Status: One-Shot =D

One Last Breath

One Last Breath

It's been six years since I last saw her. She was perfect in every way imaginable. Her blue eyes would glow in the moonlight. He skin was like a porcelain doll. Smooth and pale. Her hair was long locks of black silk that went past her shoulder blades. As I looked out the window into the rain soaked street I thought about how we meet ten years ago.

I was sitting in the court yard of school talking to my friend Matt. He was discussing what band names he came up with last night. I was looking at him but my mind was else where. Thinking about everything I've done in life. There wasn't much that I had done. I've gone to parties, joined the schools baseball team and joined the band that Matt, Jimmy and I started together. I couldn't help but think I was missing something but I couldn't quite figure it out.

That's when I saw her. She looked flawless as she walked through the school yard as if she didn't have a care in the world. It was almost like my idea of a perfect girl had just walked into my life. I got up and started walking towards her.

"Dude! Where the fuck are you going?" Matt asked me. I turned my head back towards him to reply but before I could I bumped into someone. I whipped my head forward and looked down to see a girl collecting her books.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I said bending down to help her. She looked up into my eyes. It was the girl I was admiring before. I couldn't look away from her. I don't think I wanted to either.

"It's okay." She smiled. My breath caught in my throat. She was perfect.

"I'm Zacky." I said handing her books to her.

"Ellie." She replied with a small smile gracing her lips.

From that day on, Ellie and I were inseparable. We did everything together. But it was obvious that she never was interested in me so I started dating a girl named Gena, trying to get over the girl I truly loved. Then one day Ellie just disappeared. No one knew where she went or what happened to her. We tried so hard to find her but always came up empty. Gena broke up with me after a while. She understood that I never loved her like I loved Ellie. My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I sighed and got up, walking to the phone slowly.I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver with no emotion in my voice.

"Zacky, I found her!" Matt said into the phone. My eyes instantly went wide. "Dude, you there?"

"What? Yeah. You found her? You found Ellie?" I asked in a hurried voice.

"Yeah, she's right here. Once I saw her I basically kidnapped her." He laughed and I heard her call him an asshole in the background. It felt so good to hear her voice again.

"Dude, I'm coming over right now!" I replied before shutting off the phone. I was out the door as fast as my legs would carry me and got in my car. I sped off to Matt's house. It didn't take me long. I pulled into his driveway and ran into the house not bothering to knock. Once inside I searched his living room and saw her. She looked at me like a little kid that was in trouble. She looked even more perfect than she did in high school. I quickly ran to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you so much." I whispered into her ear.

"I missed you too." She replied in a quiet voice. I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

"Because, I loved you and you loved Gena. I couldn't take watching you kiss her the way I wished you would kiss me." As she said that a single tear went down her face.

"Ellie, I never loved her. I've always loved you and i always will." I said.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded and leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss. A kiss I've waited ten years for.

"I love you Ellie."

"I love you too, Zacky."
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It sucked didn't it? Leave a comment! =D