Status: Done ^^

The One You’re Dreaming Of

The One You're Dreaming Of

The sound of someone knocking on the bedroom door caught my attention making me look away from my mirror. Just as I turned to look at the door it opened, showing John.

“You ready yet Kennedy?” He asked.
“Yeah, almost.” I mumbled.

John smiled shaking his head.

“Just hurry up ok, most of us is ready to go.” He said closing the door to my room behind him.

I mumbled ‘yeah’ under my breath and looked back at my reflection in the mirror. Normally I wasn’t a self conscious person but today I was. Of course I was. I was going to see her. How could I not be?

I sighed loudly and turned away from the mirror and walked towards the door of my room. I grabbed my phone, some money and opened the door, walking out. I walked down the stairs to the living room to see the guys sitting and waiting for me. As I walked in the room I heard a few ‘finally’s before they all crowed to the front door. It wasn’t a secret to any of the guys about how much I like her, they made me tell when we were playing a truth or dare game. I still have to get Pat back for that...

I followed the guys out the front door and to one of our cars. We all pilled in quickly and John started the car. He back out down the drive way before driving down the street.

Today we were going to a friends place for a lunch thing. We did this when ever we had time off to catch up a few of our friends. It was just a little get together, we would talk, mess around, eat, drink, well basically just have fun. Today was no different apart from the fact we haven’t see our friends for a long while...And I was nervous as hell to see her. I have no idea why I was, but I was.

I started fiddling with the frayed threads at the end of my shirt. I need to calm down. But how? I’m a nervous wreck around her! Ugh!

“Can we put some music on?” I asked.
“Yeah sure.” Pat shrugged.

He turned the radio on. For a second all we got was static but then ‘If Today Was Your Last Day’ by Nickelback started playing. I smiled lightly out the window. This is a good song. I started singing it in my head as a distraction. I have no idea why I’m so shy and scared around her, yes I like her but why do I get like this for? To me it didn’t make much sense.

I closed my eyes lightly and focused more on the music as the others chattered away.

All too soon I felt the car stop. I opened my eyes to see our friend’s house out the car window. Everyone started getting out the car. I had to quickly to let Garret out of the middle of the back seat. I looked at the house and bit my lip lightly. I followed the guys to the front door. John quickly rang the door bell, once, twice and then a third time. Most of us laughed. He always did that when we came here.

Suddenly the door swang open.

“Can you leave that bloody doorbell- Oh my gosh!” Patty exclaimed when she noticed it was us with wide eyes.

This visit was a surprise visit; we were meant to meet up next week. I chuckled at the look on her face. Finally being here I didn’t feel as nervous anymore.

“Hey Patty!” Pretty much all of us yelled and laughed.

She beamed at us and pulled us all in a hug as we entered the house one by one saying our greetings. I followed John into the living room to see our other friend Rhiahn sitting on the couch playing some car racing game on the Play Station 2. I walked over to her quietly noticing an opportunity to scare her. I stopped by the side of the couch and smirked.

“Hey Rhiahn!” I smiled.

She jumped snapping her head around to look at me. Her eyes went wide and John walked up to my side. We both started laughing.

“Hey guys!” She smiled getting over the shock, glancing back at the screen to see her car had crashed. “Kennedy, look what you made me do!” She yelled in fake anger, I could see the smile on her face.

“Aww, I’m sorry.” I smiled.

Rhiahn turned paused the game and stood up hugging me then John chuckling. She was about to say something when Pat squished her in a hug out of nowhere. I started laughing with the others when something caught the corner of my eye. I looked over at the door that led to the rest of the house to see Maria standing there with wide eyes but a huge smiled across her lips. I left my heart thump in my chest. I felt nervous all over again. It was her.

Maria looked right at me and somehow her smile got bigger. Her smile was lovely; I just couldn’t help but smiled back. She made her way to the group of us standing in the middle of the living room. Seeing as I was the only one to notice her so far she hugged me first. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close, just as tight as she was holding me.

