Status: Complete.

Set Me Free


The cracking of the thunder woke me late at night. My eyes shot open as I stared outside, watching the rain pour outside and the dark clouds hover in the sky. I wonder if the world was doing this on purpose. When I get to go on a vacation type thing it pours down rain…

Damn weather.

Sighing, I spun on my side in hopes to go back to sleep, but the thunder was loud and lightning persistent. It continued to light up our room, allowing me to see the lump known as Zander across the room.

Seeing him made me remember yesterday. The kiss and the confusion and the tension. It made me extremely uncomfortable. Frowning, I bury my face in my pillow, hoping to fall asleep, but the dipping of my bed woke me up.

I opened my eyes to see my blanket rising and an all too familiar body scooting inside. A warm hand grabbed my arm and threw it over their waist as they buried their face in my chest, curling up next to me.

“Zander what-”

“Shut up,” he orders, his arms wrapping around my waist as well. “Just…shut up.”

I was happy, I’ll admit that, but I was shocked and confused. They overrode the happiness so I had to ask. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” He was being a smartass. I don’t think he realizes what he’s doing to me. He’s making me angry, because he won’t tell me what the hell is up. He’s confusing the hell out of me. One second he wouldn’t let me do this and the next he’s the one who starts it.

“Damn it Zander!” I’ve never raised my voice, but I believe it’s needed right now. “I need to know what the hell is going on! Do you hate me or not?”

His silence worried me. Inside I was panicking. What if he said he did hate me and he was just doing this to fuck with me? What will I do? But what if he says…what if he says he doesn’t hate me?

I waited for the answers, expecting the worse. I guess someone up there was making up for the rain because Zander mumbled something I didn’t expect.

“I…never hated you, still don’t.”

I didn’t know what to do first, scream or squeal. Squealing is a little too feminine for me so maybe…I should scream?

“Don’t scream.”

Did he just read my mind? That’s fucked up.

“You’re speaking out loud.”

“Oh…” I glance down at Zander who was hiding his flushing face in my chest. “I knew that.”

The way he scoffed told me that he didn’t believe me. I chuckled and rubbed his back, the tension between was still there but it wasn’t because of confusion…at least not on my part.

“You really confuse me, Zander,” I sigh into his dark locks.

He didn’t say anything after that. Maybe he didn’t know what to say or he just wanted to go to sleep? Who knows.

The next morning I woke up with Zander curled up in my arms. The rain was still coming down hard, but I didn’t mind. It gave me an excuse to lie her all day with Zander in my arms. We had time to make up anyways since yesterday we avoided the other like a plague.

My thumbs made circular motions on his sides while I kissed his head. It most have woken him up because he groaned once and growled, “Stop that.”

“Why?” I held in my chuckles because something told me Zander is going to be a grump.

“Because, I said so.”

“Mm, I rather not.”

The loud shrieking sound came from Zander because I rolled so that was I straddling him. Not that I think he minded because when I kissed him he kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck. My hands roamed up his shirt, feeling the smooth skin of his sides.

The muscles beneath my finger tips tensed before shivering. I smirked and moved from Zander’s lips to his throat. I kissed the tender flesh before sucking some into my mouth to mark it.

“D-Damn it Ollie…d-don’t leave a hickey,” he groans, the moans escaping his mouth definitely wasn’t helping me stop.

“Too late,” I chuckled against his throat. His hands moved down my back and starting sneaking up my shirt.

Our lips connected, sloppily I might add, and I ran my tongue across his lips. He opened wide, allowing me to roam the moist cavern. Our tongues battled, snaking around each other before exploring the others mouth. His moans were sweet and addicting and I wanted to hear more.

My hand moved down his clothed thigh. When my fingers reached the end of his boxers I sneaked up them, feeling the shivering skin beneath.

The loud pounding on the door was what had us pull apart. Zander quickly push my hands off him when the door flew open to show Gary, one of the student council members. He stared at us oddly for a moment before smiling and saying, “There’s a meeting just fifteen minutes before breakfast. Be there.”

Zander nods and we both wait patiently for him to leave. When his foot steps are no longer heard Zander punches me.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?”

“You better not have left a mark,” he snarled, jumping out of bed to go to the restroom. I snickered as his curses filled the room.

I made sure to leave a mark.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think ten more chapters until this ends
Not sure though :]
