Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye - Three

They were already in the car when I approached. Frank was leaning his head against the windows glass. Brian and Mio were up front. I climbed into the backseat where Frank was.

*So where were you?* Mio asked. I shrugged.

*I met a few people,* I said shortly.

*Cute people?* Mio asked turning around in her seat. I laughed. Finding cute people in this town was tough. It was like land of preps and jocks.

*No boy talk in my car! How many times must I tell you this?* Brian said as he drove. He always hated our girl talk. Mio and I laughed at him. He just turned on the stereo to drown us out. Not that I really minded the music. Some underground metal band came in through the speakers. Mio, Brian and their metal. I liked metal but not as much as other music. I was more into punk, a little emo, and a lot of alternative. The rest of the car ride went by with the music being the only noise.

Brian dropped Mio and I off at Mio’s house. He and Frank were going to go have *guy time*. I knew Mio wanted all the details of my day. That’s just the way things always went. Anyways I couldn’t wait to tell her about my day. Tell her all about Mikey and Gerard. They are such interesting people. So we went up to her room to talk and hang out. I sat down on her bed once we got in. I loved her house so much. It was just so. I have always loved her room. The walls were alternating dark red and black. With red and black borders. Her large bed stood in the corner. Away from the glass door the led out to a balcony. I looked around. Everything always stayed in the same place. I moved over to sit in her computer chair. Mio looked at me expectantly after she turned on the stereo and sat down.

*So tell me who are these people you spoke of? Tell me everything from after you left me,* She said. I stopped spinning in the chair.

*Well I was still pretty angry and bumped into this guy while walking away,* I began.

*was it a cute guy?* Mio asked.

*Yeah he was cute. Anyways he helped me up and started walking away. So I ran after him and his brother was there too,* I said but was interrupted.

*Was his brother hot?* Mio asked.

*Yeah now back to the story. We exchanged names and decided to hang out,* I said. Then Mio opened her mouth to say something again.

*Oooo Maura and two hot guys! What did you do? And you never told me their names,* She said matter-of-factly. I hated being interrupted.

*Mio I was getting there. Okay? So shut up and listen,* I said staring her down. She instantly quieted.

*Well their names are Gerard and Mikey Way. We went to a small clearing and talked. Then you called and here we are now,* I finished up lamely.

*So am I going to get to meet these two guys?* She asked.

*I’ll probably never even see them again. We didn’t exchange numbers or anything like that,* I said truthfully. I felt like such an idiot for that now. So unfortunately I would probably never talk to them. Mio nodded her head in comprehension. I hung around at her house until about nine at night. I had school tomorrow and I still needed to do a crap load of things.

I absolutely hated my school. Preps and *Haters* everywhere. Basically I had no friends. Mio and luckily Frank went to private school. I think Mio’s parents had to bribe the principal to keep them there. Those two caused so much trouble. Of course my school had the typical *skaters*, *punks*, and *Goths*. They didn’t talk to me though. I never made an effort. I was to caught up in my own world. Now it was to late. So I went to bed that night dreading another school day.

My screaming alarm woke me up the next morning. I picked it up and chucked it at the wall. Luckily it didn’t break. I don’t even know how many I’ve broken. As you can see I’m definitely not a morning person. Still I got up and grabbed a pair of regular blue jeans and The Crow tee. After that I made my way into the shower to get ready. I put on my heavy eyeliner, red eyeshadow and black mascara. The I slipped on my black slip on chucks with the red stars. After grabbing my messenger bag I left the house. Going to the place I call hell.