Status: Complete.



A boy that always did what he was told, that was the “perfect child”, that was adored, loved, by everyone, a boy that was known as a prodigy. That same boy was my best friend and I knew more about him then anyone.

Lucas Ryans, was known as the perfect son. Every father, mother, family wished that this boy could be called their own because he was just that bloody perfect.

He was beautiful and had perfect skin without a single blemish. Any game or sport, he could play perfectly. Any instrument, he could master it. The boy could do anything and everything; he was just born with what people called a ‘gift’.

Because of this his parents tried to keep him the way he was, perfect. They controlled his life. You are to do this everyday, you have to play every sport, you have to get straight A’s, you have to be in the band, you can’t go to those parties, you can’t hang out with your friends because you have to study.

It wasn’t his life and he complained to me about it everyday.

On the outside Lucas would smile, laugh, and act like a calm, mature, and responsible adult, but behind the scenes where no one but I could see…Lucas became a monster.

He screamed, he cussed, he broke things, and he acted like a five-year-old brat. I never understood why, during the day, in public he’d act like he was perfect when we both knew that his imperfections were horrible. I never asked though, I was just here to listen.

“Fuck them!” He’d always screech at the top of his lungs. His hair would stand at odd ends after he reached up to rip at it. “I hate them! All of them are just fucking imbecile’s I hate them!”

I knew what Lucas did when no one was around. I knew that on the inside he wasn’t nice, funny, or even a remotely good person. On the inside he was egotistic, cruel, and a down right asshole. But he couldn’t be like that in public. I don’t know why he did it…I’m guessing it’s because he wanted to make his parents happy. He wanted them to love him and he knew that if they knew the real him it wouldn’t work.

I never understood why he put up with it. If your parents can’t love you for you…then why bother? But the boy did and again I never asked.

He’d simply smile and say, “Yes mother. I understand mother. Ok father. I understand father.”

He’d obey them like a dog until they were no longer around, then he’d go wild.

They never noticed the missing alcohol that Lucas would inhale when it was only the two of us. Sometimes I’d try to stop him, try to talk him out of it, but one cold glare had me stop. They didn’t realize that he was buying cigarettes that he craved. They didn’t realize that he did the drugs when they weren’t around.

On the outside Lucas was the perfect child with a great reputation, skillful fingers, intoxicating words, and a charming small, but on the inside Lucas was completely heartless.

Not that anyone would believe me if I actually told them. No, no Lucas could never do that. He’s such a sweet heart! That’s what they would say, but if only they could see him now…his head hanging over the toilet, puking his guts out.

I held his hair up, allowing the boy to get the toxins out of his system. Once he finished, he groaned, his hand slipping on the handle to wash the evidence away. I moved back, allowing him to sit up and grab a towel to remove the remains from his lips. It only took a second or two for him to brush his teeth.

“Lets go,” Lucas ordered harshly, standing up as if he hadn’t just been sick moments ago.

I nodded my head, silently following after the boy. I knew where we were going so I didn’t bother questioning him. Lucas grabbed a jacket, throwing it over his shoulders, the two of us moved to the bottom floor where he gave his parents a smile that the real Lucas would never do.

“Mother, father,” spoke sweetly, putting on that act. “We’re going out. Do you mind?”

“Not at all sweetie,” Lucas’s mother squeaked, because she adored me she’d occasionally let Lucas and I go out. “Just be back by 10.”

“All right,” he kissed them both on the cheek like the good boy that he is. “I love you both.”

When the two of us were out of sight his smile fell and his eyes darkened. It was like a whole new person was put before me. No more smiles, no more sweet voices, no more soft eyes, just a cold, masked, statue of a boy that I pitied.

Lucas pulled out a cigarette, making sure to throw up his hood so no one would recognize him. He wouldn’t want to get caught smoking now would he?

I watched as the boy inhaled the fumes before blowing them out, allowing the smoke to ascend into the sky. I blinked my eyes, watching as it slowly disappeared. It didn’t take the two of us long to reach our hang out, a hill that looked over our town.

We found it long ago.

“Why me, Joni?” Lucas asked from his lying position beside me, his voice cold like a winters day. “Why was it me of all people?”

I look curiously at him, my chocolate brown eyes scanning over his relaxed posture, something he wouldn’t do if anyone we knew were around.

I reached my hand up, placing it on his shoulder, and squeezing it reassuringly. He looked back at me and I could see the water works in his eyes, but Lucas would never let them fall. He was too stubborn for that.

I gave him my best smile since that was all I could do. Speaking, I haven’t done it since I was eight years old and Lucas knew it. He never tried to push to me to talk like most people, which is why I guess I became friends with him. Maybe it was because of the pity? I’m a bit unsure why now since it’s been so long since our friendship began.

Lucas took one look at the silly, toothy grin I was giving him before chuckling softly. “I guess I’ll just have to live with it, live with my parents expectations, huh?”

I shrugged my shoulders, kicking lightly at the grass before us. The sigh that escaped his lips clearly stated that he had grown tired of being the perfect son, but we both knew that he wasn’t going to stop any time soon. He had parents to impress.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, it's ANOTHER story
Live with it because it's replacing "Trash"
