think that your life would be easier if you weren’t in love with me?”

“Yes,” she responded quickly.

Edward flinched by how quickly she had answered and asked, “Would you prefer it that way?”



“I love you Edward, I really do and I know that it’s crazy but I really do love you.”

“Willow Hendrix Morrison?”


“Will you let me court and woo you?”

“Yes. I want to be wooed.”

Edward kissed her forehead and rested his head on hers and they continued watching Becoming Jane. Willow soon fell asleep and Edward joined her in closing his eyes and listening to her steady heartbeat; this is what forever should be like.