Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Twelve

*Well this is awkward,* I said. He was so close. We had been on the floor like this for a few minutes. Butterfly’s plagued my stomach.

*Yeah sorry,* Frank said helping me to my feet.

*Its okay Frankie. Why did you jump on me though?* I asked. It was weird calling him Frankie. A good weird though.

*Because I’m uber happy we’re friends again. And no ones called me Frankie in years,* He replied. I smiled at him. My heart was pounding and I had no clue why.

*Okay…Well that was interesting,* Mio said breaking the silence. I turned to her and laughed.

*Frank you can’t go out and terrorize the little kids trick or treating tonight,* Mio said. Frankie’s face fell. Then a look of pure horror took over.

*But why?* He asked like a four year old. It was so cute. Gah! No not right thoughts! Frankie is not cute.

*We’re throwing you a party tonight,* Mio explained.

*Fine,* He said with a pout. Then he turned around and walked away. Back up into his room. He was disappointed. I knew he loved trick or treating. It was free candy. Who wouldn’t love it? Still I knew he was excited for his party. I had to say I was excited too. We would probably go out and terrorize little kids anyways. It was just so much fun to do.

I spent almost the entire day in Gerard’s basement. We were decorating for the party. Gerard used his basement for his room so it was the nicest. So this was easies for the party. I hung stuff up, cleaned, and even helped Nick cook. An hour before the party we were almost done. All that was left was the stuff in the oven. So I got to leave. I needed a shower so bad.

It took me about forty five minutes to get ready. I wore an extremely long white skirt with black sheer over it. Some of the black was just lace. My shirt was a black tank top with white lace that tied in the back. My shoes were simply black flats. I left my hair down and smudged black eyeshadow around my eyes. Both my eyeliner and mascara was white. With one last glance in the mirror I left.

The only people not there was Mio and Frankie. Mio was probably still getting ready. The party didn’t even start for another ten minutes. And we all knew Frankie would want to make a big entrance. So we waited for a few minutes. They got there five minutes later. Frankie had to whine for twenty minutes untill we decided to go torment little kids.

*We’re making this really funny though,* Gerard said with an evil smile. Frank nodded his head vigorously.

*Open your presents first,* I said. Everyone sat in a circle on the floor. Frankie was up on an armchair. I started handing him presents. He was slightly confused by the make up kit.

*What am I supposed to do with this?* He asked. I started laughing.

*Oh I don’t know. Wear it maybe?* I said. We finished handing out presents. Now it was time to get to the little kids. All the guys had to dress up as girls. Ray was the hardest. We had to straighten that mess he calls hair. All of them put on make up and we left. This was sure to be lots of fun. I knew we were scaring the kids. Our guys were just up like hookers. With the boots and everything. It was so entertaining. My favorite thing so far it was Bob said to this one little kid. He was probably around ten. It went like this:

*Hey kid. I got a bike over there in my old rickety van. Do you want to go in and get it?* He had asked in an extremely deep voice.

*I get a bike?* The little kid exclaimed. It was hilarious. We continued to walk the streets. Gerard was right next to me.

*Maura can I talk to you alone?* He asked. I nodded. He brought me far away from the group.

*What?* I asked.

*Do you want to be my girlfriend?*