Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Fourteen

*Wait. What?* I asked. He didn’t really ask me that. Did he?

*Will you be my girlfriend?* He asked. My mouth dropped open.

*Of course!* I said. A huge smile broke out over his face. He gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

*You know your my first boyfriend Gerard,* I said. He looked at me like he didn’t believe it.

*That’s perfectly okay,* He said taking my hand in his. Our fingers laced. We headed back to the group. They were still way ahead of us. So slowly we blended in with them. I don’t even think they knew we had left. Well if they noticed they sure weren’t saying anything. That was good. I really didn’t want to draw attention to us. Or draw attention to the fact that we were an *item.* To bad I couldn’t see Frankie’s distant yet loathing stare.


This had to be the best birthday yet. I had gotten my chance. I didn’t intent to blow it either. I really loved the make up kit too. No one has ever known that I’ve always wanted to wear make up. I would probably never admit to it either. Still I was so happy Maura and I were finally friends. I had wanted this for the longest time. Now it finally had happened. Maura gave me the best gift without even meaning to.

I absolutely love Halloween. Not just because its my birthday either. I love the decorations, costumes and free candy too. It’s just luck that it happens to be on my birthday. It was so much fun going trick or treating with Mio. She always tormented the little kids. That had become my favorite part of Halloween.

That’s what we were doing now. So far my favorite part has been Bob’s rickety van episode. That kid was so stupid. He must’ve been at least ten or eleven, yet he wanted the bike. What do parents teach their kids lately? We must’ve laughed about that one for ten minutes or so. I was to distracted to realize Maura and Gerard were missing. That is untill they returned. That’s when I noticed they were holding hands.


We made our way back to Gerards after eight. That’s when I noticed how distracted Frankie was. He sat down and stared blankly at the wall. No one else seemed to notice this. They were all to busy having fun. I began to walk over to him but was pulled back by Gerard. He held me close to his side.

*Guess what everyone!* He said to the group.

*What?* They asked back in unison.

*Maura and I are officially a couple,* He said. There was a lot of cheers and people yelling out finally all around the room. I smiled so wide it hurt. I was so happy. For once something good happened to me. Finally something went right. The party went on for another hour. Frankie acted like he was enjoying himself. It was all an act though. An act I could clearly see through. It was as transparent as plastic wrap. Still no one but me noticed. How could that be? It was so obvious. Mio must have noticed. I didn’t think on it much that night. Not untill I was fast asleep.


Drip, Drip, Drip. Blood splattered the hard wood floors. I felt a momentary relief. How could Maura do that? Start dating that bastard. She should date me not him. I saw her as a person and I care for her. To me she’s not just a piece of ass. Well maybe Gerard cared for her to. Maybe he loved her as much as she thinks. I didn’t know. And to tell the truth, I don’t really care anymore. I actually don’t care about much lately.

I stared at the razorblade in my hand. Was this my only true friend? Would I play with this untill suicide took over? Probably. No one knows about my dirty little habit. I want to keep it that way too. I don’t need someone on my case all the time. I made another cut. This one a hell of a lot deeper then I thought it would be. Blood blossomed out of the open wound. I just stared at it for a little. I watched the ruby red substance fall to the floor. Forming a small pool. I grabbed a rag off my bedside table and stifled the steady flow. I cleaned up my mess and climbed into bed. To exhausted for anything. Slowly but surely I fell into a not so peaceful sleep.