Status: Completed.

We Get On

New Friends

Willow sat outside the principal’s office with her legs crossed looking completely nonchalant about the situation that she got herself in. Her eyes traveled around the office and her nose wrinkled when she saw all the strange pictures of cats that the secretary had on her wall.

A loud sigh escaped her lips and she sat there moving her right leg back and forth every so often. Finally the secretary motioned for her to step into the office.

Willow jumped up from her chair and smoothed her dress out; she fixed the belt that adorned her waist as she made her way over to the principal’s office.

As Willow walked in a handsome young man caught her eye. She stared him over and deemed him one of the best looking men she had ever seen; he was second in looks only to her beloved Syd.

Edward stood up and tried to walk out of the room quickly but ended up bumping into her in the doorframe. He glared at her harshly with his pitch black eyes.

Willow returned the glare at him and said, “RUDE!”

Without a second thought pushed him aside and walked into the principals offices, she sat down on the chair. She turned and saw that he was still standing in the doorway looking at her with contempt.

“Hey ginger! Get out I’m trying to be scolded in private here,” said Willow not wanting to see his face.

Edward closed the principal’s door and walked as fast as humanly possible to his car. The moment that he was outside the school doors he ran over to his car and jumped inside.

He fixed the mirror and was taken aback when he saw Emmett sitting in the back seat but he didn’t say anything. Instead he turned on the engine and sped off deep into the forest.

As soon as they parked Edward took off his shirt and ran off to feed, Emmett simply sat in the car playing with his Iphone as he waited for his brother to calm down.

When Edward came back he put his hand on the roof of the car and asked, “Did Alice tell you anything Emmett?”

“No,” responded Emmett honestly.

Edward sighed and said, “Then what were you doing in the car. Why weren’t you in class?”
“Didn’t feel like staying for all of history so I said I felt bad,” responded Emmett with a shrug.

Satisfied with Emmett’s response, Edward grew quiet; he moved towards the driver’s seat and sat down as he stared out into the forest. This was too much for him, he already had his Bella and he refused to let anyone take her spot.

Emmett might not have a special power but he could sense the inner struggle that Edward was engaged in at the current moment. Emmett thought about saying something but he’s no good with words, they always seem to evade him but finally he gave in and said, “Hey Edward?”

“Yeah,” responded Edward as he looked at Emmett through the rear view mirror.

He took an unnecessary breath and asked, “What did Alice see that’s got you so jumpy? You’ve been out of it for a couple days now.”

“Nothing important,” he replied quickly in an attempt to make Emmett drop the subject.

Emmett wasn’t going to drop it though, his brother was hurting and he wanted to know why, “Edward you don’t freak over nothing, you know you can trust me I know I joke around a lot but you can trust me. Is someone after Bella?”

“No, Bella’s fine; she’s safe . . . she’s safe,” he said the last part more to himself than to Emmett. Bella was safe, her position in his life was safe and no one would ever replace her.

“Then what’s wrong,” cried out Emmett in an exasperated tone.

“Nothing, not like it’s going to come true.”

“Alice is rarely wrong though,” he countered.

“I know, but her visions depend on the choices we make and I know the choice I’m going to make. I know what I’m going to do.”

Emmett scoffed unable to believe that Edward was yet again going to try and fight fate, “Why do you always try and fight fate?”

“Pardon,” responded Edward very quickly, this time turning around to look Emmett in the face.

“You heard me. You’re always trying to foil her visions. I mean you did it with Bella, and you saw how that turned out. So if you ever take any advice from me, take this bit; just let life happen don’t fight it.”

“I have to fight it. Have to,” muttered Edward beginning to sound crazed.

Willow walked out of the principal’s office with a large smile on her face, she had successfully avoided getting suspended and she owed it all to her innocent looking face and charm.

Noah’s eyes widened when he saw his twin walking out of the principal’s office looking as if the incident from their AP government class had never taken place.

“Did you get in trouble,” he asked her.

Willow smiled and shook her head at him, taking this as an opportunity to put her hands by her neck and do the Snoop Doggie Dog that she does whenever she gets left off the hook.

“I can’t believe you didn’t get in trouble,” exclaimed Noah

“Come on! Why on earth would I get in trouble I’m fucking adorable,” responded Willow grabbing hold of the ends of her dress, so that she could curtsy at him.

“We are quite an adorable set of twins.”

“That we are.”

During lunch the Morrison twins walked out to the parking lot and sat down on the bed of Noah’s trucks. Students began making their way over to Willow, they were all introducing themselves wanting to befriend the wild looking woman.

