Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Seventeen


Sleep. I love sleep. Especially at night. You know when normal people tend to sleep. Well whoever was making my phone ring was not normal.

*Hello?* I asked groggily.

*Hey Maura,* It was Frankie. Yeah not very normal.

*Frankie?* I asked.

*Yeah,* He answered.

*Its…midnight and we have school tomorrow. Can you call maybe later?* I asked.

*Yeah sorry. I just really wanted to talk to you,* He said quickly. Those words woke me up. The line went dead. He had already hung up. I was way to tired to analyze that right now. Still it bothered me. Why would Frankie need to talk to me? I lied back into my sheets. Only to wake up a few hours later to the shrill beeping of my alarm clock.

*God damn it. I’m up!* I Yelled hitting the clock again. It stopped. I contemplated lying down to sleep again, but thought against it. I only had an hour to get ready. So I got out of bed and ambled to the shower. After that I was a lot more awake. I did my make up and hair and went to find clothes. I picked out a dark, yet bright, green tank top, black zip up hoodie, and black jeans. I put on some black Vans, grabbed my messenger bag, and left.

I got to school with plenty of time to spare. Mio, Frankie, Gerard, and Mikey were all ready there. I walked over to them and waved. Gerard perked up at the sight of me. He got up and gave me a very big bear hug. Then he kissed me hard on the lips. His tongue gliding along my lower lip. Asking for entrance. Which I granted. We broke apart to minutes later.

*Gerard you kiss me like an over dramatic actor,* I said giggling a bit.

*You know you love it,* He said a big smile on his face.

*Oh but of course,* I said. I looked back at our group. They were all staring at us wide eyed. Was it just me or was Frankie glaring a little more then usual? Someone needed to talk to that kid. I knew it would have to be me too. Everyone else seemed to be afraid to do it. They all knew something was wrong too. Frankie was just in this permanent bad mood, snapping at anyone who talked to him.

Then there’s whatever he has against Gee. It’s starting to piss me off. I don’t think anyone else even took notice to it. His dirty looks could be very subtle. Even when they weren’t everyone just though *oh Frankie glares at everyone.* Which isn’t true. I’ve seen him smile. Its not something he does often, but I’m always around to witness it.

A bell ran loud and shrill. Home room was about to begin. Of course I had to have that without any of my friends. As my last name started with an A. I sighed and started towards my locker. Gerard was right beside me. I grabbed my stuff and looked to him.

*Well I gotta go to class Love,* I said. He gave me the puppy dog eyes.

*Can I have a kiss then? * he asked sweetly.

*Why not,* I replied. We kissed for a minute or so before parting ways. A whole group of preps and jocks were in my way.

*Oh look Gothika’s got a boyfriend,* A boy named Sam taunted. I had no clue why he said this crap to me. He was a "punk" himself. He just happened to be rich with a bunch of fake ass friends. It was just hard feelings because I turned him down in the 8th grade. The kid can hold grudges. So what?

*Looks like someone needs to do a little something called live and let go,* I muttered loudly pushing past them. There were a few laughs and snickers as I walked into my homeroom. The entire day just dragged on. Finally it had reached lunch. I saw Frankie walking in the opposite direction angrily. I ran trying to catch up to him.

*Frankie! Wait up!* I yelled. He didn’t stop. I ran up to his side.

*Frankie we need to talk,* I said sternly. He still walked on.

*Look we need to talk,* I said grabbing his arm and turning him around.

*Ah! What the fuck!* He yelled cradling his arm. I had barely even touched him. This made no sense. How could he be hurt? Then it dawned on me. Oh no. Not Frankie.