Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

When You're Dreaming With a Broken Heart,

The room was dark, the faint sound of the rain pattering against the Earth. She sat curled up by the window, mimicking the actions of the sky. Aloneness filled the confined apartment as the noises of LA thickened the silence. Her cell phone lay in her right hand, she somehow wishing his ring tone would chime. A sudden sickening thud went about the room as she broke into sobs, her body shaking.

[ & &]

The moonlight shone thorough the open window in New Jersey as he stared off into the sky. He too held his phone, her name appearing on the screen. Looking between the Send and Delete button, he groaned, hitting his head against the wall. A stream of a tear fell from his left eye as the screen appeared again his final decision made. Taking one last breath, he pressed delete, permanently removing her existence from his life..
♠ ♠ ♠
New Story, i am really excited for this one and have very big plans (:

