Status: Currently rewriting! :)

Tree House


“NO! She’s staying with me! Isn’t that right Casey?” my step brother Max asked me, but never bothering to stop and look at me.

“Never! She wants to come with me!! She’s my girlfriend!” Derek yelled. “Come on case, let’s get out of here.” Derek told me, reaching his hand over to me. I just stood there speechless; I had no idea what to do.

I looked at both boys, that would love me till the world stopped spinning. I know I had to choose. As I stood there watching, they started to actually punch and kick at each other.

“STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!! RIGHT NOW!” I yelled at them, this was getting way to out of hand. Neither of them listened to me. I heard some static coming from the radio by the couch; I knew exactly what I was going to do. “Fine go and hurt yourselves. See if I care.” I turned on my heels, went to the front door where my keys where.

I turned around once more, but not to look at the boys fighting but to look at the small walkie talkie on the table by the couch. I smiled thinking about him. Then I walked out the door with keys in hand, unlocked my car and sat in the driver’s seat. I started my car and drove out of the driveway. After I couldn’t hear the crunch of the gravel on the pavement I stopped my car, reversed back into the driveway and tore out in the opposite direction. The gravel from the driveway was in all directions, I did that on purpose so it wouldn’t be easy to find me.

Although they still wouldn’t know where I was, only one person I know could, and he wasn’t standing in that house.

I made my way a few miles down the road to the nearby field that led to a big green forest. I parked my car behind the small barn that held the farming equipment. I started on my walk to the forest, and to the tree house that belonged to my best friend and me.

Finally the tree house that had collapsed a few years ago came into my view. It wasn’t in bad shape, we fixed it up, and it had walls, floors and half a ceiling after all it only fell a few feet. I walked through the ‘doorway' that had been made by the fall to the ground, and sat down on the blanket by Taylor. He’s been my best friend since he moved here 9 years ago, we were both 8 then. Good times. Good times.

“Hey,” I said greeting Taylor when I walked in with a smile. I sat down and pulled my legs close.

“Are they fighting again?” Taylor asked me from where he sat beside me, looking over with a small smile. He, no matter what, was always happy to see me and I was always will be happy to see him. I nodded; they never used to fight but ever since Max told me he was moving and wanted me to come with him, they started to argue if I would stay or go. “You’d think they’d let you choose.”

“Yeah, but I guess they don’t think much.” I said to Taylor as chuckled at my small joke.

“You know you going to have to choose, if you ever want this to stop.” Taylor said in a serious tone.

“I know, I have to but I don’t want to.” I said turning to look at Taylor, then back to the view of the field, glowing in sunlight; waves of amber moving with the wind, shinning like gold.

I sighed just thinking about it didn’t seem fun. Not many could choose between their brother and boyfriend. “What am I going to do?” I asked Taylor, seriously lost.

“You know what you need to do.” He told me.

“How did you know I was going to be up here?” I looked over at Taylor curious, even though I already knew the answer.

“I could hear them fighting through the radio.” He said pointing to the walkie talkie that sat a few feet away on a red crate.

“Hmm” I mumbled looking over to Taylor.

“Casey, you going to have to choose, sooner or later you have to go out and look them in the eyes and tell them what you want to happen.” Taylor said as we both look in each other’s eyes. I knew he was right.

“Your right, I have to, I know exactly who I’m going to choose.” I said still looking at him, as the sun came and made his dark hair have highlights.

He nodded and asked, “Who?”

“I think you know.” I said smiling.

Taylor nodded once more as I stood up and walked to the hole in the wall, that was now and always the door. I placed my hand on the weathered wood and turned around to look at him, to tell him thanks, but he already had picked up a nearby book and started to read.

I thought about what would happen after I said what I needed to say, as I walked out into the golden sunlight.