Status: Completed.

We Get On

Love Me Two Times

The next day was awkward to say the least. As soon as Willow saw Edward she began thinking about the little fantasy that had gone on in her mind.

Edward couldn’t help but hear her thoughts and ended up making himself . . . a bit excited during class, not a great idea.

He was very thankful when Willow stopped thinking those thoughts and began speaking, “Hey so what day are we gonna work on this project, it’s gonna take a long time.”

“Saturday,” proposed Edward.

Willow sat back on her chair and said, “If we work on it just Saturday it’s gonna take all fucking day.”

“We’ll just work on it all day. What do we have to do again,” asked Edward, he knew what they had to do but he just wanted to hear her voice.

“We have to sing a protest song and then perform a song from one of the big names.”

“That’s it?”

“Oh fuck the costumes,” shouted Willow as she smacked herself in the head.


“Remember, original dress for performance?”

“Alice can do that.:

“Are you sure? I don’t want to make her do our work.”

“Trust me she loves fashion and anyone would do that for you.”

Willow smiled gently and couldn’t help but become lost in Edward’s warm golden honey eyes.

They stayed like there for a minute, just gazing at each other with smile’s on their faces until Noah cleared his throat from behind them and they immediately looked elsewhere.

Edward couldn’t hide his smile though, because as soon as he saw Willow’s blushing cheeks he felt his unbeating heart flutter.

“Willow, darling, someone’s here to see you,” shouted Mrs. Morrison from downstairs.

Willow grabbed her acoustic guitar and bag as she dashed for the door. She ran down the stairs and out the door screaming out, love you mom bye!

But as soon as she went outside she realized that Edward wasn’t there, she walked back to the living room to ask her mom who was there and there was Edward sitting next to her mom chatting over a cup of tea.


“Willow! Edward here is such a gentleman he knocked out the door and didn’t just honk for you to run out like Syd used to! Where did you find him darling?”

“Ma! Don’t do this, it’s embarrassing we’re working on a project.”

“I feel the vibrations coming from you two,” said Mrs. Morrison in a sing song voice.

Willow sighed and muttered, “What have we told you about smoking too much?”

“I haven’t smoked yet, I’m waiting for your father to get up.”

Edward had to fight the smile that was threatening to spread across his face. Willow looked towards him and said, “This is our cue to leave, come on Edward.”

“Bye Mrs. Morrison thank you for the tea it was delicious.”

They walked out to the car in silence and when they reached it Willow stuffed her guitar in the back and just sat staring out at the passing trees.

“You don’t have to be nervous Willow.”

“I’m not nervous.”

“Yeah you are, don’t worry about my dad.”

“How did you know?”

“Small town.”

“It’s embarrassing though he took care of me when I so messed up that’s not a good impression.”

“He doesn’t judge. Once he meets you sober I think he’ll fall for your charm, you seem to have the Cullen’s lost in it.”

A soft pink color erupted on Willow’s cheeks, she was trying very hard not to blush but here was this incredibly nice handsome boy saying all the right things.

Damn it.

They pulled into a driveway and there was one of the nicest houses that Willow had ever seen in her life.

“I dig your house.”

“Wait till you see the inside.”

As soon as Willow walked through the door she was engulfed into a hug by Alice. As soon as Alice let go Rosalie hugged her, and then Emmet having to be Emmett picked her up and twirled her around like a doll.

Jasper came out from behind Emmett and nodded his head in her direction as he spoke, “Hello Willow.”

Willow smiled at him and replied, “Jasper you’re the only one that says a normal hello.”

“That’s a good thing,” he responded.

“Right now it is.”

From within kitchen emerged a very elegant and beautiful woman, who had a smile that
seemed to warm Willow’s heart to a new level

“I’ve heard so much about you Willow; these children are smitten by you,” spoke the beautiful woman.

“Thank you Mrs. Cullen.”

“Call me Esme dear.”

“Thank you Esme.”

“Are you hungry? I made snacks for you two while you work. I don’t know if you like them but I made chili cheese fries.”

As soon as the word cheese left Esme’s mouth Willow ran over to her and hugger her like a child would hug their mother when they give them a cookie.

Esme smiled and hugged the adorable human lovingly, “I see you like that.”

“Love, you’re a saint!”

The protest song was mastered within four hours; they were to sing Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan and the Vietnam Song by Country Joe and the Fish. Willow would play guitar on those while Edward sang.

The next song proved to be a little more difficult but after realizing that Edward’s really good with the piano they decided to play Love me Two Times by The Doors.

Willow told him that he could just play on the regular piano but Edward insisted on buying an organ like Ray Manzarek and that adventure took another four hours.

So it was now eight at night and they were arguing over who was going to get to sing Jim Morrison’s part.
“You’re not gonna sing it,” stated Willow not wanting Edward to ruin Jim Morrison’s vocals.

“I’m the man I can sing it better than you.”

“Not even! Jim Morrison’s had this voice that just sounded crazy. Your voice is way to pretty to sound like Jim’s!”


“Just learn how to play your organ Edward and leave the singing to me.”

“But what about the guitar?”

“We’ll record me playing it and play it simultaneous and do the same thing with the drums.”

Two hours later they met in the living room and had an audience of the Cullen kids to watch them perform. Edward pressed play and the guitar rift started playing.

Willow started moving her body like Jim Morrison used to and her soulful voice began singing, “Love me two times baby. Love me twice today. I’m going away. Alright YEAAH!”

While Edward began going into the heavy organ rift, Willow began shaking her body in the highly sexual manner that Jim used to, making Edward stop playing and say, “What are you doing?”

“I’m dancing,” shouted Willow.

His eyes widened and he shot at her, “That’s like stripping.”

“You’re such a prude! Don’t you know anything about Jim Morrison? The man was SEX! I’m not going to do his song if I can’t do him justice!”



“Why are you so stubborn?”

“Why are you such a prude? Sex is a beautiful thing, it’s liberating! Stop fearing it like they teach you in Sunday school. Now let’s take it from the top.”

They sang into the night and every couple minutes Edward would stop to complain about how much Willow was gyrating her hips and she would respond to his complaints by
gyrating them faster and faster.

“Edward,” whispered Alice.

He looked towards Alice and said, “What?”

“She’s sleeping,” she replied as she pointed towards Willow.


“I already called her mom, but she needs a place to sleep.”

“I have a futon.”

Edward picked Willow up from the couch and placed her on his futon. Her hand naturally found itself around his neck and she cuddled into his chest.

He made it into his room and was about to lay her on the bed but when he heard her mutter his name and sigh he couldn’t put her down.

Instead he climbed onto the futon beside her and let her cuddle into the crook of his neck. He couldn’t help himself and his lips grazed hers ever so softly as he whispered, “I love you.”