Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye - Six

Its been about an hour now. Mio’s true intentions still haven’t come out. That evil smirk was still plastered on her face. She so had something planned. So I of course was very suspicious. It wasn’t just me being my paranoid self either. Mio had done many things to make me suspicious of her. Among these are shoving me into a locked closet with her brother.

Mio and Gerard were asking questions back and forth. Most of these broke out into little debates. it was like a tennis match. I sat there and watched it go back and forth. Sometimes questions were sent my way, others, I was completely ignored. The door opened to reveal Frank. Conversation stopped. I checked the clock. The school day was over. Gerard and Frank just stared at eachother.

*So Gerard do you like ice cream?* Mio asked. I stared at her. What kind of dumb ass, stupid, pointless, question was that? Gerard turned back to the conversation.

*High school sucks,* He replied. Where did he get high school out of ice cream? Mio started cracking up.

*I asked you if you liked ice cream,* She said between laughs. Gerard had the dumbest expression on his face.

*Oh,* He said finally. I fell into a fit of giggles.

*Well then I like ice cream very much,* He said with a proud smile on his face. We all started laughing. Frank still stood near the door.

*Who the hell is this?* He asked pointing to Gerard. There was attitude in his voice. I looked over to him. What was up his ass today?

*This is Gerard Way. One of Maura’s friends,* Mio said. Frank let his hand fall back to his side. He looked over to me.

*Wow Maura has friends. That’s a shocker,* He said very sarcastically.

*What crawled up your ass and died this morning?* I asked. He flipped me off and walked up stairs. I heard his door slam and his music come on. I could hear his guitar playing along with the music. There was a very uncomfortable silence.

*Sorry for my brother. He’s a dick,* Mio said. I sighed. Now the good mood was killed.

*Well looks like our fun has been murdered,* I said. The evil look was back on Mio’s face. Oh no. What have I done?

*Oh no. Not another one of your evil plans!* I said. Gerard looked between us clearly confused.

*We can just have a small party,* Mio said.

*Yeah my parents wont be home untill late tonight,* Gerard said speaking up. I gave him a cautioning look. He had no clue as to what he was getting into.

*No we have school tomorrow,* I reasoned. I was always had to be the responsible one. Otherwise no one would be.

*Just take a hangover day,* Mio said. Great. Now I saw no way out of this. So I agreed. Mio went to go pack up the drinks in the kitchen. Gerard began calling people on his cell. . Frank had to go so he wouldn’t tell he and Mio’s mom. This was sure to be interesting. Gerard left for his house while Mio and I got ready. She said we had to look good for this.

And so we did. Even I couldn't disagree that I looked the littlest bit good. Mio gave me a white and black corset with black jeans. She did my make up too. All black and white. I slipped on my Misfits chucks and was done. We left the house soon after that.

We walked to Gerard’s house since it was only a block away. Easy enough to find. I knocked on the door and Mikey answered. He let us right in. A small group of people was already there. I recognized the guy with the big afro. My sense of nervousness set in. I went to go find Gerard. The said he was in the kitchen. Which he was. He was setting out all the drinks on the counter. I couldn’t believe how many bottle I saw. Yeah this was going to be interesting.

The party was getting intense now. We all had quite a lot to drink. I got drunk easily too since I never drank. Now there was a drinking game going on and I was playing. I couldn’t even describe it if I tried. All I knew is that I was losing. Gerard and I were getting a little bit close. A little meaning a lot, or very close. All I remembered really was passing out. Nothing more.