Status: Completed.

We Get On

Bella the Big Mouth

Willow kept telling herself that Edward kissing her and telling her that he loved her had to have been a dream.

Edward Cullen could never look at her that way, he had a girlfriend that did everything he said and there was no way he’d leave that kind of girl for Willow.

“HENDRIX,” shouted a musical voice.

Willow jolted up from the futon and her eyes widened when she realized that she wasn’t in her room, she looked down and realized that she was still wearing her clothes that was a good sign.

Alice laughed as she saw Willow making sure that she had her clothes on, “You’re so silly Hendrix!”

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and said, “Alice, where are we?”

“My house, you fell asleep last night,” replied Alice as she danced around Edward’s room.

“Oh alright. What time is it,” asked Willow once she was sufficiently awake.


“8? Why are we up so early?”

“So we can play dress up and choose your outfit!”

“How many did you make?”

“A bunch!”

“How did you find time?”

“I’m an expert with clothes.”

Sure enough there were many different outfits on the bed but the moment Willow saw the tight leather pants and loose blouse she knew that was it.

She told Alice she just needed that one but Alice told her that she just had to keep all the clothes and made that morning into a makeover experience in which she combed out
Willow’s hair put flowers in it and did her makeup.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful Edward,” asked Alice as she sashayed into the living room.

Edward turned and the moment his eyes caught hold of Willow’s the venom within him started speeding up, he wanted to say something but no words came to mind and all he could do was nod like a fool; he has it bad.

Emmett started laughing when he saw the look on Edwards face, so he patted his brother on the back and said, “She sure is gorgeous! Now come get some food Willow!”

Bella was wide awake for all of Saturday night waiting for Edward to come, but he never did.

She was quite literally up the entire night waiting for her prince to walk in through her window and to hold her in his arms, but instead all she received was a cold breeze.

Something was up with Edward, and she didn’t like it; not one bit.

So that morning instead of waiting for Edward to go pick her up at noon, she decided to go over to his house at ten and see what had happened.

As Bella pulled up to the driveway she peered into the windows and saw that Willow was sitting in the Cullen home enjoying a big breakfast as the others watched her smiling.

Bella jumped out of her truck and slammed the door, marching into the house with a pissed off look on her face.

She swung the door open and walked into the kitchen where she proceeded to glare at everyone as she shouted, “I thought I was the only human you guys told you were vampires too!”

“Bella we hadn’t told her,” screamed out Emmett.

“But,” whispered Bella.

Edward sighed and said, “We were working on a project and she fell asleep!”

“Nice going you fucking bitch,” snapped Rosalie.

“I didn’t know,” whined Bella in an attempt to get pity points.

“Then you shouldn’t open your big mouth!”

“Well what was I supposed to think!”

“You should get the fuck out of this house before something happens!”

“What are you going to do suck me dry?”

“Don’t tempt me.”

The fork Willow was holding in her hands dropped, and she began to breathe heavily she
looked around at the people in the room.

Of course they were vampires they were way too beautiful and perfect looking to be human.


Their eyes snapped to Willow who looked as if she was going to pass out, she nervously took a joint out of her bag and fumbled with her lighter trying to light it but it wasn’t working not until Emmett took it and lit it for her.

She took a few hits and scratched her head, she opened her mouth to say something but found herself passing out instead.