Status: Completed.

We Get On

My Family

Willow wanted to run after Edward and make him feel better; she wanted to wipe that frown off his face and help him replace it with one of his dazzling smiles but she couldn’t.

She had made her choice and she knew that there would be times that she would want to run back to Edward but it was time to be an adult and grown ups don’t do that, especially not when they have kids.

“You alright Willow?”

“I’m fine I was just thinking that we have to stop by the hardware store.”

“For what?”

“I need to pick up some more paint I ran out the other day.”



“No, you got really tired the other day and you couldn’t get out of bed the next day I’m not gonna let you wear yourself out again.”

“Jacob shut up! I need to finish the walls before the baby’s born.”

“The baby’s not gonna come into the room complaining about it being half finished.”

“The baby might not but their mom sure as hell will.”

Jacob closed his mouth knowing that the battle was lost, because there’s no use fighting with a pregnant woman because you can never win.

He always tried to help her whenever she was going to be paint, but she never let him because she claimed that he had no artistic talent whatsoever and would end up ruining her vision.

Harsh words but Willow wants the room to be perfect for their child, she wants it to be just like the one she always wanted when she was growing up; it would be something absolutely magnificent.

Jacob busied himself in the kitchen preparing Willow some fresh fruit for a snack since she had been working for well over four hours and hadn’t snacked in two hours.

He hummed softly to himself as he walked up the stairs holding the bowl of fruit in one hand and a water bottle in the other. He opened the door to the nursery slowly, so as to not startle the artist and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw Willow fast asleep on the rocking chair in the room.

Jacob placed the fruit down on a crate and looked around at the room, she had finally finished it. All four walls were adorned with different artwork from the book Where the Wild Things Are, and he couldn’t help but be amazed by Willow’s artistic talent.

He made his way over to her and picked her up in his arms so that he could carry her to the bedroom and put her on the bed so she won’t wake up with any back pain.

Willow awoke hours later lying on her side, she opened her eyes and saw Jacob lying beside her watching a movie quietly she smiled softly and crinkled her toes when a pain shot through her feet.


“What’s wrong?”

“My feet really hurt, I think it’s because I was standing up so long.”

“I told you not to paint, you’re eight months pregnant Willow, your body doesn’t need any extra strain on it. Now let me see those feet.”

Jacob moved to the edge of the bed and grabbed a bit of lotion and began to rub Willow’s feet. Willow couldn’t help but giggle as he rubbed her feet, she was ticklish to begin with and hearing his silly stories about where the little piggies went just made her laugh more.

“I’m sorry I’ve such a bitch lately.”

“You’re not a bitch Willow, it’s the hormones your body is going haywire I get it.”

The weekend soon came and a surprise baby shower was being held at the Morrison residence for Willow and Jacob. So to distract the pregnant lady Jacob decided to take her over to Port Angeles so that they could watch a movie on the big screen.

“Jacob I’m tired can we please go home?”

“Yeah, here put on my coat it’s gonna be cold outside.”

“I’m already wearing a billion sweaters.”

“Please just put it on, I don’t want you getting sick.”

Willow sighed and slipped her hands into the coat that Jacob was holding out for her, Jacob began buttoning up the coat and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes as how anal he was being about her health, he was worse than her mother.

Jacob smiled as he watched the sleeping Willow in the passengers seat, he knew that she wouldn’t be awake on the way back lately she had been falling asleep as soon as she sat down on something remotely comfortable and he knew this wasn’t going to be any different.

He still couldn’t believe that all of this was really happening, that he and Willow were going to be the parents of a baby; it’s all so surreal.

A year ago he had come to the conclusion that he would never have her by his side and now, now it looked like she would one day become his wife and that they would truly be able to live happily ever after.

“Willow, wake up love.”

Willow began waking up when she heard Jacob calling her name, she opened her eyes slowly and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she mumbled something about his having ruined a very good dream that she was having.

She moved the seat up and looked outside the window and was shocked to see that they were at her parent’s house.

Willow turned her head to ask Jacob what was going on but he had already ran over to the passenger side and had opened the door so that she could get out.

“What are we doing here? I thought Sue wanted to have us over for dinner tonight.”

“No she called me while we were driving saying that she couldn’t because she got sick.”

“We should take her some soup later.”

“Yeah we should, now come on your mom made your favorite.”

That definitely caught the sleepy Willow’s attention and she started making her way over to the porch slowly, because she can’t really run anymore it’s more like a slow wobble.

People jumped out from behind the couches, bookshelves and doors in hopes of surprising Willow and they did.

They managed to surprise her so much that her water broke.

Willow looked down when she felt the water gushing down; she looked up slowly as she let out a slew of course words and screamed for Jacob

Jacob immediately picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the car, not caring at all if he was getting wet by her fluids all he knew was that he needed to get her to a hospital quickly.

The pain began high in Willow’s abdomen and began radiating throughout her entire abdomen and lower back. She grabbed the seat belt and put it in her mouth biting down on it as hard as she could to stop the pain that she was in.

