Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Fifteen

Mikey. Mikey had been in Mio’s closet the whole time. But why? I was so lost. He left the closet and walked fully into the room. He was shaking so badly. The sight on the floor did not help. Mikey’s breathing got irregular. He closed his eyes and slipped out of consciousness. He fell back onto the floor. Falling away from Brian’s body. Mio started freaking out. I desperately wanted some answers.

There were footsteps up the stairs. Mio gave Mikey his inhaler. Trying to get him to wake up. I stared at the door intently. The cops weren’t here already. The door swung open to show a very confused Frankie. Obviously he had seen the open door. He looked to me. Then to Dead Brian. Then to Mio and Mikey. He seemed confused pissed off and upset all at the same time. Before he could even open his mouth the cop sirens came screaming down the street. I ran passed him and outside. A cop came out of his car and approached me.

*We got a report of suicide at this address. Is that correct?* He asked. I nodded my head and led him up to Mio’s bedroom. Everyone was still in the same position. Except Mikey who I noticed was now sitting up. The cop took in the scene. Then he started talking on his two way. Calling in for back up and an ambulance. He looked around the room once more.

*So what exactly happened here?* He asked. I sighed and began my side of the story starting at Mio’s phone call. The cop wrote down the events on a small notepad. Then it was Mio’s turn. Her side of the story was exactly like mine. Except for the phone call from Brian. Then there was Mikey. He lied the whole way through. Saying he came in with Frankie and fainted at the sight of Brian’s dead body. Why the hell was this kid lying? Especially to the cops.

*I want answers and I want the now!* I demanded once safely back at my house. Everyone (except me) was sitting on the couch. Mio and Mikey looked scared. Frankie was leaning back in his seat. Clearly he thought this would be entertaining. Which actually it might be.

*Well you never asked any questions. So how could we give you answers?* Mikey asked smartly. I leaned in close. I was under to much stress right now.

*Michael. James. Way. You are not in a position to act like a smart ass right now,* I hissed. He sat far back into his seat.

*Why the hell was he in your closet?* I asked Mio. Frank jumped up at this news.

*Mikey was in Mio’s closet? Okay now I’m very interested,* He said. I pushed him back onto the couch.

*Well last night after the party Gerard was giving Mikey a hard time. So he came knocking on my window and I let him in. Then… well..* She began to trail off. I knew where she was headed though. By Frank’s clueless face I guessed he didn’t.

*You slept with Mikey?! God Mio we’re only 15! And he’s only 14!* I yelled. Frank’s eyes went very wide. I could tell he was a bit surprised.

*Well at least you wont die a virgin,* I said to Mikey. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Gerard’s number. I could hear Frank start to bitch them out when I turned away.

*Gerard you need to get to my house right now,* I said.

*Why? What’s wrong babe?* he asked.

*I’ll tell you when you get here,* I replied hanging up. I looked back to the couple on the couch. Where they even a couple?

*Are you two even together?* I asked.

*No,* Mikey replied softly. I threw my hands up in defeat and left the room. I went up the stairs and into my bedroom. Where I collapsed on my bed. I checked the clock. Only three pm. Already it had been one hell of a day. The bedroom door opened. Someone lied down next to me. I looked over. It was Gerard. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. I sat up a bit.

*What happened?* he asked. I began to explain the whole thing. Gerard had a look over horror on his face.

~Five Minutes Later~

*..Then Mio goes and opens her closet and guess who was in there?* I asked.

*Who?* Gerard questioned.

*Your dear brother Mikey,* I replied.

*What the hell was he doing in Mio’s closet?* He asked.

*Why don’t you go ask them yourself,* I suggested. He nodded and helped me up.

*This will be oh so much fun,* He said. I laughed. Yeah. Fun.