Status: Complete.

Set Me Free


It finally came. The day of our senior field trip has finally come and I couldn’t be more excited.

Five in the morning we were leaving and it was currently four. I was just stepping out of the shower and drying my hair as I thought of all the fun things we were going to do. I couldn’t stop dreaming about Zander finally admitting that he loves me too.

Oh…what a great day that’d be…

I moved into my room, double-checking to make sure that I had everything. Once I realized that I did indeed have what I needed I went to get dressed. It took me a while to decide what to wear, after all I needed to try and look good for Zander.

I settled on a gray Volcom shirt along with some black skinnies. I slipped on my converses and did everything else, like eat, brush my teeth, hair, and etcetera and when I finished I heard a knock on the door, telling me that Cori was here to pick me up.

I bolted down stairs and ripped the door open. “Hi Cori! Aren’t you excited?”

The tired girl looked at me, enraged. Her eyebrow twitched momentarily before she grumbled and moved inside, a dark cloud looming over her head. I giggled, poked at the dark matter, while teasing, “Did someone forget to take their PMS pills this morning?”

“It is four thirty in the fucking morning Ollie, shut up,” she hissed, collapsing on my couch.

“But it’s four thirty in the fucking morning of our trip!” I screeched, knowing that my parents are hard sleepers. After years of having me around, they’ve had to learn to sleep through the loudness that radiates off me. “Isn’t it amazing? This is going to be so much fun.”

“Shut up sunshine and go get your stuff,” Cori mumbled, her voice muffled from the pillows.

“Okay!” I sing cheerfully as I dart up my stairs. After I got all my luggage into Cori’s car we head off to the school. I saw the bus and a few other kids were there. I clapped like a two year old when I saw Zander standing in the chilly air, his hands running up and down his arms to try and keep warm.

Our senior trip…

The student council, in other words Zander, planned it. The seniors last year did the same thing that we’re doing and they loved it. What they did was go to a resort about three hours from here.

It was a beautiful place where they had activities like rock climbing, white water rafting, swimming, bungee jumping, and a lot of other crazy things. They stayed in cabins, and of course the principal had to ruin everything by having us sit through stupid lectures.

I think they were having some about colleges and relationships…something like that. I wasn’t really paying attention when the old man came on the loud speaker and explained it all. I was too busy drooling over Zander…like always.

Cori pulled into the lot and I jumped out, far too excited to stay in that car even if it was warm in there and chilly outside. I ran over to Zander, my arms wrapping themselves around his slender waist and pulling his body back into my own.

He yelped, turning quickly in my arms. He looked up at me, eyes wide, but once he realized that it was me and not some pervert…ok so I am a pervert, but I mean a bad one, he relaxed, but kept a scowl on his angelic face.

“Get off me,” he ordered, but he didn’t try to pull away.

“Will you sit with me on the bus?” I ask, hopefully.

“No way in hell,” he growls.

Pouting, I rest my forehead against his own. I watched as his cheeks go from their normal pair color to a deep shade a red. He’ll never admit that I make him blush, but hey I don’t need him to because I see it with my own two eyes.


“Why would I? You’ll just try to rape me.”

“I can’t rape the willing.”

“Fuck you, I’m not willing.”

Giggling, I kiss his nose. “You’re adorable. You can have the window seat.”

Zander continued to protest, but once all of our things were shoved into the bus and everyone was here we got onto the bus. Zander sat down and I sat next to him, he didn’t say anything, instead resting his head against the window.

I put my arm around him and pulled him over to me. He squeaked, surprised, but expecting it at the same time.

“My shoulder is more comfortable then the window,” I tell him. For a moment I thought that he was going to be stubborn like usual and protest, but he didn’t and I kept myself from cheering in victory, wouldn’t want him changing his mind.

Zander yawned, snuggling close to me. I rubbed his arm softly, and hummed a slow song and within seconds he was out cold…

I smiled; something was telling me this was going to be a very good trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
Idk if I'll get out another update or not
I might just keep it in the folder and wait for ten comments :D
