Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye - One

*Frank stop it! Come on its not funny!* I yelled.

*Maura your such a pansy,* Frank laughed. I punched him in the arm. Looking over the side of the carriage I groaned. We were stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel. Did I mention that I’m extremely afraid of heights? It was Mio’s fault that I was up here right now. She ditched me as soon as we got in line. Frank and I didn’t even notice until we were in the carriage. What a great friend and older sister. She and Frankie were about a year apart. I looked over to him and sighed angrily.

I have hated Frank for about ten years now. That’s a lot of hate right there. Its all over the stupidest reason too. Mio, Frank and my mom’s are really close. So we’ve known eachother our entire life time. My mom even helped take care of Frank. Mio was in the hospital a lot when she was little. Her heart was really messed up. The doctors didn’t think she’d live past two. Plus their dad wasn’t exactly there. So up until I was four I considered Frank my little brother. Then he did some pretty stupid things. Leading up to complete hatred.


It all starts one sunny spring day somewhere around ten years ago. It was my fifth birthday. I was so excited. The whole event was very small. With only Frank, Mio and family there. Being five I didn’t have many friends. Plus I wasn’t what you could call a social butterfly. Mio and Frank were my only friends. Still I was really looking forward to the party.

We ran around like kids on a sugar high. My mom had set out the cake and paper cup and plates. A small pile of presents was in the corner in the living room. Frankie couldn’t wait for the cake. The adults were gossiping at the kitchen table. They ignored are squeals and laughter. Finally my mom went to cut the cake. That’s when Frankie started out his line of stupidity.

He got a little to excited running up to the table. Pushing me aside. My face went right into the center of the cake. I scooped up a handful and rubbed it into his face. Our parents were less then happy. They made us say sorry and go open gifts. Then Frank did another stupid thing. He tore the head off my brand new Barbie doll. I was mad at him for the longest time after that.

XxEnd Flash BackxX

My anger had reason though. The next few years were the Cootie Years. Where all the girls and boys hated eachother. So me and Franks dislike for eachother was normal. Those years ended at around third grade. Then we sort of drifted apart. Only to come back together again the summer before fifth grade. Frank and I had another chance for friend ship.

Frank ruined that chance. Completely trampled it. He continued to be an immature jackass. As were all boys at his age. He’ll grow out of it, they said. Oh how wrong they were. Our middle school years passed by. The only thing that changed about Frank was his looks. He still acts the same to this day.

The carriage lurched forward. I was snapped out of my thoughts. Jumping up from surprise. Frank looked at me like I had ten heads. The Ferris wheel was moving. Back down to the ground after almost two hours. Back down to safety. I let out a sigh of relief. Finally the hellish carnival ride was over.