Jacob pulled right into the emergency entrance and scooped Willow out of the car, a worker at the hospital came out and told him to move the vehicle to which Jacob responded to in a very Willow like manner, “SHUT THE FUCK UP! Can’t you see she’s about to give birth you dumb fuck!”

Willow couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh at that, she had never seen Jacob so angry and it was one of the cutest things she had ever seen.

The laugh was soon replaced by a scream of pain making Jacob ran faster until the nurses had come out and given him a wheelchair.

They asked him to step aside as they got her out of those clothes and into something else, so he waited in the lounge with all of the party guests that had arrived at the hospital shortly after him.


“I’m sorry Willow but we can not give it to you anymore.”

“Why not?! I want it! Charge it to the fucking insurance company just drug me up I can’t stand this PAAAAAIIIIN!”

“Jacob can you please tell her that w . . .”

“Why are you talking to him about IT?! I’m the one that’s knocked up and has to push a baby out of her vag so talk to MEE!!”

Willow screamed when she felt the contraction course throughout her entire body, she could no longer fight and bicker with the doctor and Jacob because the contractions were demanding all of her attention.

“Willow are you alright?!”


She was going to keep yelling at him but the pain going through her was getting more an more intense, she had been in labor for ten hours and she didn’t want to be doing it anymore it felt like someone was trying to kill her.

All of a sudden the pain began to get worse, the contractions were coming right on top of each other, not giving her a moment to truly catch her breath

Jacob watched in horror as Willow began to shake and sweat uncontrollably, he looked at Carlisle with fear in his eyes and Carlisle reassured him that everything was going to be okay that this was normal.

Tears started streaming down Willow’s face as she held Jacob’s hand tightly in her own; she looked into his chocolate brown eyes and started shaking her head like a stubborn child as she said, “I can’t do this anymore! Please make it stop Jacob, I don’t want to this anymore! AHH!”

“It’s gonna be okay love, you’re doing a great job you’re almost done.”


“Willow, I’m going to need you to push can you do that for me?”

“I can’t Carlisle!”

“Yes you can, now come on just hold your breath like we talked about before and push.”

Willow nodded her head and tightened her hold on Jacob’s hand, she took in a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could, but no screams came out.


“The baby doesn’t come out right away it normally takes two hours.”

Sure enough three hours of pushing and resting later, the babies head finally came into view, Carlisle smiled when he saw the babies head, he looked up at Willow and said, “Come on Willow I’m gonna need one strong push and then relax alright?”

Willow arched her head back and clenched her teeth as she pushed with everything she had inside of her, she felt her skin begin to stretch and stopped pushing.

“The babies heads out, all we need is one last push Willow and you’re done.”

“Do you promise,” asked Willow as she cried from the pain.

“Yes, I swear it.”

Willow took in several deep breaths and tried to focus on just pushing, on getting this over with so she could see her baby and end the pain that she was going through.

With one hand grasping Jacob’s tightly and the other on the metal part of the bed she bent forward and pushed with everything inside of her, she pushed until she fell back on the bed and as she fell on the bed she heard the cries of a baby.

Jacob stared in awe as the tiny infant’s umbilical chord was cut. Carlisle handed the child to a nurse who wrapped it up in a snug little blanket and walked over to the teenagers.

Willow’s eyes widened as the little bundle was placed in her arms, she smiled at the baby amazed that they had come out from inside of her. Carlisle smiled at the teenagers and said, “You have a very lovely baby girl.”

Jacob looked at Willow with tears streaming down his face as he watched his daughter being held by the love of his life, he kissed Willow’s forehead repeatedly as he said, “Thank you Willow, thank you so much I love you. I love you.”

Carlisle held the clipboard in his hand and asked the pair if they knew what they wanted their baby to be called, Willow smiled through the tears streaming down her face and looked at Jacob as she said, “Jayda Marley Black.”

Never in her life had Willow felt so happy, so complete.

Life in La Push with Jacob and Marley was like something straight out of one of those sappy Hollywood films that she spends so much of her time watching.

Her fears of Jacob and her being uncaring or bad parents were completely unfounded because the moment that Marley came into the world they became adults and their mission in life was to make their little girl happy, to make sure that she has everything she could ever need.

Jacob sat on the rocking chair in the nursery holding baby Jade, as he affectionately calls her, in his arms rocking back and forth trying to get her back to sleep.

“Why are you crying baby? Shh, there’s no need to cry your papa’s here and he’s not leaving.”

Willow rolled over on her side and extended trying to feel for Jacob, but when she realized that he wasn’t there her eyes snapped open and she got out of bed to look for him.

She walked out of the room sleepily and down the hall a little bit until she ended up in the nursery. Willow smiled when she saw him setting Marley down in her crib.

Willow walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing his bare shoulder lightly and resting her cheek against his hot flesh.

“She looks just like you Jacob.”

“No, she looks like both of us.”

“Marley has your hair and your nose and lips.”

“She has your beautiful green eyes though. Damn it!”


“Why’d we have to have such a good looking baby? I’m going to have to beat the guys off of her with a stick when she gets older.”

“Jacob she’s four months old, there’s no need to think about that yet.”

