Status: Completed.

We Get On

At Last

“Don’t play with me Edward.”

“I’m not, not with this Willow.”

“So you mean it?”

“With everything I am.”

A beautiful smile spread across Willow’s face, she brought her hand up slowly to caress the side of Edward’s face and pressed her lips to his in a soft and tender kiss.

It wasn’t a hungry kiss; it wasn’t a passionate one; it was sweet, loving, and innocent. They type of kiss that you give to a person when you know that you’re going to be by their side for the rest of your life.

If Edward Cullen could still cry he’d have tears streaming down his angelic face right now. The moment that he had found out that Willow was Jacob Black’s imprint he couldn’t help but feel that there was no chance at happiness for him.

Because why would a human choose a vampire that would put her in harms way every time that he’s around her; why would she choose someone that is incapable of giving her a normal life, family, and children.

He allowed himself to hope that she would choose him, but in reality he never believed that she would because he wouldn’t choose himself. Why would anyone want a monster?

But in true Willow fashion, she pulled a fast one and picked him over Jacob; she really picked him. And that’s when it dawned on him that he wasn’t a monster, because there’s no way an angel like Willow would damn herself to be with the devil.

“When can you turn me?”

“After you graduate.”

“I have to wait till June?”

“It’s just a month, a very important month for your human experience.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because it’ll be prom, you’ll graduate, and your parents will want to see all that.”

“That’s true,” Willow paused and smiled at Edward before she said, “I don’t have a date to prom though.”

“Willow Hendrix Morrison?”


“Would you be my date to prom?”

“I don’t know, I think that Mike Newton might ask me.”

A playful growl erupted from Edward’s throat and he lightly pounced on Willow. He held her hands above her head as he kissed up and down her neck in a tantalizing manner and whispered, “Do you still want to hold out for Mike?”

“No,” replied Willow in a hoarse voice.

Edward gave her a little smirk and began lowering his lips to hers, Willow was hot, oh so hot. Here was the gentleman that opened doors for her, holding her hands tightly above her head and acting in complete control of the situation.

Just as his lips were about to brush against Willow’s the door was literally thrown off it’s hinges and standing there in the doorway was Alice with a huge grin spread across her beautiful porcelain face.

Edward sighed as he moved off Willow and Alice charged at the bronze haired human and tackled her into a hug, speaking so fast that it sounded like absolute gibberish.

After a bit Alice finally pulled away, letting Willow breathe comfortably and she sat down at the edge of the bed looking from Edward to Willow expectantly.

“So when’s the big day?!”

“We’re not sure yet.”

“You have to be sure! This is going to take strategic planning and we’re lucky that my forte is planning! Oh my goodness! PROM! We have to get you THE best dress EVER!”

“Alice just calm down.”

“NO! Oh no! This is your first and last human prom you have to be ready! You absolutely have to be ready!”

Two weeks passed and Willow’s heart ached but she grew used to the pain coming from within her heart. It wasn’t a physical pain; nothing worth going to the doctor about, it was an emotional pain.

The pain she knew she would feel when she would finally come to a decision as to who she was meant to be with.

Sometimes it gets so bad that Willow literally has to sit down somewhere and just break down into a fit of sobs that make her body shake and yearn for Jacobs warm embrace.

Although the pain is cruel, it doesn’t afflict Willow all of the time. When Edward’s around the pain just goes away and all she can do is focus on the overly polite young man that she’s madly in love with.

But today, today was one of those days where Edward’s gone hunting and Willow’s alone.

She was going crazy in her house so she decided to go around town on her bicycle but that was the worst idea ever.

When she was riding into town she spotted Sam and Emily at some fabric store, and she immediately thought of Jacob and started wondering what he was doing, maybe he needed some fabric or something?

Willow smiled politely at them before paddling faster to get out of their field of vision. She ditched her bicycle in front of the post office and began walking around, but everywhere she looked she saw Jacob.

She turned to the book store and saw a group of teenage boys laughing at the fact that one of them fell and she thought of the pack.

She turned to the ice cream shop and saw a boy taking a huge spoonful from the girls ice cream bowl and thought of the many times Jacob had done that.

Then the worst thing happened she saw an elderly couple walking down the street and remembered the time that Jacob had said that he couldn’t wait to grow old with Willow and wear mismatched clothes and bicker about trivial things.

The townspeople watched as Willow broke down in front of their eyes. Her frame slumped against the wall clutching herself in an attempt to keep herself from falling apart.

