Dear Black Goodbye

Dear Black Goodbye - Eight


I woke up with a screaming headache. Where the hell was I? Someone was shaking me awake. I blinked a few times trying to adjust my eyes. Gerard was standing over me. I jumped up then ran as fast as I could to a bathroom. There I puked up everything I’ve eaten in the past week. It wasn’t to much fun. The door opened. Mio came in to hold back my hair until I finished.

*So crazy night last night,* She said once I had taken some aspirin. We were still in the bathroom.

*Yeah I guess. I actually don’t remember much,* I confessed. Mio’s smile grew wide. Oh man what did I do now?

*You were so trashed. Very giggly and out there. You and Gerard were all over eachother,* She said. Oh crap.

*We didn’t bang did we?* I asked.

*No you didn’t. Just kissed a lot. He was so sweet when you had passed out. He carried you up to his bed and tucked you in,* She explained. Wow that was the sweetest thing for him to do. Well maybe not the sweetest, but up there.

*That was so sweet of him,* I said.

*Yeah you should stay with him. Maybe I’ll go for his brother,* She said. I stared at her in shock. Didn’t she love Brian?

*What about Brian?* I asked.

*He’s been really sketchy lately explained.

*Oh,* Was all I said. I’ve known Mio long enough to know when not to push a subject. It confused me though. Those two seemed closer then ever. I hope Brian didn’t get himself in trouble with the cops. He would probably go to juvy of he did. Maybe I would find out soon enough. Right now though I needed to get cleaned up. Mio had brought me clothes from home to change into. So now all I needed was a shower. Fist I would have to asked Gerard.

*Can I use your shower?* I asked once in the kitchen.

*Sure. I’ll make you breakfast when you come back down,* He said. This was to good to be true. I smiled sweetly and walked over to him.

*What are you making?* I asked.

*it’s a surprise,* He replied leaning in close and kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss. This was new, but definitely welcome. I broke away still smiling.

*I’ll be down soon,* I said leaving the kitchen. From there I walked into the bathroom and into the shower. It was the coolest shower I had ever seen. Blue and pink vertical stripes, awesome. I turned on the hot water and let it lash at my back. I washed my hair and self getting rid of all my make up. I got out and looked at the clothes Mio left me. A black short sleeve dress with gold loops at the waist. The gold loops had chains coming down from them. Also my black and white striped thigh high socks and black chucks.

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup best as possible. My make up ended up just being heavy eyeliner and mascara. I put on some chap stick and headed back down to the kitchen. Gerard wasn’t there when I got down. So I sat at the table to wait. About five minutes later he appeared again. He gave me one of those trademark smirks and sat down across from me at the table.

*So what’s for breakfast?* I asked. He got up and walked over to the cabinets. Pulling out a box of cinnamon toast crunch and two bowls. He poured the cereal and brought them back to the table. I love this stuff. So I ate pretty quickly. Gerard started laughing. Probably because of my eating habits. I looked up at him. My mouth full of cereal. I ate it and cleared my throat.

*Shut up Gerard,* I said laughing.

*What? I didn’t even say anything!* He yelled back in mock surprise. We both started laughing hysterically. Mikey walked into the room and looked back and forth between Gerard and I. I stopped laughing and just looked at him dumbly. He went over and started some coffee. Gerard jumped up from his seat.

*Wow you turned on something with out blowing it up!!!!* He yelled in excitement. Mikey jumped up in surprise of Gerards yell. He, unlike his brother, must not be a morning person. Eventually we were all sitting at the table swapping child hood stories. I just noticed how many of mine had Frank in them. Probably every single one. Well Gerard and Mikey’s stories were funny to say the least. And I got to hang out with them all day. Oh joy! Seriously though, this would be interesting.