“Hi Kennedy.” She said in her sweet. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good, the tour was awesome. What about you?” I asked pulling away...As much as I didn’t want to.
“I’m good, loving my day off; more now that yous are here.” She beamed.
I smiled back and she looked away from me, greeting Pat, then the others. I moved over to the couch and took a seat; but my eyes never left her.


The cool summer breeze blew through my hair as the sun shined on my back. We were all sitting out side now finishing off our lunch. I’ve already finished mine and was just floating around in-between all the conisations. I wasn’t really listening to one really, it was hard to with everyone talking at once. But anyway I was to busy watching Maria out of the corner of my eye.

Me and Maria has been friends for...At least 5 years now, I think. We have always been pretty close; I can still remember the day that I met her actually. I smiled down at the table at that. That was such a good day...It wasn’t that long after that actually I started falling hard for her...

“Hey Kennedy.” Someone whispered into my ear.

I turned my head to the side to see John smiling at me, but something told me he was up to something. I eyed him a little which made him laugh. What is he up to, or should I say what is he thinking about?

“Yeah?” I asked.
“You remember what we talked about in the bus around a month ago right?” He asked keeping his voice low so I could only hear.

I blinked and looked passed him, thinking about it. Well we have talked about a lot of stuff. John rolled his eyes after a moment when I haven’t said anything. He placed both of his hand on either side of my face and turned my head towards Maria.

“Oh.” I muttered remembering that talk.
“Yeah, that one.” John said letting go of my face.

That “little” talk of ours was pretty much about John telling me to ask Maria out already and if I remember right he said something along the lines of ‘leave your crappy fears behind and live each moment like yous last’. I can see what he means by that...But I’m almost scared shitless just thinking of telling her how much I like her, though I have heard that she liked me, which I don’t think, is true.

“So...?” John asked trailing off.

I looked back at him and he smirked.

“So what?” I asked confused.

John hit the back of my head.

“Ouch!” I complained rubbing the back of my head.
“Think Kennedy! Are you going to tell her or not?” He asked.

I looked up at him. Oh, so that’s what he was getting at. I almost felt myself blush.

“Well, um, I...Don’t know.” I muttered.

Believe me I do want to tell her...But what will she say? Does she like me too or not? Would it affect our friendship? Hell, what do I even say?

“Well I say tell her and get it over with, you might only get the one chance.” John said before taking a swig of his drink.
“Yeah...True...” I mumbled looking down at the table.

This could be my only chance, who knows any guy could ask her out at anytime. She is so gorgeous; with her pale skin, brown hair and dark chocolate coloured eyes...I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. John’s right, I should really tell her...Somehow.

“Fine. I will.” I sighed.

John made a loud cheering noise, which made most of the people look at him. He just laughed and I gave him a look like ‘you-idiot-shut-up!’. He just laughed more. Suddenly he stood up grabbing his plate. He said something to Rhiahn, who was sitting next to him, but I didn’t catch what he said. Rhiahn smiles at him and nods her head.

“I’m getting icecream first!” John yelled running into the house.
“Oh no, your not!’ Patty yelled running after him.

I chuckled as some others laughed and walked inside to get icecream too. Soon there was only me, Maria, Rhiahn and Pat still outside sitting at the table. Pat turned to Rhiahn and started talking. I looked up at Maria. My heart thumped in my chest again. Well I guess my chance is now...

I stood up from where I was sitting and walked up to her. Marisa looked up at me with her eyes shinning and her lips pulled into a smile. I just had to smile back.

“Hey, would you like to go for a walk?” I asked the first thing that popped into my head.
“Yeah, sure.” She smiled. “That would be heaps better then seeing the guys shove icecream down their throats.” She laughed.

I laughed too nodding my head, remembering last time when it turned into an eating contest, icecream ended up everywhere. Maria stood up from where she sat and we both started walking to the gate that lead around to the front of the house. She opened the gate for us and we walked to the path in front of the house. Us two used to always go for walks back in the day, it was about the only time we got to be together alone.

We both stopped walking when we got to the path.

