Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Ten

*Brian was being a dick. I don’t exactly know the whole story,* I explained. He sunk down next to Mio and hugged her.

* I always knew Brian wasn’t good enough for you. You deserve someone better,* He comforted. I liked Frank like this the bets. He was so sensitive so…wonderful. Why didn’t he act like this around everyone else? Why was he such an ass to me? I gave him so many chances. Yet everyday he finds a way to insult me.

I watched as he comforted Mio. He was so cute and innocent looking. Wait, did I just associate cute and innocent with Frank? Frank’s like the devil. He is in no way innocent. I had to admit he’s cute though. I tried to shake these thoughts from my head. It was not right to think about Frank like that. I hated him. Didn’t I? I just couldn’t stop staring at him. It was like I was seeing him for the first time in years. Those beautiful hazel eyes locked with mine. He had noticed my staring.

*What are you looking at?* He asked. It wasn’t rude. Only a little questioning.

*N-nothing,* I managed to choke out. Our eyes stayed connected. A heavy silence filled the air. Mio had stopped crying. She sat on the floor staring at us. Why was no one saying anything? I turned around and left the house without a word. Well that sure was awkward.


I wandered the streets the entire day. All I could think about was Maura. I was trying so hard not to just go home and beg to her for forgiveness. Begging for forgiveness was to hard for me. I am to much of a coward. Afraid of being hurt. Afraid of the cold lifeless embrace that is rejection. Still I have been walking for almost six hours. I was exhausted. So I found my way home. Determind to be nicer to Maura.

The house was silent. You could probably hear a pin drop. I made my way further into the whose. Towards the kitchen. Then I heard a muffled conversation outside the kitchen door. Some one mumbling words, another sobbing quietly. I walked into the room to see what was going on. Mio and Maura were on the floor resting against the fridge. Mio had tears rolling down her cheeks. Maura tried to comfort her.

*What the hell happened?* I asked still staring. Maura got up and moved closer to me. My heart was pounding.

*Brian was being a dick. I don’t exactly know the whole story,* She explained. I sighed and sat down next to Mio hugging her tight.

* I always knew Brian wasn’t good enough for you. You deserve someone better,* I comforted. I sat there while she cried. Trying to comfort her. I could feel Maura’s gaze on me. What was she staring at me? I lifted my head.

*What are you looking at?* I asked. This wasn’t rude or mean. Just a question. I’m going to try and be as nice as possible to her. Maybe then I’ll get another chance. She just stared for a few moments. Mio had stopped crying . She was staring at us intently. Even if I couldn’t see her I just knew. I knew the Maura was thinking about how much she hates me too.

*N-nothing,* She stuttered. Then she ran out of the house. Just like that. I had gotten to my feet. Yet I didn’t remember doing so. How did she do that to me? Make me forget what I’ve done. I turned to Mio. She was looking at me in confusion. If only I could give her some sort of answer.


I have no clue why I ran away. Something just made me really nervous. The way he was looking at me freaked me out. He was being so nice. Not very normal for Frank. I thought about this. I thought about the Mio Brain thing too. That was not good. Not good at all. I sighed as I reached my house and walked in.

The house was a bit messy. The television on without reason. My mother passed out on the couch. Her empty Vodka bottle resting on the end table. My mom probably didn’t even notice that I had been gone for almost two days. It made me sick to look at her. At my house. And even to look at my life. The only thing good about it was my friends. I walked up to my room and got comfortable. Putting on a mix cd. I fell asleep to the sound of Nick Thomas’s voice.