Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Sixteen

We made our way downstairs. Gee had laced his fingers with mine. It was so cute how he did that. We got downstairs. Still out of sight. Everyone was still on the couch. They still hadn’t noticed us. Mio and Mikey were talking softly to eachother. Frankie was sitting upside down staring at nothing contently. I giggled softly.

*Hey guys!* I yelled. They all jumped. Frankie fell off the couch and hit the floor with a thunk. I started laughing loudly. That’s something we all needed to do. This was to much stress for kids who are only 14, 15, and 16. The only things we need to worry about are friends, family, school and maybe even relationships. I stopped my laughing.

*That was NOT COOL* Frankie said getting to his feet.

*Oh shut up yes it was,* I said. He gave me a fake glare and sat down.

*Okay back to why we’re down here. Mikey why were you in Mio’s closet?* Gerard asked. Mio started explaining. Trailing off at the end like she did before.

*And what is *well…* supposed to mean?* Gerard asked. He still had no real clue.

*It means they banged!* I yelled . Mio and Mikey turned bright red.

*Good job Mikey!* Gerard said patting Mikey on the back.

*Gee!* I yelled slapping him lightly.

*Sorry Babe,* He said.

*You guys are making such a big deal over this!* Mio said.

*No I could give a shit less. Its just we’re only 14 and 15. And we have no clue how long you two have had little night time visits. Plus its lightening up the mood. Oh and then there’s the fact that you’re my bestest friend and your supposed to tell me every thing,* I explained.

*Yeah how long has this been going on?* Frankie asked.

*Almost a month,* Mikey answered softly.

*And your not even together,* I stated. Mio looked down. I knew she really wants to be with Mikey that way. Have a relationship that’s not just physical. Was he to much of a coward to ask her out? I gave him a small but noticeable glare. Sure I was a bit mad that she didn’t tell me about this secret *relationship.* But she’s still basically my sister. I would have to have a word with Mikey.

*Well what should we do now?* I asked Sitting down on the couch. There were shrugs around the room.

*I’m just going to go to sleep then. Today’s been exhausting,* I said.

*Should we go home?* Gerard asked.

*Sure if you want to,* I said starting my way up the stairs. He got up and the others followed suit. I made my way up the stairs waving weakly to them. Today had been too tiring. And Mikey had to ask Mio out soon. She was getting way to hurt by this. It was one of the whole reasons why I flipped out the way I did. I would talk to him tomorrow. Right now I was getting comfortable and taking a nap.


I couldn’t believe how today had turned out. It was all so much. All I did was leave the house so of course I have to come home to a suicidal mess. That’s another thing. Brian never came across as a suicidal person. Well at least not to me. So this was pretty shocking. Where had he been anyways? He had been gone for so long. The scene I came home to played over and over again in my mind.

Then there was Mio and Mikey. I had to talk to Mikey. He was hurting my sister yet didn’t even know it. Or maybe he did. I had no effing clue. He had been sleeping with Mio for almost a month, but hasn’t asked her out yet. How much of a coward is he? Or was he just using her? I hoped it was the first one. I looked around my room. I needed to sleep. So that’s what I would do. I woke up. Midnight. I reached over for my phone and dialed Maura’s number.

*Hello?* She answered groggily.

*Hey Maura,* I said.

*Frankie?* She asked.

*Yeah,* I replied.

*It’s…midnight and we have school tomorrow. Can you call maybe later?* She asked. I felt a blush creep its way onto my cheeks.

*Yeah sorry. I just really wanted to talk to you,* I said hanging up quickly. I paced my floor for an hour and a half. Just thinking. I tried to go to sleep again. But I failed. Instead I stayed up and watched the sunrise in a beautiful explosion of yellow, orange, and gold.