Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye - Two

I went looking for Mio as soon as my feet hit solid ground. She was going to feel my wrath. Good for me but very bad for her. It only took about ten minutes to find her. The heavy crowds sensed my anger and moved out of the way. She was making out with her boyfriend Brain by a tree. I stood about five feet away.

*Misostis Aurora Iero!* I yelled. She turned around fast, cringing at her full name.

*Hi Maura,* She said waving weakly. I stormed over to her.

*Yeah, thanks for leaving me on the Ferris wheel with your brother. We were stuck there for almost two hours! You know how much I hate your brother!* I yelled venting out all my anger.

*I’m sorry. So I take it your not friends yet?* Mio said still in that weak voice.

*No we’re not. Now just continue with Brian and call my cell when we’re leaving,* I said turning my back on them. I wandered around the carnival grounds. Looking for something to entertain me. There had to be something here. I mean really it was a carnival. All the rides looked way to dangerous though. And I didn’t want to spend my money on dumb games. So I continued on aimlessly.

Then I crashed head first into another person. I fell back onto the ground. I could feel the hands of someone pulling me up. Probably the person I bumped into. I straightened myself out and looked at the person who helped me. They weren’t there though. They had already started walking away. I saw their retreating back. I ran up to them and tapped them on the shoulder. They, well he, looked over at me in surprise. Like he didn’t expect me to some after him.

*Thanks for helping me up over there,* I said lamely.

*Yeah, but I made you fall,* He said shyly.

*No I bumped into you,* I said looking down. This was a pointless argument to have with a stranger.

*No I-,* He started, but was interrupted.

*You bumped into eachother,* A boy intervened. Settling the matter. He was tall and gangly. With dirty blond gelled down hair. The front of it slightly looked like Glenn Danzig’s. He wore thick black rimmed glasses.

*I’m Mikey Way. This is my brother Gerard,* He said motioning to the other boy. I looked to him. I mean really looked at him. He was completely gorgeous. He had shoulder length dark hair that hung around his face. Kind of pale with the most beautiful gold green eyes. I noticed that I was staring and turned a bit red.

*I’m Maura Acosta,* I said. There was a bit of silence.

*Well I better go,* I said trailing off. I started to turn around.

*Wait! Do you want to come hang out with us?* Gerard asked.

*Sure,* I replied trying to mask my excitement. We walked out into the field. No one else was there. We kept on walking. I was just following the two guys. Not really knowing where we were going. We went through a small woods ending up in a clearing. It was really nice here. I brushed aside a few leaves and sat down on the ground. The guys followed suit.

*So do you always pick up random girls and bring them here?* I asked smirking.

*Uh…….no?* Mikey said. I started laughing.

*Then why did you bring me here?* I asked.

*You seemed like a cool chick,* Gerard said. I nodded my head. How interesting this all was. See people never really approached me. So this was kind of new. We sat and chatted for about a half hour. Turns out the Way’s went to my school. Strange I’ve never seen them there before. Suddenly I heard I’m So Sick by Flyleaf. My cell phone was ringing. Mio’s name was on the caller ID. I sighed and picked it up.

*Hey Mio,* I said.

*Hey we’re ready to go. Meet us at Brian’s car okay? Bye,* She said hanging up. I closed my phone and got up.

*Well looks like I’m leaving. Maybe I’ll see you guys around. Bye,* I said turning around to leave. The guys waved good bye. Walking back I could faintly hear their conversation.

*Dumbass! You forgot to get her phone number!* Mikey said. I laughed at that untill I got to Brian’s car. Why did Mio have to call and drag me away from the good time I was having?