Status: Complete.



Knowing that Lucas was here with me, no matter what, is definitely comforting. After telling him my story I expected him to leave. I had some crap to deal with. I had some bad and traumatizing memories in my past and honestly, who wants to put up with someone like me?

But with Lucas that wasn’t the case.

I got to wake up in his arms. I got to hear him tell me that he cared. I got to feel him hold me and kiss me and I realized that he really doesn’t care. He’s going to stay with me, even if I have a few things that I need to get over and deal with.

The thought relaxed me. It made me smile all day at work…

When it was finally time for me to leave I was ecstatic. I rushed to get home and when I did Lucas was there waiting on the couch with Chase sleeping on his lap. Seeing him still there made me smile.

“Hey,” he greets me as I walk over to him.

Chase moved and I took his spot on Lucas’s lap. The boy smiles up at me and I lean in to ghost my lips over his own. This morning Lucas and I went a little farther than kissing, just a little.

Trust me, I’m not a virgin. I am pretty talented in that department if I do say so myself. It’s just…I’ve never tried any of it with another guy. Technically it’s the same thing. Kissing is kissing. Groping is groping.

But at the same time it’s totally different. It’s hard to explain.

I didn’t want Lucas to feel like I didn’t want to do anything with him though. Trust me, I do. I really do…I just need some time. I need for it to go slowly until I’m used to it.

“I’m hungry,” I inform him.

Lucas laughs. “What do you want?”


He rolls his eyes, places a quick kiss on my nose, and sets me on the couch before getting up. I watchhis ass him move into the kitchen. There he searched the cabinets and decided to make brownies. I love junk food.

God, I’m such a fatty.

“I’m…thinking about getting a job,” Lucas suddenly says.

I glance back at him and tilt my head to the side curiously. He didn’t look at me as he sighs, “I want to help out with the bills and stuff…after all I am living here.”

“You…y-you don’t h-have to.” Really, I could afford the two of us. My job gave me enough money and Lucas didn’t have to get a job. I didn’t mind if he sat at home all day or not. He could do what he wanted.As long as he stayed here with me.

“No, I do.” Lucas looks back at me, seriousness in his eyes. “I want to help up, babe.”

I knew my cheeks are on fire. I can just feel it. But I’m ok with that, because something told me that Lucas likes it when I blush.

Maybe it’s the way he runs his hands over my cheek when I do, or maybe it’s that breathtaking smile he throws my way. I’m not sure, I just know.

“All right,” I mumble running my hands up and down my thighs for no real reason. “B-But only if y-you want.”

The smile on his face told me that he’s glad I’m ok with it.

When the brownies were done Lucas brought them into the living room for me. He sat down and I might have shocked him when I immediately jumped into his lap, but I liked the feeling. I like him to hold me and kiss me.

It felt right. It felt nice, like I was just supposed to be there, as cheesy and cliché as it sounds.

The two of us ate our brownies and watched some TV in silence. Lucas ran his hands up and down the outside of my thighs. It sent shivers down my spine and by the smirk I could feel in the back of my neck, I knew that he knew what he was doing.

I look back at him to see his eyes on me. Once again I blushed, but it didn’t stop me from turning around in his lap so my legs were around his waist and arms around his neck.

“Um…c-can we pick up f-from where we l-left off this morning?” I ask, blushing furiously at the mischievous grin that made its way onto his flawless face.

“If you want to,” he answers, slipping both arms around me to pull us closer together. My hands went to rest on his firm chest as he tilted his head up to look at me, lips only inches away from my own.

I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent,which is intoxicating. Working up the courage I lean down, connecting our lips softly but it got rougher, more passionate as time went on. Something warm and wet ran across my lips, begging for entrance.

I knew what it was and nervously I opened my mouth. Lucas moved in, running across my teeth, cheeks, and roof of my mouth. There was no use trying to hold in my moans, they slipped out anyways.

It just felt so good.

Using my current height advantage I push his tongue back where it belongs. It definitely shocked him that I was playing the “dominant one” for a moment and I had to admit it felt good to be little more powerful than him.

My tongue explored his moist cavern, tangling with his tongue, sucking on it, running over his cheeks and in the trench between his teeth and bottom lip. Lucas groanedit was hot. I pulled his bottom lip into my mouth, nibbling on it slightly before releasing it.

We both were panting and blushing. Mine more obvious than his.

“That was nice,” he chuckles, pulling me in for a quick peck.

I smile and play with his shirt as I mumble, “Yeah…it was.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ANOTHER make out session
But you see idk what to write at the moment so I kind of just wrote Joni's feelings at the moment
And added in a treat
