Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Eighteen

*Are you okay?* I asked even though I knew he wasn’t.

*Yeah perfectly fine,* He tried to say this casually. Keyword: tried. I had to know if my suspicions were correct. This was making me way to curious. And I knew Frankie wasn’t talking any time soon. So I grabbed his arm again and pushed up the sleeve. Frankie winced in pain. And now I knew why. All along his forearm were cuts. Some light and fading. Others dark. Two of them were fresh and still bleeding slightly. I felt tears building up in my eyes. But also an anger I couldn’t quite understand.

*Your not okay,* I said dropping his arm. He nodded.

*I’m not okay. Trust me,* He admitted slyly. The kid had a way with trying to pull things over on me. I looked at him a second before giving him the biggest hug I could.

*Anytime you want to talk remember that I’m here for you,* I whispered in his ear. Then I turned around and walked away to lunch.


I stood there in shock. Staring at Maura’s retreating back. I pulled down my sleeve. I could still feel her arms around me. Her soft breath against my neck. How great that had felt. I thought of going back to lunch. Was it safe though? Or was Maura telling everyone about what she saw? I laughed a little to myself. Maura would never do something like that. So I walked off to lunch. I knew I would take up that offer to talk.


Everyone was at the table when I got there. So I put on my best smile and sat down. I was so concerned about Frankie. Why was he doing this? It tore me up inside. Just thinking about it made me cringe and want to cry. I could feel my fake smile faltering. It was to painful to smile at a time like this. No one noticed it so it was okay. Then I realized why.

Mio and Mikey were looking daggers at eachother across the table. Everyone else glanced on with nervous faces. These looks were bringing a new meaning to *if looks could kill.* Bringing the saying to a whole new level. I knew what this was about. Mio was sick and tired of Mikey not asking her out. She would explode any minute now. I could see it. It was only a matter of time. All we could do was sit and look an as it happened.

*I’m so sick of this!* Mio yelled getting up. She was about to go on a long angry tirade. Maybe that would knock some sense into Mikey.

*You have no problem fucking me, but you can’t even ask me to be your girlfriend? Or where you just using me?* She started. Her cheeks were pink. I knew she still had some things to say. Mikey sat there shocked and didn’t say a thing.

*Ugh! You disgust me!* She yelled slapping him hard in the face. A red mark was left behind. Mio turned her back and stalked off. Mikey brought his hand up to the mark. Some where in the mix Frankie had shown up. He looked on with a slight snicker on his face. He didn’t look to surprised about the outcome of the situation.

*I thought she was going to punch you in the face,* He said. There were nods of agreement around the table. Even I had to agree. I’ve seen Mio punch some guys pretty hard.

*I didn’t even think she wanted a relationship untill yesterday!* He said desperately.

*God Mikey how dense are you?* Ray said. Mikey sent him a harsh glare.

*Go talk to her now or I’ll punch you in the face for her,* I said threateningly. He nodded and scrambled out of his seat and out of the cafeteria.

*He’s not the brightest is he?* I asked Gerard.

*You don’t even know the half of it,* He replied shaking his head slowly. I laughed and the others caught on and laughed along with me. We enjoyed the last bit of lunch and headed to our last class in a good mood. I still hadn’t seen Mikey or Mio. Maybe they had made up all ready. My last class happened to be English. One of the dullest classes I had. Probably because no one I really knew was in it. So I pulled out my note book and did something I didn’t have much time for any more. Write.

*Ms. Acosta. What do you think about Romeo and Juliet?* My teacher asked. My head shot up. I hated it when teachers sprung random questions on you. Luckily I had an answer.

* I think that they were naïve and materialistic,* I replied confidently. I got some funny looks from my peers.

*And why do you think that?* She persisted. I sighed. I hated these stupid explanations.

*Because they were only 13 or 14 and got married after what? A day since they met. Not only that but the whole relationship is about looks. Not really something to kill yourself over,* I explained. She gave me a funny look but nodded. Going back on with the lesson. It was five minutes untill class ended. When it did I made my way home to get through my nice pile of homework. Fun. Around 10:3o my phone rang. I picked it up.

*Hello?* I asked.

*You still up for talking?*