Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Eleven

The weeks passed by quickly. I hung out with Gerard and his little group a lot. So did Mio and Frank. It seemed like Frank disliked Gerard, or Gee, as he’s often called. Frank just seemed to hated him with no reason. We hadn’t heard from Brian since the fight either. Mio and I were worried. Though it seemed like she was almost over him.

She and Mikey got along very well. Everyone thought that they would be the first to get together. They already considered Gerard and I a coupled. He hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Though I had to admit they were right. WE really did act like a couple. Always cuddling, kissing, and just being together. Gerard is one for public displays of attention too. So it was a bit new for me.

Then there’s Frank. I really wish I knew what was up with him. I wish I could reach into his mind and listen to his thoughts. At the same time, though, I didn’t want to. I was afraid to know what went on in his head. He’s been way to nice lately. I think there might be a chance that we’ll be friends again. Still it really freaks me out when he tries to have conversations with me. I could always see disappointment etched on his face when ever I avoided talking to him. Maybe I should make more of an effort.

Right now we were all at the mall. Frank’s birthday was tomorrow and we all needed to buy presents. With me was Mio, Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Bob and two people I only recently met. They were two of Frank’s friends. Nick and Terrie. Terrie’s real name is Tracy. According to Nick though Terrie is a better name.

Nick was really cool. He was very funny and a great cook. Actually he was the one making all the food for Frank’s party. Also he was a skater. With shaggy long red hair, slightly pale, and really skinny. He was probably around 5’6. Terrie’s about 5’5 and blond. Her looks really don’t fit in with her personality. Most of the time. Especially with that tan she has. Also she could be a bit on the dumb side. I didn’t like her to much.

I couldn’t think of anything to get for Frank. He was an impossible person to shop for. Plus I wanted the gift so have some personality to it. Finally I found something. More like a few things. Black and whit skeleton gloves, a black zip up girls hoodie, and a huge make up kit. The hoodie had NJ in pink inside a weirdly sketched heart. The make up kit would hopefully go over well. I don’t exactly know if Frank will go for it. In the end everyone was happy with what they got. It only took about three hours. Now we only had to wrap them. So we all went home. Home meaning my house that is. For about an hour we wrapped gifts and talked. Hen finally everyone went home and I could have some peace and quiet.


*Happy birthday!!* I yelled in Frank’s ear. Mio and I stood over him as he slept. He jumped up wide awake. Unfortunatly he crashed face first into the chocolate frosted cup cake we got for him. I couldn’t help but laugh as he tried to wipe the orange frosting off his face.

*Yeah and happy Halloween too,* Mio added in holding back her laughter.

*Go ahead and laugh. Get it all out of your system now,* Frank said waving us away and getting out of bed. We heard him shut the bathroom door and start the shower. So Mio and I went down stairs to make him breakfast. I knew he must be getting suspicious of our kindness. Still it was fun messing around with him.

Finally he came down into the kitchen. I swear to god he takes longer then a girl to get ready. He sat down and we put his breakfast in front of him. He raised an eyebrow but ate anyways. No one talked through breakfast. Which was a first. Not that I minded the silence though. Then Frankie finished and looked us both straight in the eyes.

*Why have you been so nice?* He asked pointing at me.

*You started it !* I exclaimed.

*So does this mean we’re friends?* Frankie asked. I thought for a moment.

*Yeah,* I replied. A huge grin broke out on his face. He jumped on me giving me a bear hug. This resulted with the two of us on the floor. His face inches from mine.