Status: Complete.

Set Me Free


“Everyone pay attention please!” A student council member shouted. Everyone turned to face him and once he knew he had our attention he spoke. “Student council members are handing you all your room keys, schedules, rules, and room partners. Once you know who your partner is please pair up with them and report straight to your rooms. We all will have an hour to unpack and sleep before breakfast and your schedule tells you the rest. Thank you.”

“Cori…d-do you think that…I could room with Zander?”

Cori laughed, “Nah, that’s too much luck.”

Just as she said that a council member handed me my information and printed before me in bold black letters was: Zander.

I screamed.

“Are you serious?” Cori cracked up. “Wow, you’re getting lucky this week aren’t you?”

I don’t know how long I danced from one foot to the other, but I know I did for a while. Cori rolled her eyes at me and left some time ago.

I giggled insanely as I ran over to Zander. He looked at me curiously before glancing at his paper. I cracked up at how wide his eyes got and the way his jaw dropped. He looked like a fish out of water with his mouth opening and closing like that.

“This is going to be the best week ever!”

Zander groaned as I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him into the retreat.

“Wow, this room is awesome!” I shouted happily, throwing my bags onto a random bed. Zander walked to the opposite one and rested his on the mattress before he sighed and sat on it.

“It’s nice,” Zander whispered more to himself than me.

I smiled and hopped on the bed next to him. He tensed as I slipped my arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. Laughing, I snuggle into his neck. “Isn’t it awesome? We have a room to ourselves for a whole week! It’s romantic right?”

I got knocked off the bed for that. “Shut up you weirdo!”

“Aw look you’re blushing!”

Zander snarled and stood to his feet. “Just go to sleep.”

Whining I do as I’m told. I didn’t want to make my baby angry! Oh no, no that’d be bad. I want him to be happy and smiling and enjoying this wonderful vacation of ours.

So keeping a bright smile on my face I bolt to my bed where I hop under the covers and snuggle into my pillows. I watched Zander from beneath the blankets. He moved about the room, unpacking a small amount of things like his tooth brush, cologne, and such. When he re-entered the room from the restroom I popped my head out and asked, “Aren’t you going to tuck me in?

Zander looked at me as if I were an imbecile before answering with a very stern, very cold, “No.”

Sighing, I tuck myself in.He’s just a meanie. And slowly I fall into a deep sleep…

Only to be awoken what felt like seconds later by Zander. I groaned and reached out. I knew I got him when I heard the familiar shriek and I smiled as I tugged my prey into bed with me.

“Five more minutes.”

“We have to go now,” Zander growled while trying to rip my arms from him. It wasn’t working.

I sighed and snuggled into the back of his neck. The boy began to panic, claiming that he was claustrophobic and I simply laughed before letting go. He was fast, making it across the room in a mere second while sputtering, “Be down in the cafeteria in five or you’ll get in trouble.”

And just like that my baby left me. Now why would I purposely stay away from Zander? Exactly, I wouldn’t. So with lightning fast speed I brushed my teeth and made myself look acceptable before bolting out of the room and go to the cafeteriaI got lost on the way.

“Do not fear! Ollie is here!”

“God no…”

I tackled Zander out of his chair. The kids in our school laughed while other people at the retreat simply stared. I laughed and snuggled into Zander’s back while asking, “Did you miss me beautiful?”

“I’d miss you as much as I’d miss a splinter in my eye,” he grumbled angrily.

“You sound so hot when you’re angry. Yell at me some more.”

Zander pushed me off him fast. I laughed while he screamed, “Freak!”

He moved away from me after that and I whined when he sat with the nerdy council members. They all scared me…I think they purposely made themselves scary and mean just to keep other people away…and Zander calls me a freak!

“Hey Ollie, come over here!”

I turned quick to see Cori waving and smiling at me. Jumping to my feet I jog over to the girl and take a seat next to her with a grin. “Good morning fellow students! Are you enjoying your breakfast?”

Cori rolled her eyes while some brunette laughed and answered, “Yep!”

I didn’t stay there to eat breakfast long. I wasn’t much of a breakfast person. Eating as soon as I woke up made my tummy hurt so I normally waited. So once Cori finished eating she and I read our schedules to see what was happening next. Apparently we didn’t have anything until after lunch. They were having some, don’t drink, don’t do drugs thing…like always…

“So what do you want to do?”

I ignored Cori’s question andstalked happened to follow Zander to see what he was doing. Cori sighed but went along with me to make it look less suspicious…I couldn’t help it that I was in love with the boy. I had to find a way to win him over and this vacation was my best shot at his heart!

We shared a room. We were partners for an entire week. I could possibly find a way to work into that frozen heart of is and warm it up a bit…maybe I could become his friend. Even that is good enough for me, as long as I’m by his side I’m ok…but I’d prefer for him to love me too…but you get what you get.

I nearly squealed in delight but decided to keep some of my manliness and keep quiet when I realized he was going swimming. That meant he wouldn’t have his shirt on…

Oh yeah…this is going to be so much fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas everyone!
And for those that don't celebrate Christmas...happy or merry whatever to you!
Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday :D
And now I hope you enjoyed all know what to do
