Sequel: When We Remembered
Status: Active

Remembering To Forget

She Takes You In With Your Crying Eyes

Silence. The one thing I hated, Yet it was the only thing I heard. Slowly tracing the grand piano’s keys, I pressed down on one lightly, the tune bouncing off of the walls. Aligning my fingers along the shiny cold surface, My eyes closed; fingers gliding. Slowly growing the cords, the melodic tune filled my ears, coming straight from my heart.

A small footstep hit the hardwood floor, making me jump slightly, abruptly stop playing. Sighing in frustration, I mumbled something to myself before looking up at the door frame, where the tall figure stood.

Before i even opened my mouth, A chocolate pair of brown eyes met my own, catching me off guard completely. My breath hitched up in my throat, unable to release the proper amount of Carbon Dioxide.

“Can we talk?” He slowly murmured, the sweet voice coming out as a silent hush. Without a second thought, I grabbed my notebook, and bolted for the open door. A strong pair of arms gripped my right shoulder, stopping me dead in my tracks.

“Don’t make me call security.” I hissed, unraveling his arm from my own. He closed the door silently, the room lightly dimmed from the light glowing away in the far right corner. I didn’t make eye contact, instead sat back at the piano, letting out a frustrating sigh.

“Whitney,” Nick started, practically chocking on his own words, “I am truly sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you like this.” he whispered, as i felt my blood pressure rise increasingly. Looking up at him unbelievably.

“Ha. You think you can just bend down on your knee’s and beg for your forgiveness? God dammit, the world isn’t that simple. One thing I’ve learned. Never to forgive jackasses like you.” I snarled back, keeping everything I could from not punching him right then and there. Life was just easy for him. He got girls attention, But I frankly didn’t care about that. He did however have everything while he was growing up. Amazing siblings, and seemingly caring parents. I however, was treated like a piece of shit, throughout my childhood, being an only child. I passed through school like a breeze, but I’d always envied people such as Nick. He had people who nurtured him, to teach him the right path to go in life. I was the one who had to make the life regretting mistakes, the One who had to earn things for a living. I’d worked since I was nine, heck, I’d freaking been homeless for over two years. No matter what, It never seemed to seep into his fat head.

“I don’t need your forgiveness Whitney, I just want you to know that I understand what I put you through for the past couple months.” He answered back softly. I wanted to laugh, But I stopped myself once again.

“Past couple of months? Please, even I knew you were cheating on me longer than that. How long was it really? Was she worth it?” I barked back, Letting a seemingness tear roll down my cheek. Regret filled his brown orbs, the pain still visible from the distance we both were at.

“Tell me.” I demanded, wanting to know the real truth. He let out an exasperating sigh, finally ready to tell the truth.

[ & & ]

Miley sat at her computer desk, Mandy sitting with an evil grin next to her. Gossip sites by dozens were opened up on the page, Both girls giggling as they posted numerous lies about Her.A tight see through mesh shirt sat loosely along her waist, the bright pink push up bra visible. Black booty shorts sat along her thin waist, her thong visible to the seeker.

“Do you think he is here yet?” Miley whispered in Mandy’s ear, the hushed tones barely even heard across the room. He clicks against the Mac were swift, laughing at ever lie they read. Miley needed her revenge, and hell, she was going to get it.

Both girls heard a knock from the glass door, smiles erupting on both faces. He was long awaited, and only the two knew about it. After all, they were dirty lying cheaters.

“Liam!” Miley screeched, jumping into his strong muscular arms. She squealed loudly as both of there lips connected in a hot steamy kiss. Mandy smiled evilly, printing up a article that was sure to work. Perfect.
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Heyyloo! Overdue, i know, but my updates are getting better, atleast I hope... aha

Comment please??
