Status: Complete.



I stood in the living room, my eyes trained on the body on the couch. I watched as his chest rose and fell. I watched his nose wigglecutely and his body move to get more comfortable. I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that he was staying.

Lucas was staying. He wasn’t going to leave. He was going to stay here with me. I wasn’t going to lose my best friend again.

I sighed in relief before moving to the couch. There I shake the boy a couple of times, but he refused to wake up. He was smiling though and I knew what he wanted me to do. I really didn’t want to though…but that was the deal.

I speak. He stays.

I don’t think he realized how hard it was for me to do this. He didn’t know why I didn’t talk in the first place. I didn’t plan on telling him either.

He had to give up the freedom of leaving this hell. I have to give up silence.

“L-Lucas,” I croaked. “W-Wake up.”

My voice had changed, a lot since I last heard it, which was when I was 8. It had gotten deeper and it hurt my throat slightly to speak. Probably because I haven’t done it in so long and it wasn’t used to it.

Lucas opened his eyes, grinning, he sits up and says, “I want you to do that every morning.”

His eyes looked down at me, scanning over my face and causing me to blush. Why, I don’t know. It made my heart jump and stomach do summersaults.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat then stood. Moving into the kitchen I throw on some eggs and bacon, because I was just in the mood.

The sound of footsteps told me Lucas was making his way into the kitchen. I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see that I was right, he was leaning against the door way watching me cook.

“Where’s Nicole?” He asks. The way her name slid off his tongue told me he didn’t like her very much.

I bit my bottom lip, unsure if I should answer with words or not. Taking in a deep breath I mumble, “S-She w-w-went to w-work.”

I couldn’t seem to say anything without stuttering. It was making me feel like an idiot. I’m blaming it on the fact that I haven’t spoken in a while. That way it won’t make me feel as stupid.

Lucas nodded and sat on the counter. He talked to me and tried to get me to say a full sentence, but was failing. I still didn’t feel comfortable talking, so whenever he said something I didn’t have to answer to I wouldn’t.

Lucas wanted me to talk, but he was going to have to wait until I was used to it again.

After we finished eating breakfast we got dressed and left. I dragged Lucas around town, pointing out stores we used to go to, places we hung out, and houses that held our old acquaintances. The entire day we spent together and it was great.

I thought it was going to stay great…but I guess no day can be perfect.

Lucas and I were walking down the streets, minding our own business, when I heard an all too familiar laugh. My head shot to the left, to the white house just across the street.

Sitting in the drive way was a familiar yellow car. Nicole’s, yellow car to be exact. My eyes looked away from the vehicle though to see her standing at the door, her arms wrapped around a man’s neck.

Lucas has stopped behind me as well, watching the two across the street super glue their lips together. I felt my stomach become queasy as I watched my girlfriend kiss another guy.

So Lucas was right…she isn’t what I thought she was. I can’t trust her.

“Joni,” Lucas sighed, his hands placing themselves on my shoulders. “Lets go.”

Going would be the best. I didn’t want to see what else she was going to do. I looked away fast and walked quickly down the sidewalk with Lucas right beside me.

When we got back to the apartment I went into my room and used the pillows as a punching bag. Lucas didn’t bother me until I finished beating the cushions and made my way into the living room where I placed myself on his lap.

I didn’t care if he felt uncomfortable or not because right now I just wanted a hug. I put my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crock of his neck and allowed the few tears to roll down my cheeks.

Yes it hurt. I did like Nicole. She was sweet and she didn’t treat me like a freak. She treated me like I was a normal person, so yes it did hurt to lose her. Not as much as I thought, but it still did.

“She’s a bitch, she didn’t deserve you anyways,” Lucas breathed into my ear, his hands massaging my back.

I nodded. Maybe if I thought of it like that it’ll make it feel less painful?

Sighing, I whisper into his neck, “You’re the b-best Lucas.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, I updated!
