Status: Completed.

We Get On

Heaven’s Last Best Gift

Alice’s eyes widened when she saw Bella pull into the driveway, she turned to Rosalie to find some sort of opinion on what to do and all Rosalie said was, “Let her see, better now than later.”

“Rose that’s cruel, she wouldn’t survive if she found out like this. Keep her busy.”

“She’s clumsy as hell it’ll take at least three minutes to get to the door,” shot back Rosalie in an annoyed tone she didn’t want to protect Bella.

Alice ran to the backyard using all her speed, she didn’t want to make Edward go inside but she had too. She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes as he told him that Bella had arrived.

Edward nodded and picked up Willow so they could run into the house, he sat them both down on the couch and spread out a bunch of crap from their project on the coffee table.

Willow was completely confused, one minute she was kissing Edward and the next she was being carried into the house, this boy is strange.

“Edward,” shouted Bella from the doorway.

Edward’s face lit up and he happily exclaimed, “Bella!”

Willow sat on the couch and watched as Edward placed a soft kiss on Bella’s lips. Her stomach flipped, and a searing pain shot through her heart.

He’d just kissed her, and now he was kissing Bella.

Who did this bloody vampire think he was?

When they pulled away Bella noticed Willow and with a fake voice said, “Oh, I’m not interrupting am I? I can leave.”

“Bella there’s nothing to interrupt,” said Edward quickly.

Willow began trying to calm her breathing, she could totally ruin their relationship right now but she decided that she didn’t want anything to do with Edward if he was the type of guy to kiss two girls at once.

“I’m gonna head out,” stated Willow in a complete nonchalant fashion.

“Stay,” Edward blurted out.

“No, I got more important shit to do.”

Edward cringed mentally as he heard the profanity that Willow was directing towards him in her thoughts.

He didn’t want too make her sad, but what could he do?

He was with Bella and if he ever left Bella she would surely fall apart and die.

No, he would not risk it. After everything she’d gone through for him he couldn’t just up and leave her.

That Monday Edward tried everything he could to get Willow to talk to him, but she didn’t budge all she did was sing songs in her head and doodle.

Edward grew restless and decided to take action into his own hands, so he waited by the art room that she frequented during brunch and walked in when he saw her go inside.

“What the fuck do you want,” spat Willow when she saw Edward walk into the room.

He flinched slightly and responded, “To talk to you.”

“Well you’re interrupting something.”

“My meditation time so get out of here.”

“Willow we need to talk about what happened!”

“You mean about you kissing me and then moments later kissing your girlfriend? Is that
what you want to talk about?”


“Too bad I don’t want too.”

“What was I supposed to do? She’s my girlfriend.”

“Don’t act like I’m asking you to do a damn thing, because I don’t want shit to do with you anymore.”

Lunch soon came and the teenagers littered the parking lot as they ate their food. Willow walked out beside her brother and they sat on the bed of his truck eating the tacos that their parents had packed them for lunch.

They were laughing at some stupid thing that they’d done when they were kids when all of a sudden they heard a door slam and a very familiar voice shout out, “Thanks man! May your life be full of blessings and peace.”

Willow’s face snapped up and the taco that she was holding fell to the floor. She stared at his face and her heart began beating at a million miles an hour.

He looked clean, well clean by his standards. His hair was still wild and pointing in all directions, his face was clean shaven.

He’d gained weight which was a very good thing since the acid had made him lose a lot of weight. He walked slowly, seeing as to how he was caring a large duffle bag over his shoulder and walked until he was in front of her.

The students of Forks stared at the strange handsome man as he walked towards Willow. His hair was wild and untamed, his face refined as if chiseled by Michael Angelo himself.

His dress was also out of the ordinary, he wore skin tight faded jeans and a psychedelic shirt; he was straight out of the sixties.

“Hello Willow,” he said softly.

“How the hell did you get here?”

“Hitch hiked,” he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You hitch hiked do you know how dangerous that is?”

“you’re worth any risk I could ever take.”

“Syd, don’t.”

“I can’t help it Willow. These past few months have been hell! I felt like shit after you left, so bad that I tried to kill myself, I took so much acid but I didn’t die. That’s when I realized that I had to get clean not for you, but for me, so that one day there could be an us. You’re my world Willow, my cosmic mate, the reason why I get up in the morning. I know I was an ass. I know that the acid fucking ruined our relationship and I slept with someone else but I’m clean, I haven’t had sex since that day you walked in, I need you Willow. You are my vice, my only vice.”

“Then let me give you your fix.”

Willow jumped off the bed of the truck and stood before him. Her breathing increased dramatically as she stood before the man that she had shared most of her firsts with.

He ran his hand through her long hair and instead of engulfing her in a passionate kiss like he normally would have he took her in his arms and buried his face in her hair taking in her unique scent and letting tears swim through his face.

“You are heaven’s last best gift.”

Edward tensed when he heard the wild looking man say that. He wanted to run over there and tear him limb from limb, burn the pieces and forget all about it.

He hated the way he looked at Willow, there was such love and devotion in his eyes that it was making him sick. How dare that human look at HIS singer like that!

“Wanna split?”


Syd held his hand out and Willow took it happily, their fingers laced together and they started walking out of school.

Willow didn’t care if it was lunch time and she would most likely get into trouble for leaving, all she knew was that she wanted to be with Syd; she needed to be with him.

“Calm down Edward.”

“How can I be calm when she’s walking away hand in hand with some other guy?’

“How can you expect her to wait when you’re locking lips with Bella at all times?”

“It’s different.”

“You’re right, it is different because you know that you’re meant to be with Willow and she doesn’t. So don’t act like the fucking victim here.”

No one was home at Willow’s house and she was very thankful because she didn’t want anyone to hear the screaming that would escape her lips.

They made it into her room and Syd threw his duffel bag on the ground. He locked the door and began kissing Willow passionately.

He nibbled on her bottom lip to gain entrance into her mouth and as soon as he did their tongues began a fierce battle.

They fell on her bed and she immediately took off all of his clothes, he then began to take her shirt and pants off, his hand skillfully took off her bra and he began sucking on each breast, his tongue flicking over the nipple.

His lips left her breast and started kissing down her stomach until he reached her panties, he licked his lips and with his teeth stripped her of her lace panties.

He cast them aside and let out a soft growl, he picked her leg up and started kissing it until her reached her spot.

Willow shook with pleasure as Syd handled her; it had been too long since she’d last released herself.

Soon he got on top of her and began pounding into her roughly, holding her hands above her head.

Moans and screams of pleasure escaped both of their lips, and outside of Willow’s window stood Edward Cullen with a crestfallen face and venom boiling through his veins.