‹ Prequel: My Intoxication

My Intoxicated Romance

Mental Scars

Pansie’s POV

“He’s a rapist!” Mikey squealed, running around the living room. We we’re being special people, and playing dream life, and we tried to make the girl popular, but it turned out bad. She was dating two ugly guys and this rapist-type-looking guy at the same time. All she did was cheerlead, do chores for cash, and shop. She’s a total introvert and always by herself. She’d never make it here – okay, get this, all 10 of us in one apartment. It’s hell, but fun hell, but still hell.
“You’re a dumb ass,” Gerard muttered, shaking his head at his brother.
“And you’re a porn star”
Insert me choking here.
“Excuse me,” Lucifer cut it, “Virgin ears”
“Well if she’s anything like Tragie, those ears won’t be virgin for long” Frank piped up.
“I’m going to let that slide,” Tragik replied coolly, “Only because Roxie’s here”
“Well if she’s anything like you-” Frank started but was cut off by Sean, “Stop being suicidal, Frank. It’s not healthy”

Chances are, you’re wondering who the hell Roxie is. Well, she’s the Gerard JR of course. Only, Tragie didn’t keep her, she let Lucifer have her like she promised, ‘cause if we we’re taking care of Roxie, she’d be one screwed up, mentally scarred 5 year old, let me tell you. We see Roxie all the time though, since Lucifer lives right above us. We’re lucky she’s even alive though, I guess she’s just tough like Tragie. But if she turns out anything like Tragik, I think Lucifer’s just about screwed.
“Pansie, come get soda with me” Frank told me, standing up and pushing Ray off his lap.
Ray and Sean are still together, surprisingly. At first it was weird seeing them make out all the time, and now, it’s just a regular, normal thing.
I shrugged, “Why not?” and followed him into the small kitchen/dining room.
He tossed me a Mountain Dew, “So I had this question I felt like asking”
“Shoot” I shrugged again.
“Well,” He said nervously, “I was thinking that…”
“We should get married”