Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye- Twenty Two

The phone rang loudly waking me up. Ugh! Not again. It was only 8 am. On a Saturday. I picked up.

*Hello?* I asked yawning a little.

*Maura wake up Mio. Tell her Frankie’s going to be okay,* She said excitedly. Relief washed over me. I was so happy. I went over and shook her awake. She let out a bit of a groan.

*What?* She whined.

*Your moms on the phone. Your brothers going to be okay,* I said. She jumped up and took the phone out of my hand. I watched as she paced the floors. When she hung up she jumped on me.

*Come on! Get ready! We’re going to the hospital to see Frankie,* She said. My face fell. Did I really want to see Frankie? No not really. I guess I had to though. I walked into the hospital room timidly. Frankie was still hooked up to those machines. He could sit up properly now though. I watched as he talked with his family. Things were a bit awkward. But hopefully things would get better. Hopefully.


Frankie had been out of the hospital almost a month now. He was still having a pretty hard time. The problem: Kids are cruel. They gave him such a hard time in school. Whispering behind his back and swapping rumors. It could make anyone pissed off. Not only that but he had someone watching him every minute of the day. I felt so bad. That’s because I knew it was my fault. Even if no one said anything I knew they would agree with me.

Yeah everyone knew why Frankie attempted suicide. So for a whole week everyone except Frankie and Gee sent me dirty looks when ever they could. They weren’t doing that any more though. I had a strange feeling Gerard had something to do with that. Either that or they were finally letting go. Then there was Gerard and mine’s relationship. We were together, but it wasn’t working out. He was more like my best friend then a boyfriend. As for Frankie. Things were a lot less awkward. We had even started talking again.

I sat staring at the phone on my floor. I had been working my way over to it for an hour now. I needed to call Gerard. Call him and break up with him. I just didn’t know how. I guess you could say I was still pretty new to this. We were so much better as best friends though. Finally I had picked up the phone and tried dialing his number. I just couldn’t do this. The phone started ringing in my hand.

*Hello?* I asked.

*Hey,* Gerard said. Wow. Just my luck right?

*I was just about to call you,* I said.

*Cool,* Short pause.

*Well,* I said trying to make conversation. I had to do this thing now before I lost all courage.

*I think we should just be friends,* Gerard and I said in unison. I started laughing.

*I’m so glad you feel the same way,* He said.

*Yeah me too. I was staring at the phone for an hour trying to get the courage to do that. We were just to much like best friends then a couple,* I confessed.

*I’ve been feeling the same way. Plus I get the feeling you want to be with someone else,* He said the last part very suggestively.

*Your right on that one,* I said.

*Well I’m happy that this worked out so well,* He said. We hung up shortly after. I was so happy to have the over and done with. Now I really wanted to sort out this Frankie issue. I knew I wanted to be with him. But did he want to be with me anymore? There was only one way to find out. I took the phone and dialed that oh so familiar number.

*Frankie?* I asked. It had been way to long since we’ve talked on the phone.

*Yeah..* He replied slowly. He seemed surprise to know it was me.

*Can you come down? I really want to talk to you,* I asked.

*Yeah I’ll be there in a few minutes,* He said and hung up. Now it was time to gather my courage. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do.