The One


Paul wasn't calmed down an hour later. He was sitting on the couch fuming. A vampire was after him, and he was damned if he would act like an coward and hide in his house. He just wished Khloe would let him go, kick some ass, and then return. He looked over at his girlfriend and sighed. He knew if he just got up and walked out the door in search of a vampire she would be pissed. Actually, pissed would probably be an understatement.

"I need to go deal with this." He said.

"Not right now you don't. Sam said that doctor guy was going to talk to them."

"They'll probably fucking convince him to join them!" Paul screamed, "I need to go fucking deal with this, Khloe!" He muttered, shaking violently.

She knew he was on the verge of phasing and backed up a bit. She didn't know if she could calm him down this time or not. He looked really angry. She backed up as far as she could into the wall and looked into his deep brown eyes.

He looked at her and saw how scared she was. He was actually just about ready to phase, but seeing her scared and knowing he had done that made him calm down. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, allowing his body to stop shaking. Once he became convinced that he wasn't going to phase right then and there he walked over and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, baby." He whispered.

She held onto him tightly and sighed. She knew sooner or later he would have to go out and deal with everything. She just hoped they could have one peaceful night together. One night where she wouldn't have to worry about him going after the vampires.

"Can we just not talk about vampires for the rest of the night and then tomorrow you can do whatever you want as long as you promise to come back safe. . . Deal?"

He smiled down at her and nodded his head, "Deal baby." He whispered.

They walked over and took a seat on the couch. Paul didn't bother with turning on the television or anything. He just wanted to spend this time with her. He knew she would probably worry herself sick when he did end up facing the vampires. She was feeling the pull of the imprint just as much as he was now, so if something happened to him then she would be crushed.

He ran his hands through her hair as she snuggled up close to him. He knew now that he never wanted to be with a any other woman. She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He knew it was soon, but he loved her. There was no denying how he felt, or any other way of explaining it. He cared so deeply for her.

"Khloe, I want to tell you something, but I don't want you to think it's too soon."

"I won't think anything is too soon, Paul. You can tell me anything." She said, leaning up and looking into his eyes.

He sighed as he looked down into her orbs. He licked over his lips and for the first time in his life he felt extremely nervous and anxious. Butterflies were swarming around in his stomach and he honestly didn't know how to approach this. He licked over his lips and prepared himself for a possibly rejection.

"I know it's soon." He said fumbling with his words, "But I. . uhm. . . well."

"Just say it." She laughed.

He sighed softly, "Well, it's just that. . . I think I. . ."

"Paul! Spit it out." She giggled.

"Uhm. . . I sort of."

"I can't believe you're having this hard of a time telling me something."

"I love you, okay!" He blurted out rather quickly.

She starred at him for a few minutes wondering if she had heard him correctly. Did he just say he loved her? She smiled as she looked up at him. She knew it was soon for them to be feeling this way but the feelings couldnt be described as anything else. She loved the boy standing in front of her.

"I love you too." She said softly.

He smirked, "Really? You didn't think it was too soon?"

She shook her head, "It's never too soon." She smiled, as she leaned up and kissed her softly on the mouth.

He held her close to him and smiled at the fact that she loved him. She loved him, and he loved her. They were going to be together forever. They would beat the odds. Paul was now a changed man. He no longer went from woman to woman, he had found the one woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

"I'm going to get this shit with the vampires over as quickly as possible."

"You promised we wouldn't talk about it." She pouted.

He sighed, "Sorry baby. I just want to get everything out of the way. I just want to be with you and have no troubles in the way."

She smiled, "That will happen soon. Just promise me you wont over react when it comes to them. You'll listen to your brothers and let them help." She said to him.

He sighed, "Fine, but only because you asked me to." He said, leaning down and kissing her softly on the mouth.
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