Status: active: I should be studying for midterms, but I decided to post an update :)

You Don't Know Me

Jake Is Back

I didn't reply to Jake because obviously he forgot what he did to me four months ago. I tried to forget about him by taking a walk to the nearest Starbucks and getting a hot chocolate. Hot chocolate was to me like coffee is to most people: I can't wake up without it. Once I paid the girl behind the counter, I headed back to my dorm to just relax before Jonathan called me. However, the most unlucky thing happened, of course.
I was fumbling with my keychain to get my key for my room, but when I looked up a very familiar face was smirking back at me.

"Jake?! What the hell are you doing here?" I half-screamed.

"I came to see you, baby. I know you forgive me for what I did with Jenn and you can't bare to live without me, so I came to visit", he replied.

"If you honestly think that, there is something mentally wrong with you! Leave me alone!"
Apparently, that was not what he wanted to hear because before I knew it, he was inching closer and closer to me. Like before, I was paralyzed and couldn't seem to comprehend what he was doing or why. But, I managed to move my arms and try to push him away as he tried to kiss me. I was failing miserably and he had me pinned against the wall. I tried to scream but nothing seemed to come out. He succeeded in ripping the sleeve of my shirt, but didn't get much futher.
I looked up and someone was pulling Jake off of me. I slid down to the ground, with my back against the wall when I saw Jake get punched in the face. Then I heard:

"Yeah, don't mess with her again or I will actually have to kill you!" That voice sounded so familiar...what was it from? Then, he came over to me and held out his hand to help me up. I pushed some hair from my eyes and looked at him: damn you, Jonathan are just way too perfect.

"Jonny? What are you doing here? I thought you were going to call me...." I trailed off.

"Actually, I came to see my sister, Kara. What was that all about?"
"Kara....wait. Where are you from, again?" I asked him, completely ignoring his question about Jake.

"I'm from Winnepeg...but what does that have to do with anything?" He looked so confused. All I could do was laugh to myself with a look of awe on my face.

"My roommate's name is Kara...she is from Winnepeg. And she told me her brother moved to the States for his job. haha, I can't believe I didn't make the connection." I said the last part to myself, more or less.

"Are you kidding me? Maybe we will see each other more often than I thought" He seemed happy about that. "But, you still never answered me about who that guy was."

"Ok, fine. That was Jake, my ex. To make a long story short, he cheated on me with my best friend on our graduation day. I walked in on them making out in his room before his party, which is also when I got this," I said, pointing to the scar on my arm, which I knew Jonathan was curious about since he kept staring at it. "I got a text from him earlier this morning, but I ignored it. I thought he was still in Chicago, but I guess not. I don't even know how he found out which dorm I was in."

"Wow, what a jerk. Why don't we get you into your room, so you change your clothes and we can go out or something" Is there anything I could not like about this guy?

With that, I found my keys once again and opened the door to my room. Kara had left a note on the table, saying she was going out for breakfast, then to the library to do homework. Jonathan just laughed, obviously remembering something about his sister. His laugh was so adorable. I snapped out of it before Jonathan could realize I was just standing there looking at him. I told him I would be back in a minute, as I went to find a new shirt to change into. I decided on a purple long sleeve thermal shirt; It was one of the most comfortable shirts I owned, besides some of my brothers sweatshirts and hockey shirts.
Before we left, Jonathan asked me where the bathrooms were, so I showed him, but when I got back to my room, I noticed he had left his phone on the table. Of course, it had to start vibrating, so I decided to see who was calling him and if I should answer it or not. It was Patrick, so I did, seeing how I had already met him.
"Hey...wait, you're not Jonathan." He stated, obviously confused. I could only imagine the look he had on his face right now.
"Good observation, Pat" I chuckled. "It's Rachel. What's up?"
"Rachel? Like, from the game last night? Why do you have Tazer's phone?" Geez, why so many questions....
"Well, to make a long story short, I just found out that Jonathan's sister is my roommate. He's in the bathroom right now, actually."
"Seriously? Kara is so cool, don't you think?" I just laughed at his reaction. He sounded like such a little kid. Man, was he minute he could be a smooth-talker, then the next he could act like a five year old. Oh, Patrick.
"Haha, yeah, she is. So, do you want me to have Jonathan call you back? Oh, wait, he's here now. You can talk to him." I held out the phone to Jonathan and told him it was Patrick...he looked confused at first but then took it. I could only hear Jonathan's side of the conversation, though:

"Ok, Kaner. That sounds good. We can meet you guys there." With that he hung up the phone and turned to me:
"I hope you are ready for a crazy afternoon with the best hockey players in the league" He smiled at me and I couldn't help but nod my head and smile back, as we walked out the door. This was going to be awesome.