“Which way do you want to go?” Maria asked. “We could go right to the shops or left to the park.”
“Where do you want to go?” I asked smiling down at her.

She smiled back and started walking down the street to the left. I chuckled and walked beside her, should have known she’d pick the park. We were both quiet for a while, but it wasn’t awkward at all, it was nice. I smiled to myself and looked at Maria who was looking ahead of us.

“So what have you been up to while I was on tour?” I asked starting a talk.
“Nothing much really, just work, home and hanging out with Patty and Rhiahn.” She smiled.

I nod my head and smiled back.

“What did yous get up to during the tour?” She asked.
“Just the normally really, playing and messing around. That tour was so awesome! The fans were so great.” I beamed remembering it.
“I so wish I could have came of at least one of the shows, I miss seeing yous play live.” She said softly.
“Same here, I missed you being there.” I said honestly.

I then blinked a little shocked. I actually told her that, I don’t think I have ever told her that. I saw her smiling at me when I shook my head to get rid of the shock. I smiled back at her and held my hand out, silently asking to hold hands. Maria placed her hand in mine and I’m sure I felt sparks or something go up my am. I couldn’t help but smile hugely as we kept walking.

After about what I would say was 15 minutes we reached the park. We walked across the road and onto the soft green grass. For once the place wasn’t that full of people which in a way were weird because there were normally a lot of people here. We got about half way across the grass when Maria let my hand go. I felt myself pout a little but chuckled when she started running to the swings kicking her shoes off as she ran laughing.

I smiled and jogged after her to the sing set. She sat down on one of the swings and I walked up behind her.

“Want me to push?” I asked.
“Yeah!” She beamed.

I chuckled and placed my hands over hers on the chains. I pulled back a little and let go, starting her off. I started pushing her gently. This was just like the old times. I smiled lightly and continued pushing her. I started going off into my thoughts after a while. Now this was my chance, we are alone and in a place that the guys wouldn’t pop up out of nowhere. Now think Kennedy, how are you going to tell her?

Why is it so hard to tell a person that you love them!

“Kennedy?” Maria asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Um, yeah?”
“You stopped pushing me.” She chuckled.

I blinked and noticed that the swing had stopped moving completely. I chuckled nervously.

“Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.” I mumbled.

I placed my hand on her sides and gave her a small push.

“What were you thinking about?” She asked turning her head to look at me.
“Oh just some random stuff.” I shrugged.
“Oh, ok then.” She nodded.

We were both silent then for a while. I really should say something. I opened my mouth to say something but her bet me to it.

“You’re really quiet today.” She stated looking at me. “Are you ok?” She asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, just thinking about a lot of stuff...” I trailed off.
“You know I’m there if you need someone to talk to.” She smiled.
“I know, thank you.” I smiled back.

I pushed her a couple more times before I sighed. I need to tell her, I want to tell her. She needs to know. I took a hold of the chains on the swing and stopped it. I walked around to face Maria and she looked at me tilting her head to the side. She looked so cute when she did that.

“Maria...There has been something I’ve wanted to tell you for ages now...But I guess I have been to chicken to.” I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck.

Maria looked up at me confused and curious. I bent down to her level to look at her in the eyes. Well here goes nothing.

“What is it Kennedy?” She asked.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment.

“I...Well, I’m in love with you, and I have been for a while now.”

It felt so good to get that off of my shoulders. I opened my eyes slowly to see Maria looking at me shocked. I bit my lip and was about to stand back up when she grabbed my hand. I looked back up at her face to see her smiling brightly with her beautiful eyes shinning.

“I have something to tell you too Kennedy. I’m in love with you too.”

Just as I heard those words I almost jumped for joy but instead I pulled her into a hug and spun her around, hiding my face in her soft hair. She laughed as I placed her feet back on the ground.

I moved my head back to see her face. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I leaned forward and placed my lips onto her soft ones. I felt her smile as she kissed back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. I’ve wanted to do this for years now.

And you know what? John was right for once; live each moment like yous last because you may never get a second chance...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it!
Comment please and tell me what you think of it?
This was for We Say Summer's Songfic Contest