Willow dug some of the people that she was introduced to, they were good kids, a bit shy, but overall good kids and they’d make pretty decent friends.

Alice stood across the parking lot eyeing Willow happily, she wracked her mind trying to figure out what she would say when she walked over there to introduce herself to Willow.

Edward caught wind of Alice’s thoughts and anger began coursing through his being, he was not going to let Alice befriend that infernal human.

Just as Alice was taking a step to walk towards Willow, he grabbed her hand and said, “Don’t.”

The tiny pixie like vampire’s golden eyes narrowed and in a menacing tone responded, “Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Alice, I’m warning you,” said Edward, his grip on her arm tightening.

Rosalie stood beside Emmett watching the exchange take place. Edward had been out of it for a couple weeks now; he’d been on pins and needles muttering to himself about how he was going to fight it.

Right now, Rosalie realized what Edward had been muttering about was another human. Edward wasn’t destined to be with Bella, and that made Rosalie Hale very, very happy.

“Alice who doesn’t he want us talking too? It’s the new girl right,” Alice nodded her head fervently and Rosalie turned her back on them to begin walking towards Willow.

“Rosalie don’t you dare,” hissed Edward.

She smirked at him and waved goodbye as she said, “Ta ta Edward, ta ta.”

Rosalie smirked and walked over to where the pretty new human was sitting talking with her brother and his friends.

The boys made a path for Rosalie to walk through and Willow smiled as she saw Rosalie walk in front of her. Willow jumped off the bed of the trunk, grabbed her dress and did a little curtsy.

The Cullen’s eyes widened when they heard Rosalie giggle when Willow curtsied in front of her; Rosalie doesn’t giggle, ever. Well she does giggle but only when Emmett . . . that’s
beside the point.

Alice took this as an opportunity to free herself from Edwards grasp and she ran over to Rosalie’s side and introduced herself to Willow.

Bella was very confused by what was happening; the Cullen’s didn’t associate with humans so Alice must have had a vision, but why on earth was that girl so important that Rosalie was being nice to her?

Emmett and Jasper both wanted to go over there with their mates, but they knew that it would be better if they just stayed by Edward and waited to see how things unfolded.

Plus they’d meet Willow later on, they were sure of it.

Willow stood there talking with Rosalie and Alice as if they were old friends that had just ran into each other after an extended separation.

Rosalie liked this human, she was beautiful, witty, and charming but what she liked best was that Willow carried herself well, her confidence shone and confidence is what Rosalie looks for in people.

Alice was fascinated by Willow, her words were wise but she used profanity like there was no tomorrow.

“I absolutely love your dress. Do you mind telling me where you bought it,” asked Alice.

Willow looked down at her dress and said, “Thanks, I made it though. If you want I can make you one.”

“You made your own dress?”

“I make most of my dresses; I can’t really find any dresses that I dig at the store so I just
started making them myself.”

Alice didn’t need to hear another word from Willow, she was already one hundred percent sure that Willow would be the greatest addition to their little vampiric family.

“So I take it that all the really pasty people with good looks are your siblings?”
They smiled at one another and said, “Yeah they are. We’re all adopted though.”

“That’s rad, adoptions good. But uh I just want to say that your brother with the bronze hair is a douche.”

At those words Alice and Rosalie began laughing hysterically, captivating the boys surrounding them with the sound of their musical laughs.

Willow looked at them and said, “This is the first time I insult someone’s family and they laugh! You’re good people.”

“We can’t get mad if you’re telling the truth. That reminds me though, why didn’t you move up here when your brother came?”

She scratched her unkempt bronze hair and said, “I couldn’t handle Forks. I mean going from Venice to this? Like really, who does that? But I got lonely down there and decide that I’d do my senior year with my brother.”

“That’s really sweet, well we hope you’ll love Forks and if you ever want to hang out or go shopping just call us.”

All of the sudden the radio blared something about Santana playing a concert in Seattle. Now Willow is a huge Carlos Santana fan so she jumped on the bed of her brother’s truck and started doing her happy dance, which consists of her making a complete ass out of herself.

Edward scoffed when he saw the human dancing on top of the roof and in a voice, loud enough for Willow to hear he said, “It’s sad to see people need to make fools of themselves to get any sort of attention.”

Willow scoffed and flipped Edward the bird, to which his eyes widened in shock because he’s never been flipped off before; especially by a young woman.

She jumped off the bed of her truck and said, “Does your brother have something lodged up his ass?”

“You know we ask ourselves that same question every morning,” said Rosalie with a smile.

The three young women stood there smiling at one another. Alice and Rosalie smiled because they want Willow to be the one that Edward spends eternity with and Willow because she got a good vibe from the pair.