‹ Prequel: My Intoxication

My Intoxicated Romance

I'm so cool, you can taste it

-Tragik’s POV-
“NEVER!” she squealed and ran around.
“Bah.” I sighed and stood up walking into the kitchen to snatch a beer. (Me? An alcoholic? Naw, never. (Note: Band name= My Intoxication))

I stalked into the kitchen, snatched a beer out of the fridge and returned to my place on the couch next to Insayne.
“My, my another one.” She commented
“Oh shut the fuck up.” I rolled my eyes and flicked open the beer, only to cover myself in the white foamy mess (you best not get perverted thoughts from that).
“Can I have some?” Roxie looked at me with her big pleading eyes.
“Dream on.” I sighed and took a sip.
“Fucktard.” She muttered under her breath.
“What was that?” I asked, glaring at her, almost challenging the five year old
“FUCK-TARD!” she screamed.
“ASS-WIPE!” I screamed back
“MISSES WENTZ!” she yelped
“LUCIFER! GET YOUR CHILD OUT OF HER NOW!!” My face must have been fifteen different shades of red as I threw the child and her “father” out the door.

“Little fucking whore bag slut face…who the fucking hell does she think she fucking is…” I mumbled.
“She thinks she’s just like her ‘favorite auntie’ Tragik.” Gerard pointed out, using air quotes around “favorite auntie” like it was some role in a play I had assumed.
“Yeah, yeah.” I scoffed. I started to wonder if I acted like this as a kid. Then I decided the answer had to be no since I didn’t have parents as fucked up as me and Gerard. We get the Grammy Awards for fucked up parents.
"I can't believe you got into a fight with a five year old." Pansie looked at me.
"I'm so cool, you can taste it." I stuck my tongue out
"And he tastes like you only sweeter." she added.

Time Elapse
“So when do we do that tour shit?” Frank asked
“WHOSE ‘THAT TOUR SHIT’ AND WHY HAVE YOU BEEN DOING HER!?!?” Pansie cried softly into her hands.
It took me a little while to realize if she was kidding, she might have been serious. Pansie Grace Aiden=Slow.
“Uh…. We’re going on tour?” I asked.
“Yes sweetie, we’re in a band now.” Dysfunctional patted my shoulder
“OH YEAH!” Tragik Maxine Aiden= Slower.
“Okay then…” Gerard sat there, rolling his eyes. “I think we go… the 23rd?”
“Dude… it’s already the 24th” Mikey said
“Then screw what I said!” he exclaimed. “When are we going?”
“Wish I knew… Who are we touring with?” Bob asked.
“Uh… The Used were headlining… MCR opening for them…. My Intoxication opening for those fucked MCR fags. And… Mindless Self Indulgence opening for you guys... and Paramore opening up the whole shin-ding.” Ray said.
“HA. MCR sure are fucked as hell.” Gerard agreed.
“Yes. But when?” I whined.
“Shush, Whiney Bear. A week from Thursday is when we leave.” Pansie cooed.
“Whiney Bear?” Sean asked.
“Don’t even go there.” I glared at him.