Status: Slowly Active

Leave Me Be

Content- Storms POV

“Storm.” James called loudly. I cringed slightly at his voice. The mere thought, sight, or sound of him put me on edge. I turned around slowly and pasted on a fake smile.

“Yes?” I asked, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I waited for him to catch up. He grinned at me when he was about a stair away.

“How was class?” He asked. I resisted rolling my eyes.

“Fine.” I replied, and started walking up the steps faster then usual.

“Where’s Skylar?” He asked, giving me a worried look.

“He’s sick.” I said. My stomach did flip flops at the mention of my boyfriend. Yepp. Boyfriend. We had made the decision to go out again, but keep it extremely quiet. Which was turning out to be a lot harder then I thought it’d be.

“Aw damn, what’s he got?” He asked.

“Flu.” I replied, and wiped at my stuffy nose.

“Gross.” James drawled. I shrugged.

“I guess. It just means he’s got a fever and is all sick. It’s no big deal.” I said, jogging down a corridor quickly.

“Geez Storm! Why are you running?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and stopped, turning on him with a frown on my face. It didn’t make sense that he was still walking around with me. Usually he accepted the brush off gracefully and said goodbye.

“What do you want James?” I hissed. He just grinned sneakily.

“Nothing.” He said. The smile was the thing that threw me off and I took a cautious step back. That smile scared the shit out of me. It was almost as if I had been thrust back in time.

“J-James. I’m going to go to class now.” I said shakily. The grin turned from sneaky to sadistic. And that’s when I smelled it.

Polyjuice potion had turned into a very popular potion in the school. Kids used it all the time to pull pranks. However, there was one thing you could never mask when you changed. Your natural scent. I’d always loved the way people smelled. Different smells triggered different memories. So, it made sense why I didn’t realize it till now who I was standing with. Stupid cold.

“Kevin. Go away.” I snarled, but the harshness in my voice was quite noticeably replaced with fear.

“You always were intuitive, Storm.” He said, walking towards me. I gulped and took another step back.

“What do you want?” I breathed out, taking another step back and preparing to go dashing down the corridor…. Right up until my back hit a wall. The sadistic smile spread even wider across his face. I took a deep breath and calmed my entire body as he stepped even closer. The polyjuice potion was fading fast and his chiseled features were coming in clearer. I tried staying completely calm. Up until he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Storm, you know-“ I didn’t let him finish his statement. I hurled a curse at him, sending him spiraling into the air and against a wall. He laid there for a few seconds. Those few seconds gave me a head start down the corridor.

I was nearing the grand staircase when I felt a curse hit me in the back. It caused me to trip and nearly fall over the railing. I managed to push myself into a standing position and send a curse right back, destroying a nearby carving and sending stone and debris flying and all over the students below. Causing them to scream and look up.

“You stupid cunt!” He shouted at me. I grimaced at the disgusting word.

“What Kevy? Cant take a little heat?!” I shouted back, and cast a spell that shot a blast of fire at him. His screams of shock and pain reached me as I sprinted down the stairs. After two flights, the staircase exploded two feet in front of me. I jumped back and looked up to see Kevin standing there with a smirk.

“Forgetting that I know just as much magic as you, little miss Stormy?” He sneered. I barked out a laugh.

“You wish!” I shouted, and hopped down the blasted away stairs, using a spell to slow down my descent until I hit the bottom floor. I looked back up to see him sliding down the banisters, fast. “Damnit!” I cursed, and tore off into the great hall.

At this point in time, there were plenty of people looking on in fear and shock.

“CRUCIO!!!” I heard someone shout. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the flash of light before the only thing I felt was pain. Black spots blossomed over my vision. A wailing of screaming pain filled my ears and my throat became raw. It was then I realized the screaming was me. Finally the pain stopped and there was complete silence as I gasped on the floor.

“So. Miss Storm.” A sadistic voice chuckled. I looked up to see Kevin standing there next to Scorpious, who was holding his wand as if it was a vile instrument that he didn’t want near him.

“You little prick.” I hissed at Scorpious. Kevin just chuckled as Scorpious cringed and folded in on himself.

“Storm, I’ve told you before. You cant win.” Kevin said. I placed my hands shakily on the ground and sat myself up a little bit.

“Wanna bet?” I snarled. He just smirked. I lifted my hand and pointed my finger at him.

“Avada Keda-“

“No! Storm! Stop it!” An all too familiar voice shouted. I kept my eyes focused on Kevin, who looked scared out of his mind at the curse I was about to cast. “Storm. Stop it.” Skylar said, running through the huge double doors and to my side. He glared at Kevin. “Petrificus totalus!” He shouted, freezing Kevin before he could block it. He collapsed to the ground with a loud thunk. Everything was quiet for a total of two seconds. Then everyone started freaking out and screaming for teachers. I leaned into Skylar and hugged him closely.

“Thank you.” I whispered fervently. He kissed my sweat covered forehead and held me to him.

“No need to thank me. I told you I’d always be here to protect you.” He said. I was still shivering from the pain of the cruciatus curse.

“I love you, Skylar.” I whispered.

“I love you, too, Storm.” He said quietly. At those words I finally succumbed to the pain and passed out.

I woke up in the hospital wing. Surrounded by my friends, and James. I smiled warmly at them all. “Hey.” I croaked out.

“How you doing?” Skylar asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Fabulous.” I said sarcastically.

“Obviously you are fine since you can still properly use sarcasm.” He teased. We all laughed together, although mine was a little sarcastic and dry.

“How long have I been out?” I asked.

“A week.” James answered. I rolled my eyes.

“What’s with me and passing out for extended periods of time?” I joked. Skylar laughed.

“You were always the laziest.” He teased.

“Haha. Aren’t we witty today?” I teased right back. He shrugged and smirked. I lightly hit him across the face. “So fill me in on the goings on!” I demanded with a laugh.

“Good news. Kevin is in jail. And this time, he’s gone to Azkaban.” Lizzie said with a happy smile. I grinned and felt my chapped lips crack in a few places.

“Lovely.” I said and licked my lips to try to make them moist. Skylar pulled out a tube of chapstick and handed it over for me to use.

“And, Marcus and Lizzie are dating!” Chad cheered. I smiled brightly.

“Finally!” I shouted. They all laughed, except Marcus and Lizzie who blushed and looked away.

“And, Scorpius was expelled!” James cheered. I laughed.

“Your welcome, Potter.” I joked. He just grinned at me.

“And, finally. The entire group knows everything.” Marcus said.

“Everything?” I asked, looking at Chad, Skylar, and Lizzie.

“They know I’m bi.” Chad stated.

“We know you’re dating Skylar.” Lizzie said.

“And they found out about your uncle.” Skylar said quietly. There was a long silence.

“Well. I’ll be goddamned. This is turning out to be way easier then I thought it was gonna be.” I said with a smirk.

“What is?” Skylar asked. I grinned up at me.

“Life.” I said. He chuckled. “Now, I need my rest you crazy people.” I said, and made shooing motions.

“But Stormy!” They all groaned in unison.

“Leave me be!” I shouted dramatically. The all just laughed before filing out of the infirmary. For the first time in a long time, I felt perfectly content with everything that was happening to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know. I havent updated in three months. And, its rediculous. I saw that today and was completely disgusted with myself. I'm so sorry! And to all of those who comment and subscribe and whatnot. Thank you. I love you all so much. And I'm so sorry for taking so long to update.

Now, about this chapter: I'm pretty sure This is the last one. I feel like I've already dragged it on too long and that it doesnt flow well. So, I'm done. I think. Yah. Probably. Most likely. Anyways! So thanks for reading :)

With all of my love,