Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Twenty

I got home and sunk down onto the floor in my room. I was completely unsure of what to do. Should I call Gerard and tell him? Or pretend it never happened. As much as I wanted to pretend I knew I would have to tell him. It would eat me up on the inside if I didn’t. So I picked up the phone and nervously dialed his number.

*Hey Babe,* He said picking up.

*Gerard, I have tot ell you something,* I said as calmly as possible.

*What?* He asked. I instantly launched into the events that had just occurred.

*Then he kissed me. I told him I couldn’t do that sort of thing and left,* I ended rather lamely.

*He kissed you?!* He said out raged and clearly angry.

*I’m sorry Hun. I didn’t want it to happen….It just kind of did,* I said. He was going to dump me. I just knew it.

*I’m not mad at you and I don’t blame you at all. I just can’t believe he has the balls to do that,* He said. I let out a breath I had no clue I had been holding. At least he wasn’t angry at me. I didn’t need that right now. We talked for a bit more before I decided I really needed to get some sleep. It was now 2 or 2:30 am. I was completely exhausted. So I got comfortable and climbed into bed. Falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I watched Maura leave. Why did I always let her leave? Probably because I knew it was useless to run after her. Its not like she would really listen to me anyways. I basically made her cheat on her boyfriend. She must hate me by now. And I knew she told Gerard. She’s just loyal like that. I knew Gerard must be after me now too. Great.

I sat on that swing for almost an hour. Just thinking. I was trying to collect my thoughts. Which was near impossible at the moment. Old memories kept running through my head. Memories of Mio, Maura and I. When things were incredibly perfect. I sighed and got off the bench. It was time I headed home. Then I would know exactly what to do about this problem.


Ring! The shrill ring of my phone filled my ears. What is it with people calling me in the dead of night? I felt around for the phone in the dark until finding it.

*Hello?* I asked angrily.

*Maura you need to get to my house now,* Mio said. Her voice was soft and close to cracking. I could tell she had been crying.

*Mio it’s 4 ‘o’ clock in the fucking morning. But if it’s so important to you I’ll be there in a few minutes,* I said hanging up. I grabbed my shoes and a sweatshirt and climbed out my window and onto the sidewalk. There’s no way I could go out the front door at this time. Even my mom wasn’t that stupid. It took me about five minutes to get to Mio’s house. Instantly after walking I knew something was desperately wrong. Mio and her mother sat stiffly on the couch. Tears flowed freely down their cheeks.

*What the hell happened?* I asked softly. This was more to my self then anything. Mio looked over to me. Ambulance sirens squealed down the street. Stopping in front of the house. From there everything seemed to go by in slow motion. I watched as the loaded Frankie into the ambulance. Then the next thing I knew we were in the hospital waiting room. I had no clue how I had got there. Its like all I cared about was really understanding what was happening. It was like I was in a state of emotionless shock. I desperately wanted the answers no one would give. Finally a doctor came out and addressed us.

*Whats going to happen to my brother?* Mio demanded.

*We’re not sure if he’ll make it through the night,* She said. Mio fell quiet and became uncommonly interested in her shoes. I knew she was holding back tears. The doctor led us into his room. The room reeked of death. I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t even stand the sight of Frankie. The bandages on his arm were thick and already soaked with a good amount of blood. He was paler then any person I’ve ever seen. It was like he was already dead. Hooked up to tons of machines to keep him breathing. I sat down on a plastic chair and grabbed his hand. Wishing he would come out of this. It looked likely that he wouldn’t. There was something I realized in that hospital room. Seeing him inches from. I realized this: I love Frank Iero