Status: Complete.

Set Me Free


Eagerly I threw item after item into my luggage bags. Scowling, I try to find those damn jeans that Cori says look great on me. We only had a few more days until the senior trip and I wasn’t done packing yet.

I needed to get everything, my best shirts, jeans, shoes, and my hair products because if I didn’t I wouldn’t look good for Zander, which I cannot let happen.

“Ollie, you have five days until the trip so stop fretting!” Cori screeched, doing a girl move and placing her hands on her hips.

I whined, “B-But, I need to make sure I have everything for Zander!”

“You’re worse then a girl,” she sighed, irritated. “Lets go or we’re going to be late.”

Frowning, I throw on a jacket and follow Cori out of the house. The two of us hopped in her car, me in the passenger side, immediately opening the dash board to grab the lollipop I knew was in there waiting for me.

I shoved the delicious grape flavored delight into my mouth and moaned at the taste. Mhm…lollipop.

Cori rolled her eyes before backing out of the driveway. Today we were going to the mall, because for some unknown reason she wants to. Not that I mind though, I love talking with people at the mall! It’s always fun.

When we got there she immediately dragged me to Claire’s. I stood in there, whining slightly because I wanted to go to Hot Topic. I had to wait though because if I didn’t she might hit me and I don’t want that!

After an eternity of waiting I skipped into Hot Topic, waving to the girls behind the counter. Both giggled and flushed. Stupid girls, thinking they have a chance with me. I’m taken for life!

“I think I’m going to buy Zander something,” I say, looking at a shirt that I knew he’d like. Zander was a huge fan of Nirvana…trust me, I know this.

“You always buy him something when we come to the mall,” Cori sighs from behind me.

“That’s because he needs to know that he’s always on my mind!” I squeal, grabbing the shirt and not bothering to look at the price. Whatever it was, Zander was worth it.

After we finished shopping it was around eight o’clock. I was excited for Monday. I know, you all probably think I’m crazy, actually being excited for school, but I get to see Zander! How can I not be excited?

“See you tomorrow sweet heart,” Cori says, kissing my cheek before pulling out of the driveway. I waved until she was no longer in sight and then ran up the steps and inside. There my parents greeted me with hugs and an amazing dinner, as usual.

When Monday morning came I hurried to get ready. I had slept in and I left the house five minutes late, but still managed to get to Zander’s on time. He was just locking his door when I bolted up his sidewalk, panting.

“I-I got you something!” I shouted, rummaging in my backpack for his present.

“Why?” Zander asks, watching me curiously.

“Because I love you of course,” I answered, his cheeks flushed. I pulled out the shirt and laid it in his arms.

He looked at it and I could tell by the look on his eyes that he wanted to smile, but he was stubborn. The boy scoffed and put the shirt into his bag before grumbling, “Don’t buy me shit…you make it seem like we’re dating.”

“We will be one day!” I shouted, following the boy down the sidewalk. “Because I’m never giving up on you.”

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I realized I haven't updated this in FOREVER
I'm going to try to get a few more updates out because I've been neglecting it =D

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