Status: Feedback is alway appreciated :)

Life's a Bitch, and Then You Die

When we were little girls, around the age of seven, we always used to plan what our weddings would be like when we became ‘big girls.’

Our dresses were always purple and pink. We always wanted ponies and unicorns in attendance. And we all wanted to marry our very own prince charming.

But, as we grew up, our minds became new. Our view points changed. Our opinions changed. Our everything changed. Except, every single one of those girls still had their prince charming in the back of their head.

He never disappeared. In fact, he only became more and more apparent and more original. More description was added. More personality. And as we got older, the longing we had for this prince charming; our perfect guy, grew more and more.

So, as we got even older, our view points still changed, as did our opinions and everything else. And sometimes our prince charming changed. In fact, some lucky few even found theirs. And those that did find them, well, they either kept them or lost them.

That’s just how things go. The only choices we can make are our own. The choices of others around us, no matter how much they affect us, are not for us to control.

I wish I could control his actions. He was my prince charming. He skillfully stole my heart away, didn’t give it back, then broke it. But in his defense, it’s not his fault he died.