She ached for him so much that it felt like her heart was being stabbed repetitively with a tattooing gun. She couldn’t keep it together anymore.

Jacob Black ran out of the fabric store, dropping the bag containing some cotton for a table cloth and ran towards Willow.

He knelt down beside his imprint and brought her too his chest, rubbing her back trying to make her calm down because hearing her pained sobs was breaking his heart more than it already was.

“Why are you being so nice to me? HATE ME! SCREAM AT ME! CALL ME A FUCKING CUNT! Don’t hold me. Don’t. I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve you.”

Jacob stayed quiet and just kept rubbing her back letting her get out everything that she had to say.

Finally after several minutes Willow stopped crying and was about to wipe her tears but Jacob beat her, he was already drying them with his shirt. She put her hand atop his and in a voice barely above a whisper said, “Why are you being so nice? I choose him.”

“I told you Willow, until your heart stops beating I’ll be here, fighting.”

“Jacob, I . . .”

“You don’t have to say anything, let’s just get you home.”

Jacob stood up with Willow in his arms, and began carrying her. Sam motioned towards the car but Jacob shook his head and told Sam to throw her bike in the bed of the truck and leave it at her place.

The walk was silent, they both had so much to say to one another but they didn’t know how to start that talk.

Willow stayed close to his chest, relishing in the warmth and Jacob breathed in deeply intoxicating himself with her sweet and spicy scent.

He carried her through the door and up the stairs to her bedroom, he put her down on her bed and sat down on the edge of her bed, his head in hands unable to be in the room with her but not have her as his own

Willow sat on her bed staring at Jacob’s figure beside her, his face was completely hidden in his large hands and he was silent as death.

“Why him?”

In theory it should be an easy question to answer, but in practice it’s not.

Silence consumed the room and Willow didn’t make a sound because she really didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to tell Jacob that she loves Edward more than him because it’s not true; they both have half of her heart.

“If you can’t answer that question right away there’s something wrong.”

With that he stood up and left the bedroom, leaving a very frazzled Willow by herself. She fell back on her bed and let sleep consume her. At least in her dreams she was always really happy.

“OW! You’re hurting me!”

“Well maybe if you brushed your hair more often it wouldn’t be a rat’s nest!”

“I told you to leave it as is!”

“Willow! HOW DARE YOU?! You know that you need to have your hair done for tonight it’s PROM!”

“It’s not like Edward would care what my hair looks like and I really don’t care either.”

“You are impossible!”

Willow gave Alice a smirk, but soon screamed out in pain again as Alice undid a knot in her hair. Willow muttered something along the lines of stupid pixie under her breath and Alice couldn’t help but grin.

Two hours and about a billion curse words later Alice was done and Willow was finally ready to go to her senior prom.

The Cullen’s and Morrison’s were gathered in the living room waiting for Alice to unveil Willow. They were talking about music when Alice screamed for them to come to the stairs so they could see Willow.

Edward’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped when he saw Willow walking down the stairs looking absolutely drop dead gorgeous in a beautiful vintage dress.
(This is her dress/hair

Willow stood at the foot of the stairs, fumbling with the flimsy fabric. This was different from anything she’d ever worn before but she really liked it.

“Do I look ugly?”

“No, you’re absolutely beautiful darling.”

A blush made its way onto Willow’s face, causing Edward to shoot her his crooked grin. Soon enough both of their parents had taken plenty of pictures of the couple and they were ready to go to school for the prom.

The gym was decorated in a very lavish manner and for a moment the students within it forgot that they were in the small town of Forks, Washington and were transported to the glamorous Los Angeles lifestyle.

Edward and Willow grew tired of the crowd within the gym and decided to go outside. They sat underneath a gazebo until a familiar tune.

“May I have this dance Miss Morrison?”

“Of course Mr. Cullen.”

He gave her his hand which she gladly took and they began dancing along to the sound of Etta James voice. Edward sang softly into Willow’s ear making her feel like a queen

“At last, my love has come along. My lonely days are over and life is like a song.”

When the song ended Edward stood in front of Willow staring at her eyes intently, he took her hand in his and took a deep breath before getting down on his knee

“Willow Hendrix Morrison I love you more than my own life and I would like to ask you if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Willow nodded and a beautiful vintage ring that belonged to his mother was slipped on her finger.

As soon as he stood up Willow jumped in his arms and they began kissing feverishly as if their lives depended on it.

Alice smiled as she watched Edward and Willow kiss, but then all of a sudden her eyes went out of focus; she had a vision.