“Of course there is! I have to start plotting.”

“You crazy wolf boy. Now get to bed you have school in the morning.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“You have to go; I won’t be with someone who doesn’t graduate high school.”

“I’d rather stay home all day.”

“I’d rather eat ice cream but that’s not gonna happen right now is it?”

“You could eat.”

“Jacob I need to lose the baby weight.”

“I think you look sexy like this.”

“Are you trying to seduce me?”

“Was it working?”

“Not at all.”

In the morning Jacob left the house for school and Willow got out of bed to make him breakfast and pack him a lunch, she then got to work cleaning the house and went out for a run while Billy watched over Marley.

As Willow ran back towards the house, she saw Billy holding Marley as he strolled down the street in his wheelchair; she couldn’t help but smile as she watched the older man tell his granddaughter stories about the tribe.

Marley was going to be heavily exposed to her culture and Willow wanted her to see the other side, to get a taste of where her mother had grown up and that’s when an idea struck her.

“Jacob what do you think about Spring Break in Venice?”

“as in Venice Beach?”


“Why do you want to go there?”

“Because I haven’t been there in over a year and I want you to meet my old friends and I want Marley to visit it right now.”

“But, it’s so I don’t know it’s not a right place for a baby to be.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! That’s where Noah and I grew up and we came out more than fine.”

“Debatable my love, debatable.”

“Fuck you Jacob; we’re going I already got the tickets. So resistance is futile.”

“When do we leave?”

Bags were packed, bottles were stored, and the little family of three drove to the airport in Seattle to begin their journey to the Los Angeles International Airport and then to the Morrison residence at Venice Beach.

Jacob had never left Washington; he’d never really been anywhere where the forest and nature didn’t play a major role in the landscape so the tall skyscrapers and winding freeways freaked him out a bit.

Willow couldn’t help but smile when they reached Venice; she stepped outside holding Marley in an old Mexican style shawl and kicked the door closed.

“Welcome to Venice Jake!”

They quickly made themselves at home and even noticed that Willow’s parents had, had a nursery created inside the house for baby Marley.

Not even an hour after they had arrived at the house, the doorbell was already ringing. Willow went to answer it and saw herself looking at ten of her closest friends, she quite literally jumped a few feet in the air and tackled them with hugs.

“Fucking Willow you look real good.”

“Thanks you guys want to come inside I have some important people I want you to meet.”

Her friends stood in the doorway with their eyes wide open as they saw the handsome tall young man holding a beautiful baby girl in his arms, Willow walked over to Jacob and kissed his cheek.

She then took Marley in her arms and told Jacob to follow her so he could meet her friends, “So guys this is Jacob and this is our baby, Jayda Marley Black.”

“You’re a fucking mom?! NO WAY!”

“I am a mom, its crazy isn’t it.”

This exchanged continued for another ten minutes until her friends were one hundred percent sure that Willow wasn’t just playing with their heads.

Willow watched as the guys went over to Jacob and started questioning him, they had to approve of him or else they wouldn’t feel good about Willow being with him.

She sat there smiling as Jacob looked flustered by a few of the questions that were being directed at him, mainly the ones involving sex and drug use, because he’s only ever had sex with her and his drug use is nonexistent.

“We thought you were gonna come back with Syd, Willow.”

“No, I couldn’t be with him anymore. I would’ve sunk with him.”

“Very true I dig this guy; I can see that he really loves you and the baby. You’re gonna be real happy, real happy.”

“Thanks Dylan, he’s a great guy and we’ll make sure to come around often so you can see baby Marley grow up.”

“She’s fucking beautiful you know that right?”

“Of course I know that, you think Willow makes ugly things?”

“Still conceited as fuck.”

“It’s confidence love.”

The following day a picnic took place on the beach, Willow was sure to make all the food because knowing her friends they would be bound to try and slip some sort of drug into it and she was going to be clean for a long time, she didn’t want to be messing around with drugs right now.

A bonfire was created and people brought their drums, guitars, harmonicas, tambourines and anything else that they could make music with and started jamming.

It was beautiful, the type of moment that Willow would always look forward to when she was in high school.

Baby Marley cooed in delight as she heard the rhythmic all around her, everyone was in love with the little girl and all of her friends had brought a small gift to give to the infant.

Love would be something that Marley would never be without and she would be a very lucky child because some children never feel love.

Over the week Jacob heard stories that Willow had never told him, apparently she had been arrested in the past several times but it was because she was protesting for one thing or another and he couldn’t help but feel very proud that she was so active, that she never took shit from anyone.

Jacob got out of bed and noticed that Willow wasn’t there; he walked over to Marley’s bedroom and saw that she wasn’t there either.

He scratched his head and walked out to the backyard, the backyard consisted of the ocean for them, and sure enough there was Willow singing to the sleeping baby as she looked out at the water.


She turned around when she heard her name called and smiled at Jacob. He walked over to her and sat down beside her on the beach, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, holding her close to his body.

“Thanks for bringing me here Willow, I know this is really important to you. That these people are your family.”

“No they’re my friends, Marley and you are my family.”